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  1. #1
    tayloratl is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    First cycle- what to stack with test cypionate

    This is what I got. I'm 30 215lbs trying to bulk now and lose a little weight in the process. Went to the doctor a few months back because I was tired all the time. Test was low and he got me on test cypionate . He started me at 200mg a week but I moved to 400 mg about 6 weeks into it. Got 5 more weeks at 400 till cycle ends. So on top of the test, I'm preworkout C4, post protein and cellmass, and besides that an a good diet I'm taking fish oils. Hitting the gym 6 days a week hitting it hard and seeing lots of gains in strength but not a lot of physical gains yet. Anything else fairly crucial that I'm missing, mostly over the counter. Don't really have a hookup for pharms. Any advice is very helpful and appreciated. Really wanna make the most outta the opportunity that the doc gave me!!!! Lastly I'm scared shitless of the gyno, so far nothing but if I started to notice titties what do I do?? Thanks again

  2. #2
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by tayloratl
    This is what I got. I'm 30 215lbs trying to bulk now and lose a little weight in the process. Went to the doctor a few months back because I was tired all the time. Test was low and he got me on test cypionate. He started me at 200mg a week but I moved to 400 mg about 6 weeks into it. Got 5 more weeks at 400 till cycle ends. So on top of the test, I'm preworkout C4, post protein and cellmass, and besides that an a good diet I'm taking fish oils. Hitting the gym 6 days a week hitting it hard and seeing lots of gains in strength but not a lot of physical gains yet. Anything else fairly crucial that I'm missing, mostly over the counter. Don't really have a hookup for pharms. Any advice is very helpful and appreciated. Really wanna make the most outta the opportunity that the doc gave me!!!! Lastly I'm scared shitless of the gyno, so far nothing but if I started to notice titties what do I do?? Thanks again
    Please see my response in your other thread.

  3. #3
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Jun 2009
    How tall are you and wat is your bf%

  4. #4
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Dec 2011

  5. #5
    tayloratl is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by songdog
    How tall are you and wat is your bf%
    I'm 6'1 and this is pretty bad but ordered a body fat scale and on the way. I'm fairly medium build, definitely not under weight a little over if anything. I can already tell a major difference in strength but slowly in physical appearance. My chest is my weakest area!

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