Finally joined this site today (Few minutes ago lol...), Now before I start my post in all... Yes I am 18, I'm not going to do a cycle at this age but within 6-8 years maybe after I try and fully max myself out natural and get my diet 100% perfect. For now I'm reading up and studying them as much as possible (There is still a lot for me to learn!). I've been reading the stickies here and searching topics and reading on quite a few things. I feel I am still a newbie at working out even though I've been working out actively for about 2 in a half years now (A year of cardio and a year of weightlifting).

I started playing sports in middle school of (170 pounds chubster), When I got to highschool I was 160 pounds still chubster and wasnt playing sports or working out. Acne was also extremely bad so my dermatologist prescribed me Acutane for 6 months and continued to take that throughout my Freshman year of highschool, took blood tests for 8 months to check if my organs were working fine(Which they were). Sophomore year just started and I finally come off my Acutane... I become depressed and used Cardio conditioning as way to deal with my depression... Lost 20 pounds in less then 2 weeks due to running 5-10 miles everyday for those 2 weeks before school...Weight was 138.

During class I fainted and was rushed to a hospital then had to see a heart specialist later on because my resting heart rate was 53. Everything seemed fine though other than that. I Continued to do cardio and more cardio later on and stayed at 140. Soon I made the decision that I wanted to Body Build. I was always fascinated about how much you can do with the human body. I owned a bowflex so I started out on that then when I eventually turned 18 I joined a gym and made nice gains due to switching from resistance to free weights....

WELL ANYWAYS.. Idk if anybody cared for my story... I'm not a very good story teller might as well get on with everything else though :P

18 Years old
192 Pounds
14% BF

Take a multi with fish oil and glucosamine
I usually eat around 4000-4500 Calories a day.
Usually average around 70-120 Fat Grams a day
Usually average around 400-500 Carbs a day
And for protein.. I always aim for at least body weight but it always goes up alot so it's usually around 300g a day.
I honestly try and eat clean as possible.. But its really tough when you only have a part time job and live with parents.

I changed to a 3 day split so currently..
Monday- Chest/Shoulders/Triceps
Tuesday- Rest
Thursday- Rest
Friday Legs/Abs
Saturday- Rest (My 4 day split would have a Arm day here.)
Sunday- Rest

I feel that resting two days in a row might feel better for me I think.

Alright so here is my cycle I would like to do, I don't want to do orals until after like maybe 3 cycles IF I feel the need to...

Weeks 1-12 500mg Test E, Injecting Monday/Thursday
Weeks 14-18 Clomid 50/50/50/50 Nolva 40/40/20/20
Weeks 1-12 Adex .5mgs EOD

Looking at this seems off...I know I did something wrong here. Feels like I'm forgetting something and also not putting this together properly. But hey... That's why I signed up so I can chat and learn. I have plenty of time to figure everything I need out. And also.... Nice stickies

Forgot about my goal! >_< So pretty much my goal is to step on stage and compete as a bodybuilder at 250+ pounds. I have a feeling I left a lot of things out but... I've been up for a long time so I'm tired D:.