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  1. #1
    TT_Tweeker's Avatar
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    Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP) Vs. Deca Duraboline (deca)

    Can I get some votes on which is better (in your opinion). ?
    I have received a bottle of Sciroxx Nadrolex 100 (npp 100). What can I expect? ed...or eod??? how many cc's? etc...

  2. #2
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Eod and its just deca with a short ester. Great stuff imo. Dosing depends on you....

  3. #3
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Get a couple more bottles and run 100mgs eod 8-10 weeks. Run prop w/it too. I like 100/150 respectively.

  4. #4
    Metalject's Avatar
    Metalject is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Should be pretty much the same as Deca , you just need to inject it more often. Anyway, great steroid , both are.

  5. #5
    TT_Tweeker's Avatar
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    Thanks guys. @stpete...thanks bro I was thinking the samething... Yeah it was cool that my buddy was thinking about me (missing the birthday) BUT now I have to pick up a couple more IF I plan to use with any type of good result! That sneaky bastard!

  6. #6
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    You also dont get the water retention with npp like you do with deca .

  7. #7
    BlueWaffle21's Avatar
    BlueWaffle21 is offline Senior Member
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    Caber with the NPP since its a 19 nor?

  8. #8
    TT_Tweeker's Avatar
    TT_Tweeker is offline Junior Member
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    Waffle... Do what? Caber?

  9. #9
    ddp2727's Avatar
    ddp2727 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog
    You also dont get the water retention with npp like you do with deca.
    I'm sold when it comes to esters and bloat that it is diet dependent. The ester only controls the rate at which the hormone is released not how much water you hold. Personal opinion I know but I'm sold.

  10. #10
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by TT_Tweeker View Post
    Waffle... Do what? Caber?
    On hand. If you control your estrogen, you wont need it. If you do need it, .25mg 2/wk is a good place to start.

  11. #11
    alexISthrowed's Avatar
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    I like npp wayyyy better. I get little to no bloat with it and it's much more predictable. Ester weights about the same with deca and npp if I remember right so your getting about the same amount of active compound with both.

  12. #12
    amcon's Avatar
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    love it ... but with one bottle your not going to see the true benifits of the drug...

  13. #13
    Metalject's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ddp2727 View Post
    I'm sold when it comes to esters and bloat that it is diet dependent. The ester only controls the rate at which the hormone is released not how much water you hold. Personal opinion I know but I'm sold.
    Your personal opinion is not just an opinion, it's the only answer that makes any sense. Esters do not affect water retention. The idea that they do is a myth that's gone around for years.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject

    Your personal opinion is not just an opinion, it's the only answer that makes any sense. Esters do not affect water retention. The idea that they do is a myth that's gone around for years.
    I'm somewhat experienced in diet and aas usage and In my personal experience deca causes more bloat than npp regardless of diet. Theres not too many studies on illicit steroid use .

  15. #15
    Metalject's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexISthrowed View Post
    I'm somewhat experienced in diet and aas usage and In my personal experience deca causes more bloat than npp regardless of diet. Theres not too many studies on illicit steroid use.
    THe problem with that is if you take NPP or Deca , you do not receive any Nandrolone in your body until the ester detaches from the hormone. Once the ester detaches, you're left with the same Nandrolone hormone, the same identical Nandrolone hormone. Being used for performance or therapeutic purposes does not change this fact.

  16. #16
    alexISthrowed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject

    THe problem with that is if you take NPP or Deca, you do not receive any Nandrolone in your body until the ester detaches from the hormone. Once the ester detaches, you're left with the same Nandrolone hormone, the same identical Nandrolone hormone. Being used for performance or therapeutic purposes does not change this fact.
    I understand this. Could be due to the fact that most people pin long esters twice a week. Even with long esters blood levels don't stay that stable with twice weekly injects. I have some graphs on this ill try to find. This is purely speculation obviously. I've never pinned deca Ed but maybe I'll experiment with this in the future.

  17. #17
    Metalject's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexISthrowed View Post
    I understand this. Could be due to the fact that most people pin long esters twice a week. Even with long esters blood levels don't stay that stable with twice weekly injects. I have some graphs on this ill try to find. This is purely speculation obviously. I've never pinned deca Ed but maybe I'll experiment with this in the future.
    Glad you brought that up. Over the years I used test-e for most of my cycles, bulking or cutting. Always liked Testoviron and for a long time had a very good deal on the product. Anyway, it was always much easier to control side effects with frequent injections rather than only 1-2/wk. I actually preferred 250mg/eod even though it was a large ester based testosterone . I think it's important to keep in mind that even with a large ester there is some activity early on. For example, when you inject test-e, although it's slow releasing it's only slow releasing overall. When you inject test-e you actually get a sharp spike in testosterone in the first 48hrs after the injection then the following slow continuous release. If you take your total dose and inject it 1-2 times per week, you create a larger initial spike, when you split it into much smaller doses you get a smaller spike, which can be easier to control.

    Anyway, I cannot say this is all factual but it's a good theory IMO. What we do know without question is the hormone, whatever hormone that may be, doesn't become active until it's released from the ester. When we understand that other various theories begin to carry a little more weight IMO.

  18. #18
    BlueWaffle21's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    On hand. If you control your estrogen, you wont need it. If you do need it, .25mg 2/wk is a good place to start.
    Always hear about it with Tren and I'm going to run NPP next cycle so figured I'd ask. Thanks Mick!

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