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  1. #1
    Cronos's Avatar
    Cronos is offline Associate Member
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    Looking for some advice on next cycle regarding dosages please

    I've been stuck at around 185lbs at around 10% at a height of 5'7. Thing is, I've never really ran more than a gram to 1200mg total aas per week during my cycles and training. My diet is very good, as I eat 300g protein, cycle my carbs between low, medium and high days (I find if i don't do this and just keep carbs steady at say 300g/day, i will accumulate body fat when i try to gain size) and fats around 40-60g. As for training I utilise your slingshot approach, and have done so for the past couple years, changing it up here and there.

    My plan is this to bust through this sticking point: I'm going to run some heavier dosages. After talking to a few pros and amateur competitors that have development beyond my own, they told me their cycle, and they're way higher than mine. So, my gameplan is to run 1200mg test, 600mg tren a.nd 600mg eq. I know this might sound like a lot, it does to me, but thats similar to what these are guys are doing to experience the kind of progress they are. Even other forums around the net advocate much higher dosages, but this forum seems to be on the conservative side, with not as many competitive pro bb ers.

    So what do you think of my game plan??

    p.s. I have run these compounds before, except for eq. Highest ive gone on test alone was 1000mg my last reload, and highest ive gone on tren was 525/wk, but that wasnt at the same time as the 1000 test, it was several months ago. Highest combined dosage ive ran per week was a combo of test/tren/mast which equaled out to 1225mg/wk

    I'm rerally eager to hear your thoughts. I'm currently just cruising ish on 400sust and 200tren e


  2. #2
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Seems like if you want to put on weight you need to increase your cal intake.Not you aas doseage.Marcus has a thread here about Doarian Yates and he talks about his aas doses.And they werent as high as yours.And yes you are correct we dont push the more is better thing.Everyone thinks you need high does of aas to get big.But this has been proven to be wrong.

  3. #3
    Cronos's Avatar
    Cronos is offline Associate Member
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    I understand increasing cals is number 1, but I ALWAYS bloat right up whenever I increase my cals to high, especially if the carbs hit 300 daily and above. Don't get me wrong, I'd rather adjust my diet to make further progress, but I feel at a loss on what to do. The competitors I referred to in my first post informed me they had to increase their dosage to similar amounts to break through sticking points. Not so sure I believe your last statement. Not trying to be argumentative, but I've seen some pro's cycles, and some amateur big guys, and they were all AT LEAST what the above cycle looks like, usually more. As for Dorian stating his dosages weren't that high, I take that with a grain of salt. I also saw an interview with Lee Priest stating he only ran 200mg deca /week, and we all know that's not true

  4. #4
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    I will make you a promise! If you run those dosages and keep your diet and training EXACTLY the way they have been, you will see no more gains than you did before! Muscle has to be fed to be sustained and fed more to grow....end of story!

    I would suggest posting your diet breakdown in the nutrition forum...whats to lose? It may just need a slight tweaking.

  5. #5
    Cronos's Avatar
    Cronos is offline Associate Member
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    You know what Lunk, I'm gonna do that right now! Doesn't hurt to see what they have to say over there in nutrition. Thanks

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