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  1. #1
    long'nlankynomore is offline New Member
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    New Potential Steroid User, Need Advice Please!!!!

    Hey guys, I'm brand new to this forum and the whole steroid / weight training culture in general. I've always been a tall, skinny kid and I've decided I need a change. In order to put this into perspective, I'm 18 years old, 6'9 and weight about 205 pounds. I know right...
    Although I'm definitely very lean and there isn't a ton of muscle to me, I do have lean muscle and I look heavier than I am. I don't have heavy bones and if I was as skinny as you probably imagine i'd be like 190, no jokes.

    I've played basketball my whole life and you know how basketball players are. I played on the provincial team and to be honest I'm quite good. I've always been extremely good at athletics compared to my peers, despite my lanky frame. For the last year or so however, my interests have shifted dramatically towards boxing. I am e xtremely ambitious, and have big goals for boxing.

    This is where you guys come in.

    First of all, I'd like to get this out of the way. I am aware of the effects of steroids , and I think that generally, as long as they are being used responsibly and intelligently, the media has blown them right out of the water. I have decided I want to take roids so please don't try to defer me, unless you have something particular to my situation which should be brought up.

    Anyways, I want to compete in amateur boxing and make the Canadian national team. I'm quite sure there is no drug testing for my age group ( 17-18), but I will get to more on that a little later.

    Before I start fighting amatuer, or return to the gym ( I was there for a bit but decided I needed to gain some mass first to compete in the superheavyweight division, which I am in) I want to go up to 235-240 lbs. Obviously, I want this gain in mass to be muscle. However, I don't want that water muscle crap, I want to gain 30-40 pounds of lean, hard muscle tissue and want to see immense strenght gains that one would expect to come with such a size gain.

    I plan to lift weights, follow a good diet ( 5000 calories or something similar) and to practice proper recovery methods in order to achieve my goal. I want you guys to know that I am very dedicated.

    If I can gain enough muscle and strenght to meet that weight, I think I will see immense benefits in the ring. I will hit harder, have more punch resistance due to weight and stronger legs/ core, and will overall present more of a physical intimidation.

    I need your guys' help in deciding what steroids (s) I should use and how I should cycle it/them. For now, I will only be lifting and recovering until I reach my benchmark weight, then I will be mixing in the lifting with 5 days a week boxing training. Additionally, I plan to run sprint-interval training 4 days a week to keep my anaerobic conditioning in top form.

    I was going to follow the skinnny vinny muscle program, but if I'm using steroids I think I could follow a more intense program due to the greater amount of testosterone in my body, allowing me to recover quicker and more efficiently. Any advice on said program would be much appreciated as well.

    Sorry for the book I've written here, but I thought it would be easiest for you fellows to give me advice if you knew as much as needed about my situation.

    Once again, my goals are to gain maximum strength while growing 35 pounds of muscle. After that, I will return to refer to you guys again for advice about mixing in my strength/mass training with the boxing training.

    Also, approximately, using the to-be mentioned steroids, how long will it take to gain said mass/strength? How does cycling work, does one lose the mass gained when in between cycles?

    Finally, I know you guys can't give advice about where to get steroids , but can you simply mention whether you all get them from a friend or is it possible somewhere to get them online. No specific sources need be mentioned, I"m quite handy with finding things on the internet, I just need to know if it is actually possible.


    Mr Lanky

  2. #2
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Bro I stopped when I read you were only 18.You risk doing serious damage to your endo system.Which will lead to Ed no libdo depression.At this stage in your life all you need is a good diet.Hit the diet section post your diet with macros and they will help.

  3. #3
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog
    Bro I stopped when I read you were only 18.You risk doing serious damage to your endo system.Which will lead to Ed no libdo depression.At this stage in your life all you need is a good diet.Hit the diet section post your diet with macros and they will help.
    ^^^Agree with this. Your effort should be invested in a solid nutrition plan that you will commit yourself to and a training program that will help you achieve your desired goals (e.g. strength vs. hypertrophy, etc.).

    Steroids aren't magic. Nutrition and an existing 2-3 year commitment to weight training are the basics you need BEFORE steroids. Moreover, at 18, you need to REALLY appreciate the spectrum of risks ahead of you. There are a number of threads here by young guys even older than you who thought they understood the risks only to find out they grossly underestimated them and are regretting their decision to start steroids at a young age.

  4. #4
    bigsiv's Avatar
    bigsiv is offline Productive Member
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    The guys are correct in their evaluation that your too young and you need a lot more gym experience before starting AAS this is also due to your tendons and ligaments not being strong enough for the tension you will put on them whilst cycling

    Now going back to your ambition boxing.......being an ex amateur boxer myself i can tell you steroids aren't the way to go for the amateurs, you might not get tested in your district association but if you are wanting to get into the national team you just might! Random drug tests are always carried out on nationals and the lads they train with. If you get caught that's a massive ban maybe life ban not too sure in Canada

    Right, now this is my advice to you if your serious about the best sport in the world IMO Boxing. You need to completely forget about steroids!!!!
    You need to dial in your nutrition and not necessarily for bulking but for boxing training, high intensity. High endurance. And training 3 times a week for boxing is no good when I was your age I was in a boxing academy we done 1 hour cardio in the morning an hour an technical ability in the afternoon followed by an hour of high intensity circuit training. That was 4 times a week.

    OP if you need any additional advice just give me a shout at the same time read this***

  5. #5
    MikeDealman is offline New Member
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    Is there an optimal age to begin steroid use ?

  6. #6
    bigsiv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeDealman
    Is there an optimal age to begin steroid use?
    25 is the usual consensus, that is majority of us have a fully developed endocrine system.

  7. #7
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Yep, gotta eat if you're gonna grow. And agree w/mentioned, too young right now.

  8. #8
    dj erk15 is offline Junior Member
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    I agree with everyone else on this thread except for bigsiv's opinion on boxing being the best sport in the world lol

  9. #9
    bigsiv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dj erk15
    I agree with everyone else on this thread except for bigsiv's opinion on boxing being the best sport in the world lol

  10. #10
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    You are too young brother. At your age - food and gym will do the same if not more than AAS would. AAS is used by guys like us to "copy" what we could do at your age.

    PS I love how you said you played basketball your "whole life" .......llool

  11. #11
    dj erk15 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigsiv View Post
    Not to be sad its still number 3 in my opinion. All jokes aside i love boxing.

  12. #12
    bigsiv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dj erk15

    Not to be sad its still number 3 in my opinion. All jokes aside i love boxing.
    Number 3 ?????? What's 1 and 2?????

  13. #13
    ma_fighter's Avatar
    ma_fighter is offline Associate Member
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    Eat more, train hard, get strong.

    That's all you need to to right now, AAS at a young age is absolutely not recommended, neither are PH's.
    You have a HIGH risk of doing permanent and serious damage to your Endocrine system, which will probably result in you not boxing anymore.

    You will not have any energy to do anything.
    You will not have any motivation to do anything.
    You will have a much, much, harder time building or maintaining muscles, should you even manage to GET your a*s to the gym in the first place
    You will have a much, much, higher probability to die from heart-related diseases at a fairly young age
    You will not be able to get your d!ck up

    These are just some of the issues with a messed up Endocrine system, its really really not worth the risk at your age mate.

  14. #14
    dj erk15 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigsiv View Post
    Number 3 ?????? What's 1 and 2?????
    1.Basketball- played it my whole life. 2.Football- nothing like having a few beers and watching the game with the bros.

  15. #15
    Granovich's Avatar
    Granovich is offline Senior Member
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    Marcus please post your Youngs and steroids post here again!
    this guy wants to do steroids at 18 and dont know how bad it will be

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