Newbie here with the classic…. How’s this look?? post.

I trolled the sites for two months before I got my cycle started on dec 1, trying to figure things out. I was a little scared to post based on how some people reacted to new guys, but I realized over time its because people blindly post without doing any research. That can get annoying. I think I’ve done my homework but thought I’d put what I’ve come up with out there. Especially since the juice man tried to tell me I can do the t400 for the whole 6 months and be fine using just hcg during pct. When I told him it seemed like no agreed with him online, he told me the forums are all wrong anyways…. Needless to say I have ignored him so far.

Things have gone well for a first cycle. 29 yrs old, 6ft. started at 190lbs 14.4%bf. Currently at 198, 14% bf. I am currently in the middle of Week 6. I was sick for week 4-5 so I think I would be much farther along if I hadn’t had to sit out for ten days, but am still very impressed with the progress.

Week 1
E3.5D: 94 mg. T.Cyp + 94 mg. T. En. + 12 mg. of T. prop. (1/2 cc of T400)
E12hr: 25 mg Var
ED: 2 IU hgh

Week 2:
E3.5D: 94 mg. T.Cyp + 94 mg. T. En. + 12 mg. of T. prop. (1/2 cc of T400)
E12hr: 25 mg Var
ED: 2.5 IU hgh

Week 3:
E3.5D: 94 mg. T.Cyp + 94 mg. T. En. + 12 mg. of T. prop. (1/2 cc of T400)
E12hr: 25 mg Var
ED: 3 IU hgh

Week 4:
E3.5D: 94 mg. T.Cyp + 94 mg. T. En. + 12 mg. of T. prop. (1/2 cc of T400)
E12hr: 25 mg Var
ED: 3.0 IU hgh
E3.5D: 250 IU HCG (day before t400)

Week 5-6:
E3.5D: 94 mg. T.Cyp + 94 mg. T. En. + 12 mg. of T. prop. (1/2 cc of T400)
E12hr: 25 mg Var
ED: 3.3 IU hgh
E3.5D: 250 IU HCG (day before t400)

Week 7-8:
E3.5D: 113 mg. T.Cyp + 113 mg. T. En. + 14 mg. of T. prop. (3/5 cc of T400)
E12hr: 25 mg Var
ED: 3.3 IU hgh
E3.5D: 250 IU HCG (day before t400)

Week 9-10:
E3.5D: 113 mg. T.Cyp + 113 mg. T. En. + 14 mg. of T. prop. (3/5 cc of T400)
ED: 3.3 IU hgh
E3.5D: 250 IU HCG (day before t400)

Week 11-12:
E3.5D: 94 mg. T.Cyp + 94 mg. T. En. + 12 mg. of T. prop. (1/2 cc of T400)
ED: 3.3 IU hgh
E3.5D: 250 IU HCG (day before t400)

Week 13-14:
ED: 3.3 IU hgh
E3.5D: 250 IU HCG

Week 15-16:
ED: 3.3 IU hgh
ED: 40 mg Nolva

Week 17-18:
ED: 3.3 IU hgh
ED: 30 mg Nolva

Week 19-20:
ED: 3.3 IU hgh
ED: 20 mg Nolva

Week 21-22:
ED: 3.3 IU hgh
ED: 10 mg Nolva

Week 23 - 6 month mark
ED: 3.3 IU hgh

Things I’m still considering:

Should I do a blast phase of the HCG during week 13-14?
Should I wait three weeks after last t400 shot before starting Nolva instead of 2?
I know there are a million opinions on PCT, but is there anything else you would recommend? I have never had a gyno issue (due to being my first cycle). Based on what Ive read it seems like for me negative feedback loop will help the most.
Any comments on increasing the t400 for a month? Length of use of var?

I have my diet and training plan typed up as well but thought that would be too much for one post. Thanks.