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  1. #1
    eyeothetiger's Avatar
    eyeothetiger is offline Associate Member
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    May 2008

    Question Best time of day to take Dbol & Milk Thistle for this cycle?

    Hi guys, just looking for a bit of educated feedback here. I have done two Dbol only cycles in the past, gained well and kept majority of gains. Both cycles were 6 week 30mg/day

    I am about to start my third Dbol only which will again be 30mg/day for 6 weeks

    My diet is in check and I am going to use Milk Thistle as a protectant as I did with my other two Dbols only

    I naturally want this cycle to be as effective as possible. Because I read alot of different opinions I just went with what I thought was right regarding Dbol/Milk Thistle dosage and timing for the first two cycles. I am therefore just looking for a majority answer to the following questions so the cycle is optimal as possible

    When am I best to take the 30mg Dbol?, all at once or spread throughout the day?

    How much Milk Thistle should I take and when?, during and after cycle or just after?

    Any help will be very much appreciated

  2. #2
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Mar 2012
    You have been a member here since 08 and you are still considering dbol with no test???

  3. #3
    eyeothetiger's Avatar
    eyeothetiger is offline Associate Member
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    May 2008
    Have done test too, just find I gain and keep just as well on DBol

  4. #4
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Quote Originally Posted by eyeothetiger View Post
    Have done test too, just find I gain and keep just as well on DBol
    All I can say is that I am shocked...I have yet to meet anyone including myself that keeps ANY gains from dbol ....and Milk Thistle is far from effective as a liver protectant. You would have to take huge amount to get any real assistance from it.

  5. #5
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    A rock & a hard place
    Milk Thistle is crap. Largely just an antioxidant. Does very little to support liver function or stave off drug induced damage.

    When was your last BW?

  6. #6
    CJWhy's Avatar
    CJWhy is offline Junior Member
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    you've done 2 dbol cycles and your asking if you should take it all at once?

    dbol has half-life of 4-8 hours i believe, space it out 3 times a day,

    oh, and grab some test, jesssuss

  7. #7
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by eyeothetiger View Post
    Hi guys, just looking for a bit of educated feedback here. I have done two Dbol only cycles in the past, gained well and kept majority of gains. Both cycles were 6 week 30mg/day

    I am about to start my third Dbol only which will again be 30mg/day for 6 weeks

    My diet is in check and I am going to use Milk Thistle as a protectant as I did with my other two Dbols only

    I naturally want this cycle to be as effective as possible. Because I read alot of different opinions I just went with what I thought was right regarding Dbol/Milk Thistle dosage and timing for the first two cycles. I am therefore just looking for a majority answer to the following questions so the cycle is optimal as possible

    When am I best to take the 30mg Dbol?, all at once or spread throughout the day?

    How much Milk Thistle should I take and when?, during and after cycle or just after?

    Any help will be very much appreciated
    Either will work. Spread through the day is best IMO. AM/NOON/PM
    If you go the once daily route,,,take it one hour prior to training.

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