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Thread: Hcg

  1. #1
    roidzz's Avatar
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    I have been on cycle for 8 weeks now running 1ml prop 1ml Tren ace ed both 100mg/ml. All I want to know without being annoying with questions I don't want to answer is... I got my hands on some HCG is it to late in the cycle to start taking it. And how would you recommend take it if so. I have dropped Tren and I am just cruising at 350mg test p/week and will start Tren soon again.

  2. #2
    JohnnnyBlazzze's Avatar
    JohnnnyBlazzze is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You were taking 700mg of Tren Ace and Prop a week?

    It's never to late to start HCG . are you experiencing sides and testicular atrophy?

  3. #3
    roidzz's Avatar
    roidzz is offline New Member
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    Yeah mate balls are gone sides were as usuall not my first time haha

  4. #4
    roidzz's Avatar
    roidzz is offline New Member
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    How do u recommend dosages and when to take it ? Starting asap

  5. #5
    JohnnnyBlazzze's Avatar
    JohnnnyBlazzze is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Are you PCT and bringing your HPTA back up to speed or are you just cycling again and cruising?

    I'm trying to understand what you're trying to do.

  6. #6
    roidzz's Avatar
    roidzz is offline New Member
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    think i may get off and see how i go

  7. #7
    JohnnnyBlazzze's Avatar
    JohnnnyBlazzze is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidzz View Post
    think i may get off and see how i go
    If you are coming off you are going to need more then just HCG . Do you have a SERM on hand?

  8. #8
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidzz View Post
    How do u recommend dosages and when to take it ? Starting asap
    250iu 2/wk, unless you're in the remaining few wks of your cycle.

    Lay out your current cycle so we can better advise you. No one knows what you're doing??

  9. #9
    roidzz's Avatar
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    im just coming off i have SERMS and HCG would it be bad if i used 100mcg of triptorelin at start of pct aswell as the hcg 500iu ed

  10. #10
    roidzz's Avatar
    roidzz is offline New Member
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    I started on 4th October 2012,

    1ml test propionate 100mg/ml ed
    1ml tren acetate 100mg/ml ed
    and threw in,
    1ml of stana 50mg/ml ed last 40 days
    also kick started it with epistane prohormones for first 20-30 days 50mg ed

  11. #11
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidzz View Post
    im just coming off i have SERMS and HCG would it be bad if i used 100mcg of triptorelin at start of pct aswell as the hcg 500iu ed
    Quote Originally Posted by roidzz View Post
    I started on 4th October 2012,

    1ml test propionate 100mg/ml ed
    1ml tren acetate 100mg/ml ed
    and threw in,
    1ml of stana 50mg/ml ed last 40 days
    also kick started it with epistane prohormones for first 20-30 days 50mg ed
    No AI on cycle?

    I thought you said you were cruising until your next cycle? If so, then PCT is not required.

    If not, then standard PCT protocol is fine - Clomid/Nolva

    If youre cruising and you care about testicular atrophy, i would begin hCG @ 250iu 2/wk and continue until testies are full again then titrate your dose, if necessary, according to your chosen cruise protocol.

  12. #12
    roidzz's Avatar
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    Thanks mate na I changed my mind I am going to come off for 6 weeks with HCG at 500iu ed and standard nolva/clomid. I have 10000iu HCG total.

    Yes I have AI hehe letrozole , arimidex and that liquid prami for Tren sides etc.

  13. #13
    roidzz's Avatar
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    **** i always have trouble with this...
    if i have 5000iu and i add 2ml,
    how many units will i need to make 500iu?? i think i have it but just to make sure

  14. #14
    roidzz's Avatar
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    haha dopey brain nvm 20units

  15. #15
    ANIMAL's Avatar
    ANIMAL is offline Associate Member
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    700mg test and 700mg tren ... got any pictures? I can't imagine the sides you got with that cycle.

  16. #16
    roidzz's Avatar
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    sides where definitely worth it bro sleeps where about 2/10.. always sweating/night sweats. wake up every 2 hours starving with stomach pains, doesnt help when dieting but. other then that im used to tren i can handle it pretty well.
    of coarse i have pictures..

    if i were to stay on for a little more is it 250mcg shots of hcg every 2 weeks ?? or ?

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