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Thread: stupid question

  1. #1
    legendkiller is offline Junior Member
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    stupid question

    So, first cycle of test was a success, but second cycle of dbol and test feels weird. When I go to the gym i feel like a badass that could work out for hourssssss....

    My stupid question, I know a work out should be 1 hour to 2 hours max, anything more most likely would hinder results for many physiological reasons . So my question, i guess.... Should I know in my head I should stop in 2 hours? because my body feels like it could keep going. and YES I am having a high intense work out, I got to the point when 10lbs dumbbells felt felt like 50's.

    Im sure it's the cycle that's making me feel like my intense work out is nothing, but it just feels weird.

    Anyone feel like this?

  2. #2
    legendkiller is offline Junior Member
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    to make it easier... do people just feel like they can work out forever on it?

  3. #3
    AD's Avatar
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    you probably will overtrain if it's more than 90mins. are you lifting heavy enough? try slo-mo next time, slow 3-5seconds up and 3-5 seconds down.

    to add to the intensity, try 30seconds rest in between sets, then go again.

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Your workouts should be under an 45mins - 60mnins not 1-2 hours long - your over training and if your training for that amount of time your not training correctly

  5. #5
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    Enjoy the dbol /test ride. Your body's holding onto water right now. Lots of nitrogen going into the muscles. See how you feel the day after training. I you're recovering well and not fatigued you're probably ok. I workout between 45min to 1 hour each day. I might do a couple hours of cardio if I'm rolling in a class. Listen to your body and have fun.

  6. #6
    stpete is offline Banned
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    I can get a good workout in 45 minutes if the gym isn't absolutely packed. There's no reason to train that long. Need to pick up the intensity.

  7. #7
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Agree with all the above. The only time I'm at the gym for 1.5 hours is when I do 45 minutes of Cardio.

  8. #8
    Doont-Hunter is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Agree with all the above. The only time I'm at the gym for 1.5 hours is when I do 45 minutes of Cardio.
    Really? What are your rest times between exercises and rest times between sets? I'm usually in the gym for about an hour and a half. I think people bulking are usually in the gym for longer? If you are just trying to maintain your weight or lean out with high rep exercises, then you'll probably be in the gym for less time?

  9. #9
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    My workouts are are 1 1/2-2 hours...30-45 min of lifting and the rest sitting on the equipment facebooking and texting everyone telling them I am in the gym.

  10. #10
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doont-Hunter View Post
    Really? What are your rest times between exercises and rest times between sets? I'm usually in the gym for about an hour and a half. I think people bulking are usually in the gym for longer? If you are just trying to maintain your weight or lean out with high rep exercises, then you'll probably be in the gym for less time?
    You got it the wrong way round, short peroids of time of intense training creates and stimulates growth, long periods of time will not build muscle only burn it away

  11. #11
    fit2bOld's Avatar
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    1 Hour workout is great, plus cardio. Anymore is overtraining or your socializing.

  12. #12
    Doont-Hunter is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    You got it the wrong way round, short peroids of time of intense training creates and stimulates growth, long periods of time will not build muscle only burn it away
    Okay. Well what should my optimal rest times be between sets and exercises to maximize growth in your opinion?

  13. #13
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    2 muscle groups, 2-3 compound excersises @ 3-4 sets for 10-15 reps (unless doing some 5X5's), 2-3 target muscle excersices, 30-60 second rests in between sets...OUT the door!

  14. #14
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doont-Hunter View Post
    Okay. Well what should my optimal rest times be between sets and exercises to maximize growth in your opinion?
    1min is typical but deoends on what type of training your doing you may need further rest time

  15. #15
    Doont-Hunter is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    2 muscle groups, 2-3 compound excersises @ 3-4 sets for 10-15 reps (unless doing some 5X5's), 2-3 target muscle excersices, 30-60 second rests in between sets...OUT the door!

    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    1min is typical but deoends on what type of training your doing you may need further rest time

  16. #16
    legendkiller is offline Junior Member
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    Ur suppose to do 3 to 4 sets per muscle group, 6 to 12 reps, 2 to 3 min rest intervals. 8 to 12 exercises . so that tells you that rest will be 20 mins to 30 min minimum on rest.

  17. #17
    legendkiller is offline Junior Member
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    Now decreasing rest will give u more of an intense work out but decreasing speed would too which would make the work out longer. Then factor in if u are working with someone. Plus, decreasing rest does increase testosterone , but if you are already on the shit that doesn't matter, it would be more important to take longer rest and build up your ATP -PC and glycolitic system. Btw those recommendations are for hypertrophy

  18. #18
    Brick's Avatar
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    When people say 45-60 min does this include a warmup?

    Example: before I even look at a weight on upper body days I spend a good 5-10 mins warming up my rotator cuff (tore it 8 years ago) and my triceps.

    Or better yet. When doing deads or squats I spend 10 mins min warming up my hamstrings (tore it 5 years ago, surgery not needed)

  19. #19
    legendkiller is offline Junior Member
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    Btw im still new to the roid game and interaction it has with the body, but I am acsm certified, so I know the other principles and blah blah like velocity, frequency, intensity, volume, volume load, rest, and the other stuff. Just not use to feeling like a beast.

  20. #20
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    I agree with Marcus. Rests between sets should be short and for each rep, my lifts are slower on the negative and I power through the contraction. The only time my rests between sets last longer than 30 seconds (tops) is when I'm doing supersets or circuits because I don't take a rest during the superset or circuit interval (only at the end of each interval/superset/circuit).

  21. #21
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    2 muscle groups, 2-3 compound excersises @ 3-4 sets for 10-15 reps (unless doing some 5X5's), 2-3 target muscle excersices, 30-60 second rests in between sets...OUT the door!
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    1min is typical but deoends on what type of training your doing you may need further rest time
    Agreed. I believe it takes the body approx 60 seconds to produce the amount of creatine required for the next burst of energy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bucka View Post
    When people say 45-60 min does this include a warmup?

    Example: before I even look at a weight on upper body days I spend a good 5-10 mins warming up my rotator cuff (tore it 8 years ago) and my triceps.

    Or better yet. When doing deads or squats I spend 10 mins min warming up my hamstrings (tore it 5 years ago, surgery not needed)
    You can do a complete workout on any muscle group in under 1 hr including warm up - shorter during PCT.

  22. #22
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    I agree with Marcus. Rests between sets should be short and for each rep, my lifts are slower on the negative and I power through the contraction. The only time my rests between sets last longer than 30 seconds (tops) is when I'm doing supersets or circuits because I don't take a rest during the superset or circuit interval (only at the end of each interval/superset/circuit).
    Thats because youre a slave driver!

  23. #23
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox

    Thats because youre a slave driver!

  24. #24
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Stop talking to everyone at the gym and lift !

  25. #25
    legendkiller is offline Junior Member
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    5 min general warm up, 10 min specific warm up aka dynamic stretching, then 20 min in between rest minimum, is 35 min. You guys are amazing getting a 45 min workout, oh plus 5 to 10 min cool down.

  26. #26
    legendkiller is offline Junior Member
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    I will say on 1 muscle group you can do 1 hour, but not multiple groups

  27. #27
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by legendkiller
    5 min general warm up, 10 min specific warm up aka dynamic stretching, then 20 min in between rest minimum, is 35 min. You guys are amazing getting a 45 min workout, oh plus 5 to 10 min cool down.
    I don't warm up per se. For each muscle group I'm training that day I do 1-2 warm-up sets in front of my work sets. I don't do anything more for a warm up.

    Cool down? I call it walking to the car at the end of a work out. Lol

  28. #28
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by legendkiller View Post
    I will say on 1 muscle group you can do 1 hour, but not multiple groups
    give me an example of 1 muscle group workout that takes an hour.

  29. #29
    legendkiller is offline Junior Member
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    I Will when I get home. I'm at the gym.

  30. #30
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by legendkiller View Post
    I will say on 1 muscle group you can do 1 hour, but not multiple groups
    I used to do an entire upper body workout in under 1 hr, and hit each muscle hard!

    Body For Life, by Bill Phillips.

    I still incorporate it to this day occasionally. It works very well well you're in a pinch.

  31. #31
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    give me an example of 1 muscle group workout that takes an hour.
    The only one that brings me close to that is Shoulders. But im in and out in under an hour. As you said earlier, stop

  32. #32
    legendkiller is offline Junior Member
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    8 exercises for chest, 1 minute rest, let say 2 by 2. So 8 reps would take 32 seconds, x 4 sets so one exercise would take 138 seconds, would be 2 min and 18 seconds. X 8, is 16 min and something. Take add in your rest, and you should have an hour or less work out for your one muscle group. At the gym so coulda said something wrong lol

  33. #33
    legendkiller is offline Junior Member
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    There are work outs that can be modified, like hitt that still gives you a killer work out in 20 min.

  34. #34
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    8 exercises?

    incline, decline, flat, dips, flys - done.

    I'd be at the gym for 4 hours if I worked out your way. Too much. Maybe I'm just getting old.

  35. #35
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    8 exercises?

    incline, decline, flat, dips, flys - done.

    I'd be at the gym for 4 hours if I worked out your way. Too much. Maybe I'm just getting old.
    LOL thats exactly what i do!

  36. #36
    legendkiller is offline Junior Member
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    Lol all I am giving are guidelines and recommendations from acsm for hypertrophy. Esp with roids you can work out a variety of ways and still get results

  37. #37
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Read a study once (no I cant find it) that talked about how worthless warming up cold muscles prior to excersise is and like Ink cool down is the walk through the parking lot and drive home.

    When you spend 15 min doing 3 sets of the bar with no weight on it, your wasting your time and someone elses thats waiting for equipment

  38. #38
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    For BB bench, my warmup is two sets of 12-15 with one plate. Same thing goes for any other body part - two warmup sets with higher reps.

    Then my working sets begin from there.

  39. #39
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    For BB bench, my warmup is two sets of 12-15 with one plate. Same thing goes for any other body part - two warmup sets with higher reps.

    Then my working sets begin from there.
    As my strenght does my warm up weight. I dont like to warm up with a super low weight when I want my muscles to be prepared to lift heavy weight!

  40. #40
    legendkiller is offline Junior Member
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    incline, decline, flat, dips, flys

    24+32+40+48=144 seconds or 2 minutes 40 seconds per exercise.

    2 minutes 40 seconds x 5 exercises = 12 minutes,

    12 minutes + Rest (2 minute rest at 70%-85% 1RMmax )= 30 minutes

    42 minute work out. (not including warm up, or cool down.

    I mean, if you do isolation of 2 muscles that would be almost double that 84 minutes...

    back to my original question though, lol.... I do understand I could tweak my work out to decrease my work out time. But I was just wondering does anyone ever feel that there work out isnt that intense even though you know if you werent on roids it would be killer.

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