Hi guys, im looking to start a new cycle and have been off supps now for about 8 months. Iam 27 years old 5'10" 175lbs and about 15% bf. I dont have the best guts and suffer from crones disease. The only time i actually feel healthy and can have a normal life is when im on cycle. Dont really know why but it helps me a ton! Here is a list of supps i have and i was hoping you guys can put together a new cycle based on what i have available to me now!
2 10mlbottles of cypionate 250
3 10mlbottles of nandrolone 250
3 10mlbottles of trenbolone enanthate 200
3 10mlbottles of sustonon 250
1/2 10mlbottle of primoplex 200
100 50mg d-bol tabs
i have aromasin ,clomid and other pct on hand as well.