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  1. #1
    mrtypr is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2007

    Sustanon 250 + Equipoise Cycle critique please

    Hey guys

    Just sourcing around for some more gear for another cycle I want to do around mid year or untill I finish my cut and I am satisfied

    This would be my 2nd cycle in about a 12 month period which I did a Sustanon + Tren A stack with Dianabols the first 4 weeks. I have done other cycles in the past but when I was low 20s, I am now 29 so there has been a huge gap between cycles. Tolerated my previous one very well. Had slight sides from Tren A though but nothing major.

    Previous cycle was:

    Week 1-3: 20mg/D-bols/ED
    Week 4: 10mg/ED

    Week 1-10: 500mg/Sus p/wk
    Week 4-8: 37.5mg/Tren A/ED

    PCT after 3 weeks of last jab (clomid + nolva)

    Got some good gains, and kept quiete a bit

    My stats at the moment are:
    29 years old
    14.9% BF ( want to cut to about 10 or under before next cycle)
    173cm tall

    I can get Sus and Boldenone 200 (Equipoise ) from my source

    Weeks 1 - 12 - Sustanon 500-750mg/week
    Weeks 1 - 11 - EQ 500mg/week

    Have not tried Equipoise (Boldenone) before. Read that it gives you slower but more quality gains, which is what I am after anyway and my source has some

    Will have nolva on hand for any gyno effects

    Clomid + Nolva 3 weeks after last jab

    Also would you recommend anything else to stack with this? and please give me some of your feedback on this cycle

  2. #2
    krugerr's Avatar
    krugerr is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    What kind of injection protocol are you planning for the Sus? EOD? I would personally ditch that and get a single ester Test. I dont know a great deal about Equipoise as I have never run it myself, but from my understanding it needs to be run for a longer period. So I would probably run it upto the 12 week mark.

    What AI are you planning to run? What doses of Clomid/Nolva are you going to run on the PCT?

    As a 2nd cycle, I would suggest you keep it simple still and just do a straight test cycle. Thats just my opinion though. I think if you keep the diet in check, you could do well on it.

    Im sure a more knowledgeable member will comment further on the Equipoise use/dose etc.


  3. #3
    Alinjr is offline Senior Member
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    Dec 2012
    Welcome. Yes, EQ needs to be run longer. I recomend 12-15 weeks.

  4. #4
    mrtypr is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post
    What kind of injection protocol are you planning for the Sus? EOD? I would personally ditch that and get a single ester Test. I dont know a great deal about Equipoise as I have never run it myself, but from my understanding it needs to be run for a longer period. So I would probably run it upto the 12 week mark.

    What AI are you planning to run? What doses of Clomid/Nolva are you going to run on the PCT?

    As a 2nd cycle, I would suggest you keep it simple still and just do a straight test cycle. Thats just my opinion though. I think if you keep the diet in check, you could do well on it.

    Im sure a more knowledgeable member will comment further on the Equipoise use/dose etc.

    Well keep in mind ive done a few cycles before, so its not my 2nd cycle.

    Yeh the sus id go EOD protocol and same with the EQ

    What if I go something like this:

    Weeks 1 - 10 - Sustanon 750mg/week EOD
    Weeks 1 - 12 - EQ 500mg/week

    or lower dosage of the EQ and drag out the EQ to 15 weeks but dosage maybe to low if I do that

    Day 1 of PCT: Clomid 200mg + Nolvadex 40mg


    clomid 50/50/25/25
    Nolva 40/40/20/20
    Last edited by mrtypr; 01-16-2013 at 07:23 AM.

  5. #5
    MR10X is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrtypr View Post
    Hey guys

    Just sourcing around for some more gear for another cycle I want to do around mid year or untill I finish my cut and I am satisfied

    This would be my 2nd cycle in about a 12 month period which I did a Sustanon + Tren A stack with Dianabols the first 4 weeks. I have done other cycles in the past but when I was low 20s, I am now 29 so there has been a huge gap between cycles. Tolerated my previous one very well. Had slight sides from Tren A though but nothing major.

    Previous cycle was:

    Week 1-3: 20mg/D-bols/ED
    Week 4: 10mg/ED

    Week 1-10: 500mg/Sus p/wk
    Week 4-8: 37.5mg/Tren A/ED

    PCT after 3 weeks of last jab (clomid + nolva)

    Got some good gains, and kept quiete a bit

    My stats at the moment are:
    29 years old
    14.9% BF ( want to cut to about 10 or under before next cycle)
    173cm tall

    I can get Sus and Boldenone 200 (Equipoise ) from my source

    Weeks 1 - 12 - Sustanon 500-750mg/week
    Weeks 1 - 11 - EQ 500mg/week

    Have not tried Equipoise (Boldenone) before. Read that it gives you slower but more quality gains, which is what I am after anyway and my source has some

    Will have nolva on hand for any gyno effects

    Clomid + Nolva 3 weeks after last jab

    Also would you recommend anything else to stack with this? and please give me some of your feedback on this cycle
    Looks good,but i would only do 250mg of Sustanon every three days with 300mg EQ every three days also.i wouldnt wait that long to start the PCT since your using Sus,i would start PCT 1 week after your last sus shot. 12 weeks is ok but i dont do cycles longer than 8 weeks because if you train 100% you will reach a sticking point and any gains will be very small if at all. I have used EQ and test for a lot of cycles had good results,after 8 weeks you wont see much if any improvement in mass gains. I prefer 3 8 week cycles vs 2 12 week cycles per year as i make more gains in mass this way. If you train hard for 8 weeks you will reach you plateau and any thing after that is not productive in terms of gaing more mass. Cycing your training with AAS use more often during the has been more productive for me,some people like to run long cycles to look good for a longer period of time,but shorter, harder cycles will put mass on you faster than long cycles.
    Last edited by MR10X; 01-16-2013 at 09:15 AM.

  6. #6
    mrtypr is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2007
    Ok thanks guys

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