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Thread: cycle ideas.

  1. #1
    jokr is offline Associate Member
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    cycle ideas.

    so i havent posted in a good while cuz of cycle delay and other nonsense holding me back... but just looking for input on my cycle cuz i always think im gunna take too much or too little or mess something up lol.

    so my buddy had overstock and he knew i wanted to start so i got a free 30ml test e 250mg/ml and 20ml of tren e 200mg/ml and dbol so im gunna try to make this into a cycle without having to get more unless needed.

    plan is 1.5ml of test e every 4 days and 1ml of tren every 4 days for almost 11 weeks
    this makes 656.25mg per week of test and 350mg per week of tren for almost 11 weeks
    35mg of dbol per day for the first 5 weeks.

    now question is should i mildly lower the dosage to lengthen out the cycle since theyre both long esters? is this good? any input is appreciated good or bad.

    5'9'' 195 lbs 11.9% bf (according to the gyms bf tester idk how accurate it is) 4th cycle 24 yrs old

    and yes i have hcg arimadex nolvadex and clomid on hand

  2. #2
    jokr is offline Associate Member
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    nobody? usualy get tons of responses on here lol

  3. #3
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    I don't see anything wrong with the cycle itself. It is what it is. the question really is, "is THIS cycle right for you?"

    Are you familar, have you ran all three compounds before?

    Sorry about all the questions, but...

    How long have you been in the gym this last time?

    I'd say if you have ran at least two of those three compounds before, and have a few years in the gym this last time, with your diet dialed in, that cycle would be OK. I like your test/tren ratio, and the dbol dose/duration looks ok too.

  4. #4
    jokr is offline Associate Member
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    my last cycle was tren ace and sust stack. and ive been lifting on n off primarily on for 10 years. been at it for the last 2 1/2-3 years on though.. and diet? eat everything in my path aim for healthier things... 6kish cal a day with 2-300g protein

  5. #5
    jokr is offline Associate Member
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    did the math if i did 1.25ml per of test instead of 1.5 and it goes to 550mg/week for 13 weeks
    on the tren if i cahnge it to .75ml per instead of 1ml it goes to 262.5mg/week for 14 weeks.... i know i should run test longer so maybe between 1ml and .75 to make it 12-13 weeks..ish.. idk!

  6. #6
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Keep it simple inject 2X per week 500 mg test/400mg tren 12 weeks, 30-40mg dbol for 4 weeks.

    make sure to have Caber or Prami on hand (I prefer Caber)

    dose your adex @ .25 EOD and adjust

    Must be a good buddy to hand ya the free gear.....

  7. #7
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jokr View Post
    did the math if i did 1.25ml per of test instead of 1.5 and it goes to 550mg/week for 13 weeks
    on the tren if i cahnge it to .75ml per instead of 1ml it goes to 262.5mg/week for 14 weeks.... i know i should run test longer so maybe between 1ml and .75 to make it 12-13 weeks..ish.. idk!
    There is no need to run test longer...gym myth! Both esters will clear at nearly the same time. It's reported that the tren will actually be cleared a bit sooner but I would have to find that article to quote it

  8. #8
    jokr is offline Associate Member
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    i bailed him out... so its not technically free just a payback from years ago haha. and for that tren id need 24ml and i only have 20 and i wanted to raise my test from last time or keep it close, last cycle i did 575ish per week... 250mg e3d

  9. #9
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jokr View Post
    i bailed him out... so its not technically free just a payback from years ago haha. and for that tren id need 24ml and i only have 20 and i wanted to raise my test from last time or keep it close, last cycle i did 575ish per week... 250mg e3d
    Well fit your Tren into the best dose you can for 2 equal weekly injections and do not worry about upping test. As a matter of fact many (myself included) run very low test doses on tren. Mine currently is 750 tren/250test

  10. #10
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    You could run 300mg tren per week and 250 mg test and have a better cycle than you think. More is not always the answer!

  11. #11
    jokr is offline Associate Member
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    o dam.. alright. i can do 2 shots weekly of test to make 500 and go .75+ plus twice a week of the tren with 40mg of dbol for 4 weeks til they kick in. prolly gunna be ignorant and since il have an extra 6ml il prolly just add .5 per week so 1.25ml twice a week. 625 test. i kno u said otherwise but i know im dumb and il just extend my cycle if theyre sitting there lol

  12. #12
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    195 lbs eating 6000 cal a day? Did I read that right?

  13. #13
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Just remember to account for waste, especially when your trying to squeeze the max outa that 20ML of tren . If anything I would do this....

    1-12 Test 500 mg per week 12 weeks
    1-10 tren 375 mg per week 10 weeks (that is about as much as you will squeeze from that 20 ML given residual waste)

    It's not necessary to run that test out but it won't hurt anything either.

  14. #14
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    195 lbs eating 6000 cal a day? Did I read that right?
    Long weekend and I got ahead of myself ^^^^^^^^^^^^great question????

  15. #15
    jokr is offline Associate Member
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    before slacking hard i was 205. and i never said i hit the 6000 its just a daily goal since my weakest point of cycling is my diet. sometimes i forget to load up

  16. #16
    jokr is offline Associate Member
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    but i try for 5 800 cal meals a day with 2 1k calorie protein shakes daily.

  17. #17
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jokr View Post
    before slacking hard i was 205. and i never said i hit the 6000 its just a daily goal since my weakest point of cycling is my diet. sometimes i forget to load up
    No but you did say "aim for healthier things... 6kish cal a day with 2-300g protein"

    What is your tdee an what are you getting cal wise?

  18. #18
    jokr is offline Associate Member
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    tdee? and id say i at least hit 4k cals a day sometimes i make it to the whole 6k. i train mma for nearly 2 hours a day so it burns a ton of calories.. just trying to make up for the loss. i aim for lean chicken...lower fat meaty pastas. and sometimes if i kno im slacking il just man up to a football sized burrito here n there

  19. #19
    jokr is offline Associate Member
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    and where would i buy caber? just googled it and looks tough to get

  20. #20
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    My suggestion before you start a cycle get your diet in check. Go to the nutrition section there is a formula to figure tdee. And get help with your diet

  21. #21
    jokr is offline Associate Member
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    got it

  22. #22
    human project's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jokr
    so i havent posted in a good while cuz of cycle delay and other nonsense holding me back... but just looking for input on my cycle cuz i always think im gunna take too much or too little or mess something up lol.

    so my buddy had overstock and he knew i wanted to start so i got a free 30ml test e 250mg/ml and 20ml of tren e 200mg/ml and dbol so im gunna try to make this into a cycle without having to get more unless needed.

    plan is 1.5ml of test e every 4 days and 1ml of tren every 4 days for almost 11 weeks
    this makes 656.25mg per week of test and 350mg per week of tren for almost 11 weeks
    35mg of dbol per day for the first 5 weeks.

    now question is should i mildly lower the dosage to lengthen out the cycle since theyre both long esters? is this good? any input is appreciated good or bad.

    5'9'' 195 lbs 11.9% bf (according to the gyms bf tester idk how accurate it is) 4th cycle 24 yrs old

    and yes i have hcg arimadex nolvadex and clomid on hand
    I would bump up the tren and run it for a shorter period of time. I would also wait until week four to start your d Bol. I would start the tren the beginning of week 3.

  23. #23
    human project's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jokr
    so i havent posted in a good while cuz of cycle delay and other nonsense holding me back... but just looking for input on my cycle cuz i always think im gunna take too much or too little or mess something up lol.

    so my buddy had overstock and he knew i wanted to start so i got a free 30ml test e 250mg/ml and 20ml of tren e 200mg/ml and dbol so im gunna try to make this into a cycle without having to get more unless needed.

    plan is 1.5ml of test e every 4 days and 1ml of tren every 4 days for almost 11 weeks
    this makes 656.25mg per week of test and 350mg per week of tren for almost 11 weeks
    35mg of dbol per day for the first 5 weeks.

    now question is should i mildly lower the dosage to lengthen out the cycle since theyre both long esters? is this good? any input is appreciated good or bad.

    5'9'' 195 lbs 11.9% bf (according to the gyms bf tester idk how accurate it is) 4th cycle 24 yrs old

    and yes i have hcg arimadex nolvadex and clomid on hand
    You could prob drop the test a little too and run the cycle a little longer. I always like at least a month of test after tren to keep from loosin too much when coming off. If you bumb up the tren maybe say 400-500mg range don't lower the test too much but you should be fine around 500mg. Trust me the tren will be plenty for strength and size. Caber, bromo, or primidexole might not be bad to keep on hand. And I would switch the arimidex for aromisan.

  24. #24
    human project's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo

    No but you did say "aim for healthier things... 6kish cal a day with 2-300g protein"

    What is your tdee an what are you getting cal wise?
    I agree. I would thing you would need to be at least 500-600g of protein for that high of cals. What's your fat intake?

  25. #25
    Levani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jokr
    before slacking hard i was 205. and i never said i hit the 6000 its just a daily goal since my weakest point of cycling is my diet. sometimes i forget to load up
    6000 calories? Peace of cake. Just go to BK and have 2 meals there easy 4000 cals.(jk) I barely making 4000 cals. I stop eating only when I'm at the gym. I eat at work, at home, when I walk my dog... Still can't pass 4000. Sometimes I feel like I'm gonna throw up that chicken breast that I'm stuffing. And all the calories from shakes are empty calories.

  26. #26
    human project's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Levani

    6000 calories? Peace of cake. Just go to BK and have 2 meals there easy 4000 cals.(jk) I barely making 4000 cals. I stop eating only when I'm at the gym. I eat at work, at home, when I walk my dog... Still can't pass 4000. Sometimes I feel like I'm gonna throw up that chicken breast that I'm stuffing. And all the calories from shakes are empty calories.
    I have found that shakes can inhibit my ability to eat an adequate amount of food. Lately i try to only use them pwo and only if I can't get to food within a half hr.

  27. #27
    jokr is offline Associate Member
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    damn, ok. well luckily my guy has more tren ... il add a 3rd bottle. so wait.. if i need a month of test after the tren but shouldnt start the tren for 3 weeks wouldnt that kinda ruin the tren cuz id be on it too short? remember its tren E not tren ace

  28. #28
    jokr is offline Associate Member
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    unless i space the test out to like 15weeks.....

  29. #29
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Look Jokr...somehow this easy test/tren cycle got turned into a cluster FUK! Time to make it simple like it should be!!!!

    1-12 Test E 250 mg EW
    1-12 Tren E 400 mg EW

    1-12 Adex or Aromasin (if your not sure of doses ask)

    14 days after last injection PCT (what are your plans)?

    Keep Prami or Caber on hand incase of prolactin issues

    Get your diet locked on in nutrition before you start this. Diet is the key that unlocks a successful cycle!

    Don't worry if you have gear left over. It will keep for the next cycle (that I am sure you will plan to do!!!!!!!!!

  30. #30
    mockery's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Look Jokr...somehow this easy test/tren cycle got turned into a cluster FUK! Time to make it simple like it should be!!!!

    1-12 Test E 250 mg EW
    1-12 Tren E 400 mg EW

    1-12 Adex or Aromasin (if your not sure of doses ask)

    14 days after last injection PCT (what are your plans)?

    Keep Prami or Caber on hand incase of prolactin issues

    Get your diet locked on in nutrition before you start this. Diet is the key that unlocks a successful cycle!

    Don't worry if you have gear left over. It will keep for the next cycle (that I am sure you will plan to do!!!!!!!!!
    i would be injecting this every 3 days, so each week revolves into the next so you wont be pinning on teh same days each week. tren e i still like to see eod . You want your hormone levels to be stable as possible.

  31. #31
    jokr is offline Associate Member
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    standard clomid nolva pct. hcg at end of cycle (is that needed to retain?) and ive never used or seen aromasin . always used adex on a when i feel i need it basis

  32. #32
    jokr is offline Associate Member
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    and call me a test junkie but 250 will work? i always try to keep above 500 weekly

  33. #33
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Quote Originally Posted by jokr View Post
    standard clomid nolva pct. hcg at end of cycle (is that needed to retain?) and ive never used or seen aromasin. always used adex on a when i feel i need it basis
    U MUST use an AI through cycle (I don't give damn what others MAY say). Especcially with a 19 n0r like tren . If you don't keep estrogen in check you could suffer sides caused bu both high E2 and prolactin. Run your Adex at .25mg EOD and adjust if necessary

    Quote Originally Posted by jokr View Post
    and call me a test junkie but 250 will work? i always try to keep above 500 weekly
    Consider that Tren is 5X stronger than test. This means at 400mg EW you are getting the equivelent of 1000 mg of test. The only real reason to use a small amount of test is to keep manly functions running and 250mg is more than enough. Alot od sides are caused by the aromitizing of test so keeping it low keeps some of the sides at bay as well.

  34. #34
    jokr is offline Associate Member
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    ok. im hesitant to say yes to under 250mg test but all my geared up friends have brainwashed me into "more test the better". is the last 2 weeks hcg needed? and im sticking to adex considering i still have left over from last cycle. other than that i think im rdy (pending more diet research cuz clearly i was wayyyyy off)

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