Thread: 8th Cycle currently on.
01-07-2013, 01:10 AM #1
8th Cycle currently on.
So I've been on 1000mg of Test Enanth a week and 750mg of Deca a week and dbol 75mg for 8weeks; I'm on my 18th week and doing a long cycle. I'll be bridging pretty soon for some time. When I jump back on I'll be adding anadrol 50mg a day for 6-8 weeks.
Since I'm taking two injectables I would like to get your opinions on another bulker that I can add in TO ADD EVEN MORE SIZE AND SOMETHING THAT CAN BE RAN LONG
. I will be doing Slin and Hgh after I've completed my research on the proper amount, and usage of it.
Keep in mind this is the Questions and answers. So please help, thanks
Oh, if you requie my stats, go to my profile as it serve no worth to place it on here while it being on my profile. Oh, and please don't ask a question with a question. I'm in the steroids questions answer for steroids not for my current PCT or MEAL PLAN. Thank you
So, My main and only questions. what would be great to add for bulking??
CURRENT PIC OF ME.Last edited by breakbones; 01-07-2013 at 02:11 AM.
01-07-2013, 01:22 AM #2
01-07-2013, 01:30 AM #3
Dbol is always good stuff.
01-07-2013, 01:45 AM #4
Thank you for the comment but not the answer to my question
01-07-2013, 02:08 AM #5
Great pics big fella
If test and deca are working well for you now why not use them again?
01-07-2013, 02:08 AM #6
Nm my bad its already in your cycle..
Could give tren a go?Last edited by Soar; 01-07-2013 at 02:11 AM.
01-07-2013, 02:10 AM #7
01-07-2013, 02:21 AM #8Originally Posted by breakbones
01-07-2013, 02:38 AM #9
01-07-2013, 02:48 AM #10
which mast?
01-07-2013, 02:50 AM #11
When I first delved into the world of AAS I was under the bro science cloud of that there were 2 types of AAS.
Bulkers and cutters.
How very Naive of me now I'm educated I know that diet is the contributing factor to lbm or lowering bf%
Let us know which way your going to go OP
01-07-2013, 02:51 AM #12
01-07-2013, 02:51 AM #13Originally Posted by breakbones
01-07-2013, 02:54 AM #14
Any other compounds for bulking INJECTS
01-07-2013, 02:58 AM #15
As mentioned, most any depending on diet. The main reason for switching up is to see how YOUR body reacts compared to the compounds that you have used previously. Tren and Deca are going to be your main/stronger compounds though.
You should be able to get some good gains once you learn how to use slin properly but that is way out of my league.
01-07-2013, 02:58 AM #16
I would personally try a cycle of
test prop 100mg
tren ace 75mg
Mast prop 100mg
With either everyday and every other day injects
01-07-2013, 03:01 AM #17
oK. So for tren .... What Can I expect for the reason of BULKING i've been reading on it and it's primarily for cutting.
All I'm in is a bulk stage,diet, sleep and excersise.
But can you from personal experiance not from readings please tell me how tren made you feel.
Anxiety, anger, labido. etc...
01-07-2013, 03:17 AM #18Originally Posted by breakbones
I have only used tren e so can only comment on that.
I ran it at 600 a week dosing at 3 x 200mg jabs.
It made me sweat a lot and helped loose a lot of bodyfat but its muscle building ability is so strong.
I felt stronger and as for the sides the only thing I got was night sweats and a small bout of trensomnia.
As with any steroid if you are eating more calories than needed your going to bulk and tren is great for that!
If you do cardio tren isn't great at all
01-07-2013, 03:25 AM #19
^^^ strength gains = size gains when combined with food. People like to say it's for cutting because you dont have the water gains you do with things such as dbol or deca but again it's all dependent on your diet. Eat enough and you will gain good solid lean muscle.
Honestly from you pics it looks like you could use some cutting. You have some nice size but need more definition and would look a lot better.
01-07-2013, 03:32 AM #20
While I would agree that a step into Tren would be a nice addition, if its sleep you need, Tren will not help at all in that department.
What it will do is this...
1) Allow you to run far less Test and still see more gains
2) Not have to bulk as much to acheive the lean gains
3) Show a much harder, quality muscle along the way without the bloat from the Deca .
Obviously Im not you, but I would bet you could do better than your current cycle by running
400/wk Test E
450-600/wk Tren E
Some kind of oral kick
Having said that, you MUST monitor your bloodwork and BP when stretching out a Tren cycle. It is not a toy compound. If you are prone to a bit of anger issues, this could be elevated substantially.
Just my $0.02
01-07-2013, 06:15 AM #21Banned
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In addition to what KP said, i would look at adding deca . These on top of your hgh/slin will make for some impressive gains. I would run the deca the same 450-600 ew.
Last edited by stpete; 01-07-2013 at 06:18 AM. Reason: said tren when meant deca.
01-09-2013, 02:08 AM #22
Well,in my thread it states that I am currently on deca , plus regarding hgh/slin, i never stated I would be taking them soon. those are things i need to research first.
01-09-2013, 02:11 AM #23
Ok so I'm on 1000 of Test E a week
750 of Deca per week
Did a Dbol Kick.
I'm doing a very long cycle
So what would be a good way to put together a cycle comprised of:
Tren (which type of tren and for how long, and what dose.
Kick start because ima bridge will be anadrol 50
Goal is to BULK gain and look more bulkier then my pictures on this thread.
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