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  1. #1
    chancejackson is offline New Member
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    Jan 2013

    1st cycle advice

    Hey wantin some advice on my first cycle. im 26 years old, been lifting for about ten years, im about 215 on the scale with around 17% bf. mostly done powerlifting style workouts like max-ot. Im going with 10 weeks at 500mg test e and weeks 1-5 at 50mg dbol a day. I have heard that 50 mg is too much to start off with dbol and then heard the exact opposite. And also heard contradicting views on whether or not to split up the dosage throughout the day. just wanting some solid advice from someone who has actually taken it.

  2. #2
    ecruz's Avatar
    ecruz is offline Member
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    my opinion, run the test for 12wks 50mg of bol for 5 wks is a little overkill whats your pct looking like.. pin your self in the morning @half so 250 on 1day 250 the other twice a week youll be fine

  3. #3
    taaa is offline Junior Member
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    Sep 2012
    hcg ?
    opportunity to make it a 12 week test cycle?

  4. #4
    Turkish Juicer's Avatar
    Turkish Juicer is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    A secondary compound is absolutely unnecessary for your 1st cycle.

    You have to figure out how your body responds to pure injectable testosterone at a given dose, before anything else.

    Run Test E at 500mg EW for 12 weeks, inject 250mg every Monday and Thursday.

    Don't worry about the initial lag of Test E kicking-in, some people feel it at week 2 some (like myself) don't feel it until week 5, which is again something you have to figure out for yourself, which takes us back to the rationale of why you shouldn't mess with a secondary compound yet, especially if it is an oral IMO.

    What does your estrogen management, HCG protocol and PCT look like? As is, you should be rather thinking about those.

  5. #5
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
    Knockout_Power is offline "Even sexier than Siggy"
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    R.I.P My friends
    No need for more than one compound on your first try. People complain about waiting for long ester test to show results so they add an oral kicker, but you know what... for a first time, having a few extra weeks to get your body use to adding more weight to your lifts is far healthier and less prone to injury than upping your lifts substantially within the first week or so.

    Keep it simple

    12 weeks, 400.wk is sufficient, have an anti E on hand and your pCT ready before you start and enjoy your first cycle

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