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Thread: Mast

  1. #1
    Sfla80's Avatar
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    K guys another mast question. I'm running 600mg of mast e with 500 mg test e per week. Just hit my second pin of week 4. Ive been bored at work and just reading different mast articles from the net. And I read this part before but now it just dawned on me even more.

    Says one side of mast could be prostate enlargement. So the reason it dawned on me is for the past week and a half maybe, I have had hemroids. (spelling sorry).

    Honestly don't know much about prostate enlargement an since I'm only 32 have never had a prostate exam.

    Would this be a side or is it just me worrying about it.?

    If it is, what can or should I do.

  2. #2
    Metalject's Avatar
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    Hemorrhoids and prostate enlargement are not connected to each other.

    Yes, Masteron could possibly cause prostate enlargement. A large buildup of DHT in the body could cause this. However, also keep in mind that prostate enlargement and prostate cancer are not the same thing and not necessarily dependent on each other.

    In my opinion, if you're going to be a steroid user you should always keep an eye on your prostate. If you're using steroids reasonably and you have no underlying prostate issues most will be fine. But it's still a good idea to keep an eye on it. That said, I hate prostate exams with a passion!

  3. #3
    Sfla80's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    Hemorrhoids and prostate enlargement are not connected to each other.

    Yes, Masteron could possibly cause prostate enlargement. A large buildup of DHT in the body could cause this. However, also keep in mind that prostate enlargement and prostate cancer are not the same thing and not necessarily dependent on each other.

    In my opinion, if you're going to be a steroid user you should always keep an eye on your prostate. If you're using steroids reasonably and you have no underlying prostate issues most will be fine. But it's still a good idea to keep an eye on it. That said, I hate prostate exams with a passion!
    How would you suggest keeping eye on it? Regular exams? Lol. I'll google all this but thanks for the info. Just had me worried.

  4. #4
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Prostate enlargement is a rare side effect that alot of AAS can cause. IMO it's just about like the warning on prescrip meds that always ends with "could cause death".

    Honestly at your age routine prostate exams are just around the corner anyhow. I normally do my own or have the wife assist

    Hemorrhoids are most likely caused by heavy lifting but not AAS.

    Remember Mast is a pretty mild AAS...sides on mast will be minimum.

  5. #5
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goode80

    How would you suggest keeping eye on it? Regular exams? Lol. I'll google all this but thanks for the info. Just had me worried.
    Request a PSA with your BW.

    Symptoms of enlarged prostate:
    - difficulty urinating (called "voiding")
    - interruption in urinary flow
    - painful urination
    - sense of urgency to urinate
    - difficulty achieving/maintaining erection.
    - frequent urination

  6. #6
    Sfla80's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post

    Request a PSA with your BW.

    Symptoms of enlarged prostate:
    - difficulty urinating (called "voiding")
    - interruption in urinary flow
    - painful urination
    - sense of urgency to urinate
    - difficulty achieving/maintaining erection.
    - frequent urination
    See a lot of those symptoms are the same for my kidney stone issues. But I see exactly what u are talking about now.

  7. #7
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    I have had stones twice and never had any symptoms till it started pasing and dbled me up on the floor crying like a school girl

  8. #8
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goode80

    See a lot of those symptoms are the same for my kidney stone issues. But I see exactly what u are talking about now.
    Yes, clinical presentation is similar but kidney stones often produce flank pain; enlarged prostate typically does not.

    PSA is definitive for enlarged prostate.

  9. #9
    Sfla80's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    I have had stones twice and never had any symptoms till it started pasing and dbled me up on the floor crying like a school girl
    Yeah see lunk. I have had 5 at least. Actually last one still shows very tiny pieces still floating around. Docs just tell me basically once u get them there will always be chances of coming back. My last one was 3.5mm (believe it's mm). And honestly have never actually "passed one" just get the pain, blood, frequent pissing, urge to and can't.

  10. #10
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Yes...I was told some ppl make em and some don't... I passed my last one in the urine sample cup in ER lol. First thing that hit the cup...pain gone lol. Been 14 years now (knock on wood). Mine are believed to be caffiene and calcium buildup.

  11. #11
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goode80

    Yeah see lunk. I have had 5 at least. Actually last one still shows very tiny pieces still floating around. Docs just tell me basically once u get them there will always be chances of coming back. My last one was 3.5mm (believe it's mm). And honestly have never actually "passed one" just get the pain, blood, frequent pissing, urge to and can't.
    What's your water consumption daily? An important factor in kidney stones is dehydration.

    Other risk factors:
    - hx of UTIs
    - hypercalcemia
    - nutrition
    - obesity

  12. #12
    Sfla80's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post

    What's your water consumption daily? An important factor in kidney stones is dehydration.

    Other risk factors:
    - hx of UTIs
    - hypercalcemia
    - nutrition
    - obesity
    Yeah, first one ever was nutrition like lunk. Caffeine (soda) and calcium (milk).

    One point was not drinking enough. And that brought my cpk levels up. The last one I was going great with diet and training. Doc told me few times need to stop excersiseing or at least heavy. Thought it was supplements also. Creatine, arginine, ect...

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