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  1. #1
    ShredMN is offline Banned
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    Ephedrine HCL safety

    I've found a source for ephedrine, however I have some questions about its safety when stacked with caffeine and aspirin. First off, can I replace the aspirin with a lot of fish oil, has anyone done this? Secondly, is the FDA bullshitting people by saying people "may" have died from ephedrine use. It seems that the FDA wasn't able to say that ephedrine was the reason for some deaths that they tried to link to the product. I hate the FDA as it is, so I'm not likely to take their advice on anything, but I'm wondering what everyone thinks about the safety of the stack.

    Body Stats:
    22 years old
    < 10% Body fat
    (that's less than for the people who are not math savvy)

  2. #2
    ppwc1985's Avatar
    ppwc1985 is offline Productive Member
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    I have used it for years, and I have had no problems. Now I do believe it is a very powerful stack and you have to use common sense when using. It can be very dangerous if abused. As far as using the fish oils, no the stack is effective due to the combination.

  3. #3
    Gioz's Avatar
    Gioz is offline Junior Member
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    I'm interested in ... ephedrine with caffeine is very good to remove the fat ..
    I've read that people with bf 15 \ 16% can not take because it makes little impact.
    It 's true?

  4. #4
    ppwc1985's Avatar
    ppwc1985 is offline Productive Member
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    That's bullcrap, don't listen to ppl, try it everyone is different. It's a fat burner. They say don't cycle if over 15% too, IMO that's bullcrap too. As long as you do it safely and use AI I see nothing wrong. My bf was way high cause I put on 80 lbs in about 3 years driving truck, went from 225 low bf to 308 with very high bf and dropped it down to 22 % with var on first cycle. I just think you need to use common sense and make sure to use AI and like I said I ain't saying its for everyone, but it has worked for me over last year. I bb when in my 20s and always used eca and IMO its best fb out there. I think it's even better then clen / t3 stack.

  5. #5
    ppwc1985's Avatar
    ppwc1985 is offline Productive Member
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    But if you not eating right and cutting calories aunt nothing going to work

  6. #6
    ShredMN is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by ppwc1985 View Post
    As long as you do it safely and use AI I see nothing wrong
    What would be the point of using an AI with an ECA stack?

  7. #7
    ppwc1985's Avatar
    ppwc1985 is offline Productive Member
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    Was talking about when using var, u need to Reread that. Eca don't need no AI lol

  8. #8
    senorrebo is offline Associate Member
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    Honestly, I take the FDA warnings about ephedrine with a grain of salt. The warnings came to light, coincidentally, around the time it exploded in popularity as a precursor for manufacturing other stuff.

  9. #9
    rmbX66t1 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by senorrebo View Post
    Honestly, I take the FDA warnings about ephedrine with a grain of salt. The warnings came to light, coincidentally, around the time it exploded in popularity as a precursor for manufacturing other stuff.
    I believe this has a huge impact, coupled with the fact that most of the reported incidents are related to recreational drug usage as opposed to carefully calculated fat burning stacks, by individuals improving their health. You dose ephedrine properly, and maintain proper health, you're far from at serious risk. You crush ephedrine pills like candy, while taking amphetamines, you're suddenly at a much higher risk of danger.

  10. #10
    diabolicsoul is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShredMN View Post
    I've found a source for ephedrine, however I have some questions about its safety when stacked with caffeine and aspirin. First off, can I replace the aspirin with a lot of fish oil, has anyone done this? Secondly, is the FDA bullshitting people by saying people "may" have died from ephedrine use. It seems that the FDA wasn't able to say that ephedrine was the reason for some deaths that they tried to link to the product. I hate the FDA as it is, so I'm not likely to take their advice on anything, but I'm wondering what everyone thinks about the safety of the stack.

    Body Stats:
    22 years old
    < 10% Body fat
    (that's less than for the people who are not math savvy)
    Do you know anything about proper dosing? A lot of people tell you to cut out the aspirin anyways. The potential sides aren't worth running it. Yes take fish oil when you are running it. Drink a lot of water as well.

    Yes, people can die. but, you can die from drinking water to quickly.

    The people that have died probably took 10x the amount in one dose or were hypersensitive to the stuff or other health reasons.

    Start out slow, work your way up the the recommended dose.

  11. #11
    ShredMN is offline Banned
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    Yeah I have the dosage protocol bookmarked. The only reason for taking aspirin along with E&C is to counteract the possibility of blood clots, correct?

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