12-17-2012, 09:14 AM #1
A little cycle advise here fellas
Im 37 yo and weigh 253lbs , 17%bf with a pretty clean diet.. ive taken aas for over 10 years off and on with good results from just test.. Im putting together a 12 week cycle of test 300,masteron200, and maybe tren200 and had a few questions . I wanted to inj mon and thurs. can i do masteron just 2 days a week or do i need to do eod.. (im just bn a ***** and trying to avoid feeling like a pin cushion by week 10 ) is there anything else i should throw in there? Im just looking to put on lean size.. thanks
12-17-2012, 09:22 AM #2
Are they all Enethate? If so yes...all at the same time same days!
Honestly your wasting your $ on Mast at 17% BF....you will never see the true benifit until you are below 12%.
12-17-2012, 09:57 AM #3
Yea they are e. you think I should cut out the mas?? Just stick to 750 of test and 200-400 tren ?
12-17-2012, 10:05 AM #4
Yes...the Mst is so much more of a finishing compound used to give your muscles that stringy look. Honestly at your BF% you would never see it. It is a mild Anabolic and to get any effect really requires doses in the 600-800 mg EW range.
If you were about to step on stage at single digits then I would say hell yes!
I honestly prefer my tren /test ratio to be the opposite. That high of test will not have a ton of benifit over a solid tren dose given the fact that tren is given a A/A rating thats 5 X that of Test. The extra test converting to estrogen just increases negetive sided due to elevated E2 levels.
I would consider Tren 400mg EW and test around 150-200 EW.
What are your plans for an AI and PRL control as well as your PCT protocal?
12-17-2012, 10:27 AM #5
12-17-2012, 10:33 AM #6
Yes run the HCG 2x a week @ 250ius.This will help you recover better.
12-17-2012, 10:41 AM #7
and you will want to keep Caber or Prami on hand just incase prolactin rears it's ugly head!
12-17-2012, 11:56 AM #8
I've gotten better results with Caber of Prami.
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