11-18-2012, 10:54 PM #1
Cycling a year and 9 months into training? Should I? Big 3 totals are over 900lbs.
Before most of you detest my idea, let's look at my history of athletics first. If you want to skip ahead to my stats from when I started lifting, I've bolded the part of my starting weight.
So before I ever started lifting any weights, the thought of bench presses, squats, and deadlifts made me roll my eyes.
But I did love sports. I just hated weight training.
Up until I picked up weights to curl dumbells and dumbbell press, I'd played sports my whole life.
In my teens, I played baseball, football, basketball and soccer. And until the age of 22, I was an amateur boxer.
After getting worn out of boxing, I decided to walk into my university campus gym and start pumping weight. I realized my boxing physique wasn't the healthiest and didn't get me as much attention from the ladies as I'd hoped for.
In March 2011, at the age of 22, I weighed in at 143lbs and below 5% bodyfat. And at 5'11, it doesn't look good outside the ring.
My goal was to get bigger. My role models were Sammy Sosa and Mark McGwire. But I sucked in the gym. I couldn't do pull ups or dips. And every lift I had was weak. I knew I was pretty weak in the training room.
After lots of talking to gym-goers and researching on sites like here, eating would help to put back on a lot of mass. And boy did I become a chunky ball player type, but my strength sky-rocketed.
In 10 months, my weight went from 143 to 175. But most people said me at 175 looked more like 185-190.
My lifts went up greatly.
My bench press from 115lbs max in May (when I started doing bench press) to 205 max in January 2012. I know it's not much now, but back then it was a huge lift for me.
I continued to gain weight and went up to 185, but most people thought I looked 190-200.
My power really skyrocketed.
I really lamented squats, but at that weight, my half squat was at least 405 and my deadlift was atleast 340. And I was doing 225lbs on the bench press for 5x5.
So in a year and a half my three big lifts skyrocketed, as well as every other exercises.
In 1 year and four months,
Bench = from 115 to 225 for reps
Squat = from 95 to 405 (half squat)
Deadlift = from 155 to atleast 340
But since I was getting to be a chunky monkey and I wanted my stomach to go down a bit, plus I got tired of stuffing my face, I started dropping pounds off my waist.
So right now, a year and 9 months after I began weightlifting, I'm around 165-170lbs, between 9-12% body fat and my three big lift totals are
Bench press= 225lbs, done at the end of a training day just for the heck of it.
Deadlift= 365lbs, did it this past week just to see if I still had it.
Squat= 315, I can probably squeeze three at a 90 degree bend at the knees. For ass-to-grass squats, I know it's over 225 for sure, just because I use to do them about 3 months ago.
So my question to you all, should I start taking Test E at 500mg for 12 weeks and should I supplement with winstrol ?
Everyone tells me to stay away from the stuff, but then I find out it seems like everyone in the gym is on something.
11-18-2012, 11:01 PM #2
What is your goal?? Congratz on the transformation for sure! I would suggest getting back up closer to 200 lbs natty first which you obviosly can do and have done...just do it clean!
11-18-2012, 11:03 PM #3
I think you've made fantastic gains.. kudos for that
You still have it in you to push your genetic limit further naturally for another year or two
at 22/23, you dont need to rush into anabolics, especially if your goal isnt to compete in a comp anytime soon
Enjoy the fruits of your labor... and enjoy the holier-than-thou i-got-like-this-naturally feeling while you can lol
11-18-2012, 11:07 PM #5
No..Test won't harden you. No steroids get rid of fat and harden you in the way your thinking. Diet controls ALL of this.
11-18-2012, 11:10 PM #6
Well, I'm 24 now, but who's counting.
I'll be honest. I've already got 4 vials of testosterone enanthate and I'm itching to use it.
I do like that holier than thou feeling, but at the same time, I wanna get better.
Plus, my midsection isn't as tight as I'd like it to be. My abs have improved from even 3 months ago, but I'm hoping something like winstrol can help. Plus the skin isnt as taut and I think it's from the weight yo-yo-ing.
11-18-2012, 11:13 PM #7
Plus, will the Test E give me more endurance for workouts to push more?
11-18-2012, 11:23 PM #8
Think of it more as a recovery booster. You still have to eat right and bust your ass even harder to get there. It just helps in the healing process for the most part. Winny and Var tend to be finishing type compounds that will give the existing muscle a harder more fiberous look but they don't shed fat.
Hold those vials for a few months and take some time to dial in the diet, so that when you decide to use them you will be much more successful and pleased with the results
11-19-2012, 09:32 AM #9
11-19-2012, 05:22 PM #10
Sounds like a plan.
The itch is still there, but I'll try to hold off until I can get back to doing reps of 225 on the bench press.
11-19-2012, 05:36 PM #11
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