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  1. #1
    eyeothetiger's Avatar
    eyeothetiger is offline Associate Member
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    Question Cruising on Sust 250 or Dbol better?, experiences?

    Hi guys, just looking for a bit of feedback here although I do expect to come across some criticism

    This will not be my first cycle, have done both Sust 250 and Dbol before

    My stats are:

    Early 30's
    190 lbs (before gear 140)
    Would consider myself quite a 'hard-gainer'

    I train 4/5 times per week mid morning

    After doing some research and plenty of reading I have decided to go for one of the following two cruises:

    10mg Dbol/day taken upon waking with possibly weekends off and liver protectants to be used

    250mg Sust/week shot on a Sunday

    I am aware neither of these cruises are ideal or will be overly recommended. I am not looking to get huge, I am simply looking to maintain and steadily put some more bulk on

    I have gone for either Dbol or Sust 250 as have found I gain well on both and they are readily available, blue hearts and Organon respectively. I also sometimes have a slight dip in the intensity of my training and do not wish to waste moderate to high doses of gear

    My main questions really are:

    Which of these two cruises would you choose if you had to?

    How long would it be safe to cruise on each for at those doses?

    By cruising is it almost definite that I would not be able to get a hardon naturally or have future kids etc?

    Any feedback will be really appreciated.....

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Hey man,

    I'm guessing you're not a TRT patient. For that reason I would not consider cruising. The dosages you mentioned will not help you, it's just enough to retain some muscle and shut you down. No need to shut yourself down with no real benefit. Chances of recovering lessens considerably when cruising. If your natural testosterone production is still healthy, I'd try and keep it that way by cycling safely. 10 mg of dbol won't help you really. Sust is a poor choice for a cruise anyway.

    Personally, I would stay away from this idea to be honest and just cycle properly with an AI, HCG and PCT. This is what you need to do to prevent a high chance of going on TRT for life sooner than later, having kids, etc...

    Very happy to hear that you are taking the future in consideration here, sounds like you've got a good head on your shoulders and you're not an "instant gratification" kind of guy.

    Good luck to you.

  3. #3
    600@50's Avatar
    600@50 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    With the 100 lb plates.
    Agree with austinite 100%. Do you have any bw showing your natty test level? You may be a TRT candidate but if your natty test is good I would advise against any cruising.

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Hey man,

    I'm guessing you're not a TRT patient. For that reason I would not consider cruising. The dosages you mentioned will not help you, it's just enough to retain some muscle and shut you down. No need to shut yourself down with no real benefit. Chances of recovering lessens considerably when cruising. If your natural testosterone production is still healthy, I'd try and keep it that way by cycling safely. 10 mg of dbol won't help you really. Sust is a poor choice for a cruise anyway.

    Personally, I would stay away from this idea to be honest and just cycle properly with an AI, HCG and PCT. This is what you need to do to prevent a high chance of going on TRT for life sooner than later, having kids, etc...

    Very happy to hear that you are taking the future in consideration here, sounds like you've got a good head on your shoulders and you're not an "instant gratification" kind of guy.

    Good luck to you.
    I agree with the above. Cruising does have its consequences and being shut down for a long time can results in issues when you want to re-start your natural test. Why are you considering cruising rather than going into PCT ?

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