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  1. #1
    Mental Pig is offline New Member
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    Queensland, Australia

    Masteron Prop / Sus 250.

    G'day everyone I am goin to post my proposed cycle and see what feedback i get back and if anything could be tweaked..

    Week 1 - 8: Sustanon 250 1mL E3D
    Week 1 - 8: Masteron prop 1mL E3D
    Week 1 - 8: arimidex .25mg EOD
    Week 1 - : ZMA Powder 1g / 1000mg each night before bed.

    PCT- starting 18 days after last pin,
    Week 10 - 15: D-aspartic acid 3mg ED
    Week 10 - 11: Clomid 75mg ED
    Week 11 - 15: Clomid 50mg ED

    If there is any thing you guys think i could change to better this your opinion / criticism would be appriciated cheers.

    ( I am mainly self educated from countless hours reading forums and websites etc ) so i could be completly wrong :P

  2. #2
    Gaspaco's Avatar
    Gaspaco is offline "The Italian Stallion"
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    You should change your test ester, sust should be ran min. 10 weeks.


    If you will be running SUST wait at least 21 days after last pin.

    add NOLVA 40/40/20/20

  3. #3
    Mental Pig is offline New Member
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    Queensland, Australia
    Cool thanks for the tips!! Will add NOLVA and extend the cycle, im hoping with a clean diet i can put on some nice lean muscle using this cycle, trying to get it squared away to a tee!

    Thanks again!

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    What are your stats?
    How long have you been training?
    what does your diet look like?
    cycle history?

  5. #5
    Mental Pig is offline New Member
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    Queensland, Australia
    No previous cycle history, I have read and read and read every sticky on this site and understand this is not a beginners cycle, i still would like to do this cycle hence why im trying to get everything squared away and have no loose strings.. I wont be doing this cycle for around another 4-6 months as still building a base and believe i can get more naturally.

    My age is 23, have been lifting for approx 1 and a half years, I have done alot of good training such as German Volume Training and HIT. Currently training 4 day splits and seem to be travelling quite well. I also conduct interval training, long slow distance running and body/light weight circuts as every morning as these are compulsory with my job.

    I currently weigh 75kg, i weighed 62kg 1 and a half years ago. Unsure of my body fat % but if i was to guess i would say its around 12-15% as i still have my abs,

    I am going to get bloods done before i start this cycle to see whats going on and the results may push back the start date of my cycle.

    My diet is extremely good and have high dicipline in this area. Eating at least 4-5 proper meals a day with supplements including a bulking protien, pre work out and, caseine protien with other multi-v, fish oils etc. Im currently on a moderate carb diet by having half a cup of cooked rice with each meal ontop of a cup of green veggies potatos and variety of lean meats through out the day.

    I hope this is enough information and i dont come across as a "i just wanna pin and get huge, brah" kind of person. Looking to do this properly if and when the right time comes.


  6. #6
    Gaspaco's Avatar
    Gaspaco is offline "The Italian Stallion"
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    1,5 year of natural training is not enough IMO

    Your weight is low to, how tall are you?

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mental Pig View Post
    No previous cycle history, I have read and read and read every sticky on this site and understand this is not a beginners cycle, i still would like to do this cycle hence why im trying to get everything squared away and have no loose strings.. I wont be doing this cycle for around another 4-6 months as still building a base and believe i can get more naturally.

    My age is 23, have been lifting for approx 1 and a half years, I have done alot of good training such as German Volume Training and HIT. Currently training 4 day splits and seem to be travelling quite well. I also conduct interval training, long slow distance running and body/light weight circuts as every morning as these are compulsory with my job.

    I currently weigh 75kg, i weighed 62kg 1 and a half years ago. Unsure of my body fat % but if i was to guess i would say its around 12-15% as i still have my abs,

    I am going to get bloods done before i start this cycle to see whats going on and the results may push back the start date of my cycle.

    My diet is extremely good and have high dicipline in this area. Eating at least 4-5 proper meals a day with supplements including a bulking protien, pre work out and, caseine protien with other multi-v, fish oils etc. Im currently on a moderate carb diet by having half a cup of cooked rice with each meal ontop of a cup of green veggies potatos and variety of lean meats through out the day.

    I hope this is enough information and i dont come across as a "i just wanna pin and get huge, brah" kind of person. Looking to do this properly if and when the right time comes.

    In this previous post below you have only been training since feb 2012 and in all honesty you need to build a better base and learn how to train correctly, because with such only little experience in the gym you have loads to learn and understand and most learn how to train intense and build tissue. I would say your aroughly 12-18 months away from ccyling and then once you do you need to start with standard cycles ONLY but first spend your time learning how to eat correctly and train to build mass and size

    Quote Originally Posted by Mental Pig View Post
    G'day everyone,

    A few stats about myself and what I plan on doing for my first cycle and dieting hopefully a lot of you guys on here can steer me in the right direction or away from the whole idea itself.

    I am currently 23 years old, 24 next June. I have been training constantly since Feb 2012. I have gone from 65kg to 72kg (excuse my metric measurements "Australian") in the last 12 months. My strength has increased dramatically from when I first started. I haven't had my body fat % checked but I'd take a rough stab that it's approx. 10% - 12% as of now.

    I currently train 5-7 days a week, twice a day, morning workout is generally cardio or a body weight circuit ( compulsory with work ). I'd say my fitness is definatly above average as well as my strength. I use supplements including pre workouts, proteins, and multi vitamins and fish oil.

    My discipline with dieting is of a high standards as I'm eating healthy and well with a variety of lean meats and vegetables at least 3-4 meals a day ( could be more but this is comfortable at the moment ) with protein shakes and post workout supplements as.

    I am wanting to give anabolic steroids a trial and see if I can gain lean body mass while increasing strength. I'm not worried about getting absolutely freaky strong or big I just want a lil bit extra.

    The cycle I am planning to do is a Sus 250 / masteron stack, using 1mL every 3 days of both ( again excuse my metric measurements) for 8 weeks.

    My diet will be super clean during this time.

    I have tried to cover as much information as possible within this post, if you require more to give me better suggestions, or advice just ask.

    Thanks heaps if anyone could let me know on what they think would be great to hear from someone with experience. I read and read and read to try and educate myself as much as possible but I'm sure someone else knows a lot more then me and could throw in their 2 cents.


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