11-24-2012, 09:25 PM #1
Trying to put weight back on after surgery
My first Forum of this type, felt I needed to go a different direction with my goals and would like some advise, everyone here seems quit educated and if you could give a few pointers, it would be highly appreciated. I'n a 50 yo male, that has trained just to stay in shape. I contracted lyme Disease when living in the Florida Keys and it took them years to diagnose the disease to treat, by that time had some permanent damage, I'm 5'11" and was 195 before I got sick. Soon after had to have stomach surgery, from internal damage, I'm 165 now after 6 weeks of broth and 6 months of light fare, But I can't seem to put the weight back on, the stomach surgery still makes it tough to eat at times and force feeding is completely out of the question, my stomach also lost about 25% of it's capacity! I'm on Testosterone therapy (I'm taking 25 units twice per week, prescribed by a Doctor (Testosterone Cypionate ) and 10 units HCG 3 times per week to prevent Hypogonadism) and starting HGH next week. I Was reading that EQ may also help with my eating problem and enhance my eating ability again, Doctor says I look great now....not so much, I'm not happy! No fat, just muscle, BP is 110/70, I just not comfortable at this size. I'm not looking for a crash course, I hear EQ is fairly safe although slow reaction, my problem is more getting the nutrition into my body
Any suggestions would be great and all considered, as I am leaning
11-24-2012, 09:47 PM #2
hi rejuvi,
before you go into "drugs", have you seen a dietician/nutritionist to find out how you can take in more calories given your current condition? adjusting the type of food you eat and times that you eat may also help with weight gain. if you havent, simply visit our Nutrition Section and you'll get a free consult!
and how much exercise are you getting nowadays?
11-24-2012, 10:12 PM #3
hitting 3 days a week, my Doc that prescribes me Testosterone is also a Nutritional, he has lead me to probioitcs and food enzymes, I'm trying to get info from all angles, the EQ would prob be 100 per week low dose, I actually dropped lower than 160, I'm stuck here though
11-24-2012, 10:15 PM #4
I went down to 147, I'm working hard to get back, more input the better, not one thing works for everyone
11-25-2012, 12:34 PM #5
Thanks for the solid advise!
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