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  1. #1
    P.Money's Avatar
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    S250 & Anavar Cycle - 12 Week Log

    Cycle Summary:
    Week 1-12: Organon Sustanon 250 - 2 Injections @ 1.5cc in each quad Mondays, 750mg total
    Week 1-12: Denkall Oxandrovet 5mg (Oxandrolone) - 10 Tabs every day
    Week 1-12: Arimidex - 0.5mg EOD
    Week 5-10: HCG @ 500IU twice a week, Mondays & Thurdays - Stopping 2 weeks before PCT

    Nolvadex 40/20/20/20
    Clomid 100/50/50/50
    LiverCare 52 x1 ED

    My stats right now:
    25 Years Old
    6'1 @ 215lbs
    15% BF

    Drop body fat to around 10% by week 12. Updating this log as often as possible

    Workout Plan:
    Monday: 30Min Interval Cardio After Breakfast, Cross Fit & High intensity Weight Lifting @ 1hour
    Tuesday: 30Min Interval Cardio After Breakfast, Boxing @ 2 Hours
    Wednesday: 30Min Interval Cardio After Breakfast, Boxing @ 2 Hours
    Thursday: 30Min Interval Cardio After Breakfast, Boxing @ 2 Hours
    Friday: 30Min Interval Cardio After Breakfast, Day Off
    Saturday: 30Min Interval Cardio After Breakfast, Weight Lifting
    Sunday: 30Min Interval Cardio After Breakfast, Day Off

    Diet Plan (Approx 2500 calories, 86g fat, 174g carbs, 277g protein)
    Breakfast - 1 Banana (51g Carbs), 1 Hexapro x2 scoops Protein Shake (10g Fat,l 20g Carbs, 50g Protein)
    Cardio - Burning around 500calories
    Between Breakfast & Lunch - 1 Cup of Egg Whites cooked with 2/3 Cup of Low Fat Tex-mex Cheese & 2tblsp of ketchup (18g fat, 6g Carbs, 42g Protein)
    Lunch - Mixed Green Salad with Roasted Chopped Chicken & 2tblsp Light Dijeon Mustard Dressing (17g Carbs, 35g Protein)
    Between Lunch & Dinner - 1 Hexapro x2 scoops Protein Shake (8g Fat,20g Carbs, 50g Protein)
    Dinner & Pre-workout - Whole wheat wrap with either lean ground beef or chicken breast with mixed greens & Low Fat Tex-mex Cheese (25g fat, 40g carbs, 50g protein)
    Workout - Boxing or X-fit (Burning at least 1000 calories)
    Post-workout - 1 Hexapro x2 scoops Protein Shake (8g Fat,20g Carbs, 50g Protein)
    Water Intake - Around 3-4 liters per day, all shakes are made with water aswell.

    Here are some pictures I took Monday:
    Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by P.Money; 11-07-2012 at 02:40 PM.

  2. #2
    P.Money's Avatar
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    Well I'm 3 days in, had very little soreness/pain in my upper outer quad after the injection. I'm not sure if the prop/phenylprop of the Sus kicked in early but I had to whack off like 5 times yesterday. Felt awesome at the gym.

  3. #3
    P.Money's Avatar
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    Just did my second pin, felt awesome, no pain at all. Did my left upper outer quad. Takes forever to pin 1.5cc though holy. Felt great at the gym today, going to weigh myself on Monday. Libido is steady, seems that the day after injection I just want to whack off constantly. Been taking my Arimidex EOD @ 0.25mg and Var @ 50mg. Water intake is high, diet moving towards more mixed greens and lean protein, seems that my fat intake is a bit high although it's mostly good fats.

  4. #4
    t-dogg's Avatar
    t-dogg is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    You will have great results if diet are cardio are on point. Id also increase anavar to 60mgs. I would also ONLY run anavar for 8wks tops. 6-8wks is normal. Id also think about liver support like tusca.
    Last edited by t-dogg; 11-02-2012 at 12:00 AM.

  5. #5
    P.Money's Avatar
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    Cardio and Diet are in check for now! I'm gonna stay at 50mg of var a day, from past experience that's what has worked best for me and my regime of training. I only run liver support on PCT so it doesn't interfere with the orals..

  6. #6
    t-dogg's Avatar
    t-dogg is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Taking liver support WILL NOT interfere with the anavar . Your suppost to take it during the cycle.

  7. #7
    P.Money's Avatar
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    Hmm, interesting. Got any links on the product? Tried googling for it without success.. Is that something sold over the counter?!

  8. #8
    t-dogg's Avatar
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  9. #9
    P.Money's Avatar
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    Thanks man! This is a prescription drug, I'm not sure how to approach my doctor about getting this.

  10. #10
    t-dogg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by P.Money
    Thanks man! This is a prescription drug, I'm not sure how to approach my doctor about getting this.
    You can buy it online. No doctor required.

  11. #11
    t-dogg's Avatar
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    Actually ar-r sells it.

  12. #12
    P.Money's Avatar
    P.Money is offline Associate Member
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    I'm from canada, will that get caught at the border?

  13. #13
    t-dogg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by P.Money
    I'm from canada, will that get caught at the border?
    Email them or call them. Im sure they can do something.

  14. #14
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by P.Money View Post
    Cardio and Diet are in check for now! I'm gonna stay at 50mg of var a day, from past experience that's what has worked best for me and my regime of training. I only run liver support on PCT so it doesn't interfere with the orals..
    Ha ha ha. Dude, you are taking liver SUPPORT while off orals? Need to be running liver support on cycle, or dont even worry about it. What happens if you get liver damage? You going to support it then? This doesnt work for anything in life. Drugs, alcohol, anything. If you see someone you know use meth, you going to try and stopthem when you see them do it, or months later when they are full blown addicted? Always be safe than sorry. Thats all I am trying to say. Good luck!

  15. #15
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Saw the other posts. AR is usually good to go in canada. Good stuff and great decision!

  16. #16
    P.Money's Avatar
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    My reasoning is that your liver can regenerate itself over time back to pretty much 100% capacity / recover from damage. I'm not a drinker, never drank in my life, liver is pretty healthy. I try to minimize what I take on cycle. I suppose perhaps I should consider doing liver care while on AAS, always done it in PCT as part of recovery.

  17. #17
    P.Money's Avatar
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    Woke up this morning, feeling great. Second week on cycle just started. Decided to change the way I pin. Did 2 injections, 1.5cc each in each quad. Probably going to stick with this program until the end of my cycle, a lot of you might argue on this way to pin but after a lot of thinking, i'll have 90mg of prop sustaining me for the 2 first days, then 180mg of phenyl prop to sustain me for the next 4 days, then 180mg of the isocaproate going to sustain me until day 7 for my next injection, and 300mg of decanoate keep my levels cruising.

    So far no sides, last Monday I was weighing in at 213lbs. This morning woke up at 216.8lbs before eating. Diet has been clean this whole week, had one cheat meal which wasn't even significantly high in carbs,calories or fats but was a bit off track of what my diet was. Feeling great at the gym right now. No kidney pain for the Var so far (fingers crossed). 5 more weeks before I start my HCG . Sex drive seems to be normal to high.
    Last edited by P.Money; 11-05-2012 at 03:17 PM.

  18. #18
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    Yesterday went to the gym, which was day 9 of my cycle. I don't bench press very often, however I wanted to see if I had gotten stronger since 2 weeks ago when I last benched. Normally I can do 2 plates 5-6 times and I'm struggling on the 6th-7th rep. I hoped on there, did 2 warm up sets. Ended up doing it 9 times no problem, struggled to rack it back on the 10th rep. Never felt this strong before! Gear is definitely working haha!

  19. #19
    gymfu's Avatar
    gymfu is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Your doing both test injections on Mondays?

    You will always have more stable levels by pinning more often.

  20. #20
    P.Money's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gymfu View Post
    Your doing both test injections on Mondays?

    You will always have more stable levels by pinning more often.
    With a mixed blend like sustanon , I'd rather do one injection a week @ 750mg. It's working amazingly so far. No sides, no flu like symptoms.

    It was designed to be pinned once a month, with the longer esters sustaining the release and most people don't understand that. Pinning more often in this case won't give me more stable blood levels since it's mostly constituted of long esters. Doing smaller dosed injection would waste the Propionate and Phenypropionate. If I do 3cc, I get 90mg of Prop & 180mg of Phenyl Prop. Then after those have disappeared out of my system (roughly 4 days), the 180mg of isocaproate and 300mg of decanoate keep sustaining me until my next injection.

    Personal preference.

    Read this if you care:

  21. #21
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    Yesterday was injection day again, beginning week 3. Seems as if the only side I'm getting right now is some water retention, I weighed myself and gained another 3.6lbs. I'm now sitting at 220.4lbs in the morning. I increased my Arimidex dosage to 0.5mg/EOD instead of 0.25mg/EOD, we'll see what happens.

    I'm feeling better than ever at the gym I must say. Stamina slowly increasing. I'm starting to get serious pumps from the Anavar when I do my cross fit workouts which can be a bit uncomfortable at times, nothing I didn't know would happen though. As far as my physical appearance goes, it is kind of hard to tell. I will be snapping pictures at the end of the 4 week mark and doing my body fat then again.

    Libido is through the roof, usually stronger after injection days for the few following days.

    I'll keep you guys updated!

  22. #22
    sniper320's Avatar
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    What's up money! I'll be following this one, looking forward to your updates, should be interesting.

  23. #23
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    I haven't updated this in a while, this is beginning of week 6 of my cycle. I feel more powerful than ever. I have increased stamina at the gym, I've been punching harder, faster, stronger. My coaches are pretty impressed. My balls were pretty small on week 4 and I injected 5000IUs of HCG during that week, seems as if they're not as atrophied as they were at beginning of week 4. The pumps aren't bad, I think 50mg is really the sweet spot for me when it comes to Anavar . I've had a few extreme shoulder pumps when doing clean press exercises but that's about it.

    Just out of curiosity I went and bench pressed yesterday. Like mentioned before, prior to my cycle I was only able to bench press 2 plates (225lbs) around 4-5 times and struggling on the 6th rep. Yesterday I was able to do it 14 times in a row with some explosiveness. From there I moved on to 275lbs and was able to press it 6 times no problem. At that point I wanted to see if I could do 3 plates (315lbs), I was able to do it twice and struggling on the third rep.

    I can't actually believe how much strength I've gained on this cycle. It's pretty incredible.

    As far as water retention goes, I wasn't able to drop below 220lbs for the past 4 weeks. I've been increasing my running, at the beginning of the cycle I tried doing slow incline walks, but that just doesn't cut it for me since I'm a boxer and my resting heart rate is pretty low. So I started doing speed interval running twice a day for 25minutes (5 minutes warm up, 25 minutes interval running, 5 minutes cool down). I weighed myself yesterday at 216.4lbs. I think if I keep my running this way, I'll be getting rid of all the excess water quickly and be able to reach my 199lbs goal by week 12.

    I will be posting pics at the end of the 6th week so you guys can see my progress. I personally don't seem to notice much physical changes, maybe a bit leaner, more veins in my forearms. It seems that other people have. I've been asked if I was on steroids many times at the gym these past 5 weeks. Which is kind of annoying.

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