2 days agao, I did my 1st Pec injection of Testoviron Depot (a time-released Test) which has a thick oil viscosity.

2 authorities (see below links) show that the pecs should be pinned NEAR the middle of the chest, NOT in the upper, outer chest.

In fact, at least on me, the upper outer part of the chest (near the shoulders) has branches of noticeable veins...(at least for me, my anatomy)

I pinned myself there as recommend in the diagram of the link below (please see below).

The closer to the middle part of the chest, the more shallow it was--almost like the bottom part of a "V".

I injected with Testoviron Depot the left pec closer to the middle, it was more shallow & less beefy so it kind of hurt putting the needle in slowly.

The right pec, I injected with Deca & more away from the middle of the chest.

It seemed since it was more away & therefore in the beefier part of the V valley, there was less pain.

2 Questions:
1) Did I do the Test injection too close to the middle of the chest at the shallow part?

2)I rub the area and there's a little knot a ball, there is no warmth, no heat, no black and blue or bruise. Is that something to worry about.

Is it suggested to pin a little more away from the exact mid-part of the chest to avoid as much pain since that area is more beefy than closer to the exact mid-part of the chest which is less beefy, more shallow, & thus more painful?

(As an aside, aspiration was easy, when I pulled back on the plunger to aspirate , I saw a couple of bubbles but no blood, then I pushed down on the plunger and released the medicine into the muscle)
1st authority:
Link of diagram for exact locations of pec IM injections.


2nd authority:
Here's a youtube vid on a pec injection also. This guy pins in the middle of chest also:


***Basically, here are the 2 questions again:

(1) have I pinned to close to the exact, dead center part of the chest, where the chest is almost flat? In other words, should I err on the side of pinning less in the exact middle part of the chest & pin the more beefy part of the chest? (it gets more beefier, the more you pin away from the dead center. Again imagine the chest is like a "V" and the bottom of the "V" is the exact middle part of the chest or dead center.)

(2) Is that knot or quarter-coin-size ball under the injection site, which is not warm or hot, and has no bruise, something I should be worried about? (I noticed this beefy ball when I rubbed my chest after having taken off the bandaid today)

Thanks for your help