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  1. #1
    dylan111557's Avatar
    dylan111557 is offline Associate Member
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    Cool Stretch marks and other odd things?

    I got stretch marks all over thighs/ass/inner thighs etc.. Also around armpit front and back, it is also spreading slowly towards bicep.
    I'm just wondering why the stretch marks keep growing/showing up while I'm CUTTING?
    Lost 12lbs so far and they aren't stopping.

    Also, I see this usually when I do my bicep/tricep workout, it looks like cat scratches kind of, mainly on my shoulders? But they fade away within a few hours.

    I've been using Bio-oil on arms.. ''not even bothering with legs...'' they seem to have gotten less red/purple. Should I use oil before my workout as well? And should I use it on where I THINK stretch marks are beginning?


    Ps. I was 164lbs, stretch marks showed up around 185, I bulked to 200, and now am Cutting, currently at 188.

  2. #2
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    some people are more prone to stretch marks than others. just do like the pregnent women do and use cocoa butter if you must.

    is your skin normally dry?

  3. #3
    dylan111557's Avatar
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    Umm my face is usually oily, and I sweat extremely easily, almost doesn't make sense. My hands/feet seam dry? if that makes sense... lol

  4. #4
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    here's an interesting read:

    Stretch marks happen. Whether from pregnancy, rapid weight gain or loss, or a growth spurt in your early teens, countless women and some men experience the frustrating but common skin problem. Yes, even the stars get them. Leann Rimes recently tweeted about her stretch marks and how she’s had them for years, and pop diva Jennifer Lopez even showed off a pre-airbrushed image from a recent photo shoot that bared her stretch marks. But what exactly are stretch marks and how do they form on your skin? If you’re curious, we have the inside scoop.

    It’s Not What You Think

    If you think stretch marks are caused by your skin stretching, think again. Seems like the obvious answer, we know, but there’s more to stretch marks than meet the eye. “People associate stretch marks with weight gain or pregnancy and assume that stretch marks are caused by our skin stretching to fit around this new, larger body,” notes Dr. Bernstein, Director of the Main Line Center for Laser Surgery. “The association is so strong that the name ‘stretch mark’ was given; only further adding to the misconception.”

    The Real Cause

    So what does cause the unsightly red and purple marks? The true cause of stretch marks is hormones. During periods of growth — when women are pregnant, when people are lifting weights and gaining muscle mass, or when growth spurts happen during teen years, a serious change in hormones and a change in the metabolism in the skin occur. It’s true that your skin is expanding as your body is expanding, “but it’s the hormonal changes and not the ‘stretching’ that is the cause of stretch marks,” Dr. Bernstein explains.

    What Does Weight Gain Have to do With It?

    The physical increase in body size during pregnancy or weight gain doesn’t ‘stretch’ the skin (as you might have thought). When people gain weight, it affects the hormones in the body, and also the hormones in the skin. The hormonal changes that occur as a function of gaining weight are the cause of stretch marks. When it comes to pregnancy, as hormones shift and change in the body during pregnancy, these hormones interact with your skin and result in stretch marks.

    Stretch marks: The Bottom Line

    The bottom line is that anything that changes the hormones in your body and your skin — from pregnancy and birth control pills to rapid weight gain or loss and growth spurts — can all cause stretch marks. It might sound hard to believe, but there’s proof. “We have been able to artificially create stretch marks on normal skin simply by applying strong topical corticosteroid creams,” says Dr. Bernstein. “And this is without any weight loss or gain on the part of the test subject. The steroids are similar to the hormones in our bodies which cause stretch marks, so by applying them to the skin we are inducing a stretch mark,” he explains.

    Knowing what causes stretch marks won’t make them go away (unfortunately), but the more facts you have about what’s happening to your body, there easier it is to find ways to alleviate the problems you’re facing. If you’re dealing with stretch marks, talk to you doctor about the best options for minimizing them.

  5. #5
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Caused by growth. Sometimes fat sometimes muscle. In your case one can assume it's muscle and in that case, wear them like a badge of honor

  6. #6
    dylan111557's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Caused by growth. Sometimes fat sometimes muscle. In your case one can assume it's muscle and in that case, wear them like a badge of honor
    I did... but the badge is getting a little too big

    Also great info , thanks Times Roman! So basically there's nothing I can do. Would this mean that on a cycle, the stretch marks would definetally increase? Also, wouldn't this mean that using oil is pointless?


  7. #7
    dylan111557's Avatar
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    Although just another thought, 95% of overweight people I know have stretch marks all over....

  8. #8
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dylan111557 View Post
    I did... but the badge is getting a little too big

    Also great info , thanks Times Roman! So basically there's nothing I can do. Would this mean that on a cycle, the stretch marks would definetally increase? Also, wouldn't this mean that using oil is pointless?

    I have no idea mate. I think it's more a genetic thing, as I've known some pretty big blokes that never get stretch marks. And some little ones that do. If it's a concern, then just keep it oiled. But doubtful anything on the very outer most layer of skin will do anything for all the other layers beneath.

  9. #9
    dylan111557's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    I have no idea mate. I think it's more a genetic thing, as I've known some pretty big blokes that never get stretch marks. And some little ones that do. If it's a concern, then just keep it oiled. But doubtful anything on the very outer most layer of skin will do anything for all the other layers beneath.
    Ya, my dermatologist pretty much said something like '' *sigh* you're kind of screwed'' ... than he went on to say don't waste money on oils :P

  10. #10
    BlueWaffle21's Avatar
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    I read a while back that it was genetic as well! I have a buddy that isn't big nor lifts and has them.

  11. #11
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Genetics is true...consider there are tiney little women who get big as a house during pregnency and never get a single stretch mark!

  12. #12
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman

    I have no idea mate. I think it's more a genetic thing, as I've known some pretty big blokes that never get stretch marks. And some little ones that do. If it's a concern, then just keep it oiled. But doubtful anything on the very outer most layer of skin will do anything for all the other layers beneath.
    Good post. Glad you cleared this up. I hear so many people claiming size causes stretch marks when in reality it IS more of a hormonal effect.

    I'm one of those people that gets very few (if any) stretch marks.

  13. #13
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    Stretch marks are due to Excess Cortisol. By being on exogenous test, u shunt what hormone u do produce down the cortisol pathway more than androgens

  14. #14
    rsking is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    Stretch marks are due to Excess Cortisol. By being on exogenous test, u shunt what hormone u do produce down the cortisol pathway more than androgens
    So if its caused by excess cortisol is there a way to "fix" that?

  15. #15
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rsking View Post
    So if its caused by excess cortisol is there a way to "fix" that?
    well.. Vit C helps
    accordin to wiki:
    Factors generally reducing cortisol levels
    Magnesium supplementation decreases serum cortisol levels after aerobic exercise,[69][70] but not after resistance training.[71]
    Omega 3 fatty acids have a dose-dependent effect[72] in slightly reducing cortisol release influenced by mental stress,[73] suppressing the synthesis of interleukin-1 and -6 and enhancing the synthesis of interleukin-2; the former promotes higher CRH release. Omega 6 fatty acids, on the other hand, have an inverse effect on interleukin synthesis.[citation needed]
    Music therapy can reduce cortisol levels in certain situations.[74]
    Massage therapy can reduce cortisol.[75]
    Laughing, and the experience of humour, can lower cortisol levels.[76]
    Soy-derived phosphatidylserine interacts with cortisol; the correct dose, however, is unclear.[77][78]
    Black tea may hasten recovery from a high-cortisol condition.[79][80]
    Regular dancing has been shown to lead to significant decreases in salivary cortisol concentrations.[81]

    in theory, ur basically tryin to fix 'Cushings syndrome' but since its not a tumor, some of the drugs wouldnt work as well in theory.
    mifepristone is antagonistic to cortisol, but I dunno how it would react while on a cycle.
    metyrapone and ketoconazole would both be good also, they decrease cortisol production.. but thats all in theory.

  16. #16
    dylan111557's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    well.. Vit C helps
    accordin to wiki:
    Factors generally reducing cortisol levels
    Magnesium supplementation decreases serum cortisol levels after aerobic exercise,[69][70] but not after resistance training.[71]
    Omega 3 fatty acids have a dose-dependent effect[72] in slightly reducing cortisol release influenced by mental stress,[73] suppressing the synthesis of interleukin-1 and -6 and enhancing the synthesis of interleukin-2; the former promotes higher CRH release. Omega 6 fatty acids, on the other hand, have an inverse effect on interleukin synthesis.[citation needed]
    Music therapy can reduce cortisol levels in certain situations.[74]
    Massage therapy can reduce cortisol.[75]
    Laughing, and the experience of humour, can lower cortisol levels.[76]
    Soy-derived phosphatidylserine interacts with cortisol; the correct dose, however, is unclear.[77][78]
    Black tea may hasten recovery from a high-cortisol condition.[79][80]
    Regular dancing has been shown to lead to significant decreases in salivary cortisol concentrations.[81]

    in theory, ur basically tryin to fix 'Cushings syndrome' but since its not a tumor, some of the drugs wouldnt work as well in theory.
    mifepristone is antagonistic to cortisol, but I dunno how it would react while on a cycle.
    metyrapone and ketoconazole would both be good also, they decrease cortisol production.. but thats all in theory.
    So.... we do everything you listed? or are you saying don't do anything because nothing is proven?

  17. #17
    criscofats's Avatar
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    If you're having some stretch mark issues ( read your post but none of the others ) I might suggest checking out the derma roller, I have no personal experience with it but I've heard it works well.

  18. #18
    dylan111557's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by criscofats View Post
    If you're having some stretch mark issues ( read your post but none of the others ) I might suggest checking out the derma roller, I have no personal experience with it but I've heard it works well.
    Wow, great suggestion. It seams promising, buying one right now!

  19. #19
    Sworder is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    Stretch marks are due to Excess Cortisol. By being on exogenous test, u shunt what hormone u do produce down the cortisol pathway more than androgens
    The pathogenesis is unknown and poorly understood. Your information is incomplete.

  20. #20
    Doont-Hunter is offline Banned
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    Does anyone know of any good supplements or remedies that can help with stretch marks? I've got like two around my abdominals area and it's ****ing annoying. I think when I get really visible abs they'll be less obvious, but at the moment they are driving me nuts.

  21. #21
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sworder

    The pathogenesis is unknown and poorly understood. Your information is incomplete.
    Please educate me then with your extensive knowledge.

  22. #22
    AD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8

    well.. Vit C helps
    accordin to wiki:
    Hey bro, i thought you didnt like wiki

  23. #23
    dylan111557's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by asiandude View Post
    Hey bro, i thought you didnt like wiki

    I don't know how you can't like Wiki.. besides the fact that anyone can change info on it. Most of the ''evidence'' related stuff is from different sources located at the bottom of the page..

    Also, fun fact.. you can download all of wikipedia onto a usb flash drive and it's only like 8gb's i've heard.

  24. #24
    Sworder is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    Please educate me then with your extensive knowledge.
    There is nothing to say. The causation is unknown. It's incomplete to say that cortisol levels are the cause.

  25. #25
    Anxnymous's Avatar
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    When i first started that was my question cuz i was getting them, had my aunt an friends that are doctors and nurses tell me what to do, but the ppl i asked just ssaid the normal lotions and oils and said when it comes down to it, its just genetics, if your skin strecths from quick gains then it happens.

  26. #26
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sworder

    There is nothing to say. The causation is unknown. It's incomplete to say that cortisol levels are the cause.
    Cortisol inhibits fibroblast proliferation and collagen production. So when on a cycle ur muscles grow and stretch the skin and cortisol prevents the skin from healing from the increased stretch leading to bruising and striae.
    And since they are all derived from cholesterol synthesis (test, cortisol, estro, aldosterone), it depends on individual genetics on how having exogenous test in the body will inhibit synthesis of these hormones, and what doesn't get inhibited will be shunted down the other pathways; increasing the levels of cortisol. Also the increased stress from working out will increase the "need" for cortisol which increases the shunting down that pathway rather than aldosterone (which would need increased angiotensin). Since its a shorter activation pathway, increased cortisol levels are a safe bet for increased stretch marks

  27. #27
    Sworder is offline Banned
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    Bravo! That is a more accurate response! There are still some aspects which are missing from the puzzle, e.g. age and race. I don't know if they directly correlate to steroidgenesis. I would suspect that is the case but haven't reviewed any data.

  28. #28
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sworder
    Bravo! That is a more accurate response! There are still some aspects which are missing from the puzzle, e.g. age and race. I don't know if they directly correlate to steroidgenesis. I would suspect that is the case but haven't reviewed any data.
    There is generalities to the quantity of steroids and realitive inhibition suspectability, but the general synthesis path remains: ultimately that's when it depends in the person, sure age may play a role in the same person but between 2 people, nothing concrete can be concluded

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