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  1. #1
    bigdogchoppers's Avatar
    bigdogchoppers is offline New Member
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    Is my supplier giving me the correct info?

    This is my 6th cycle. Previous cycles are:

    1st cycle. 250 test per week for 10 weeks
    2nd cycle. 500 test per week for 10 weeks
    3rd cycle. 500 test per week for 10 weeks + Dbol weeks (1-4)
    4th cycle. 500 test per week for 10 weeks + Dbol weeks (1-4)
    5th cycle. 500 test per week for 10 weeks + Dbol weeks (1-4) and .5cc Tren ed

    My last cycle ended about 5 months ago. Here is what Im wanting to start.

    .75cc ED Prop Weeks 1-10
    .5cc Tren eod Weeks 1-8
    1cc Decca e3d Weeks 1-8

    Dosages of tren and decca are low bc Im currently overseas and I get my vacation after the first of the year and I ABSOLUTELY can not have limp dick. Now here is my question. My supplier is telling me to make sure this doesnt happen to take my nolva, clomid, and Proviron daily while on my cycle with the clomid at 50 and the nolva at 20. Would you guys recommend this? Let me know if you need any further info.
    Im also posting this in the PCT thread. Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    BlueWaffle21's Avatar
    BlueWaffle21 is offline Senior Member
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    What are your stats? Age/Ht/Wt/etc

    What are the mgml of each compound?

    Usually you don't take 2 19-nor compunds according to the vets on here.

    You have an AI and Prolactin antagonist?

    As it looks now your source is a jack ass! Nolva and Clomid are generally run for PCT and Caber or Prami are run during cycle to prevent increased prolactin. You want to run and AI like Aromasin during your cycle to keep estrogen in check. If your estrogen stays low then prolactin shouldn't be an issue but keep prami/caber on hands just in case. Read the sticky by Atomini about Tren .

  3. #3
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Lay off the Tren and Deca wat are your stats ht wt age bf% years in gym and goals.A .5 cc of tren isnt going to do anything.And its really not good to mix 2 19nors.Give us some info on you so we know where to start.

  4. #4
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    age. 22 (in 2009)
    height. 6-2
    weight. 212
    BF% I honestly have no idea... maybe 15-20%

    How were your gains on your previous cycle? I suggest getting your BF down first and diet on track.
    Get your PCT worked out. What did you do for PCT before? how was recovery? If you must I would choose between the Tren or Deca and not do both yet. If you were happy with tren last time stick with it.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 10-29-2012 at 09:01 AM.

  5. #5
    bigdogchoppers's Avatar
    bigdogchoppers is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the replys.

    Age 26
    Height 6'2
    Weight 209
    Bf% about 15

    Gym experience: Working out for past 6 years. Certified personal trainer at Golds for 3 years. Im not saying I know everything by no means. But I have a decent amount of experience.
    I do not have a AI. All I have is Nolva, Clomid, and Proviron .

  6. #6
    bigdogchoppers's Avatar
    bigdogchoppers is offline New Member
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    Songdog, how much would you recommend running with the Tren ? I loved it last time. But Im curious bc I come home from Afghanistan after this cycle ends around January and I absolutely can not risk having limp dick.
    This is the 2nd time you and lovbyts have helped me out

  7. #7
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Age 26 and 6th cycle...6'2" 209lbs 15% BF?????????

    Seems to me like your waisting gear!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. #8
    wannabe_ninja is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigdogchoppers
    This is my 6th cycle. Previous cycles are:

    1st cycle. 250 test per week for 10 weeks
    2nd cycle. 500 test per week for 10 weeks
    3rd cycle. 500 test per week for 10 weeks + Dbol weeks (1-4)
    4th cycle. 500 test per week for 10 weeks + Dbol weeks (1-4)
    5th cycle. 500 test per week for 10 weeks + Dbol weeks (1-4) and .5cc Tren ed

    My last cycle ended about 5 months ago. Here is what Im wanting to start.

    .75cc ED Prop Weeks 1-10
    .5cc Tren eod Weeks 1-8
    1cc Decca e3d Weeks 1-8

    Dosages of tren and decca are low bc Im currently overseas and I get my vacation after the first of the year and I ABSOLUTELY can not have limp dick. Now here is my question. My supplier is telling me to make sure this doesnt happen to take my nolva, clomid, and Proviron daily while on my cycle with the clomid at 50 and the nolva at 20. Would you guys recommend this? Let me know if you need any further info.
    Im also posting this in the PCT thread. Thanks in advance.
    Why would you run a pct during your cycle? At the most run aromasin , or arimidex on cycle for estrogen control. Im pretty sure that dose of tren isnt going to do much. Most of the vets are going to tell you to get you bf% at or lower than 12% before hitting a aas cycle. More prone to gyno with a high % bf

  9. #9
    Juced_porkchop's Avatar
    Juced_porkchop is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigdogchoppers View Post
    This is my 6th cycle. Previous cycles are:

    1st cycle. 250 test per week for 10 weeks
    2nd cycle. 500 test per week for 10 weeks
    3rd cycle. 500 test per week for 10 weeks + Dbol weeks (1-4)
    4th cycle. 500 test per week for 10 weeks + Dbol weeks (1-4)
    5th cycle. 500 test per week for 10 weeks + Dbol weeks (1-4) and .5cc Tren ed

    My last cycle ended about 5 months ago. Here is what Im wanting to start.

    .75cc ED Prop Weeks 1-10
    .5cc Tren eod Weeks 1-8
    1cc Decca e3d Weeks 1-8

    Dosages of tren and decca are low bc Im currently overseas and I get my vacation after the first of the year and I ABSOLUTELY can not have limp dick. Now here is my question. My supplier is telling me to make sure this doesnt happen to take my nolva, clomid, and Proviron daily while on my cycle with the clomid at 50 and the nolva at 20. Would you guys recommend this? Let me know if you need any further info.
    Im also posting this in the PCT thread. Thanks in advance.
    Dont use SERMS on cycle use it for PCT SERM= clomid/ nolva (at the very least dont depend on them, get an AI to FIX the isssue not cover it up.)
    alot of old schoolers out of the loop (or ignoring it) might tell you still that NO AI is needed and just a SERM. this is now known to be flawed now, but some have their mind set regardless of info and studies.. so...
    eg, edema (bloat) can = high BP, well a SERM is not fixing that nvm many other reasons.

    also have something on hand for prog build up like Prami.
    AND proviron seems to be nice for libido on cycle so i think you could still use that during cycle if you wish.

    I also rec trying your cycles to 12-16 weeks, never less then 12, i feel its such a wast in my op.

  10. #10
    bigdogchoppers's Avatar
    bigdogchoppers is offline New Member
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    Would you recommend running Aromasin ? or is there something else you guys like? Thanks again

  11. #11
    bigdogchoppers's Avatar
    bigdogchoppers is offline New Member
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    Songdog, should I drop the Tren and Deca all together or just pic one? Thanks

  12. #12
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigdogchoppers View Post
    Songdog, should I drop the Tren and Deca all together or just pic one? Thanks
    Since you have used tren before I personally would say pick one. If you liked the results with tren stick with it. If you want to see what deca does go for it but dont do both at least not yet.

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