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  1. #1
    Jonnyg419's Avatar
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    Is it too early to rule out the Deca Dick myth?

    Not that I really think it is a myth, but I definietly am beginning to think Deca has a bad wrap. I am about 6 weeks into a Test/Deca cycle, and I am not having problems with low labido, my situation is actually quite the opposite. My Labido is through the roof! I am taking an AI, 250iu of HCG 2x a week, and caber .25mg e3d, and it seems to keep any of the negative side effects at bay. It really just goes to show that if you listen to what the experienced members on this forum say to do, it actually works! Anyone else have similar results? Because I could not be happier with where my labido is at, I seriously want to hump every girl I see like a 16 year old again, I swear I could get hard looking at a Sears catalogue haha

    P.S Does the low labido tend to rear it's ugly head towards the end of the cycle?

  2. #2
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Deca dick is typically seen when not used with test at all. You should be fine.
    Last edited by redz; 01-28-2013 at 11:13 PM.

  3. #3
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Iam several weeks into a test/deca cycle dosed @ 125/450 and have a higher libido than test only, test/var, test/winny. I am amazed by how high my drive is. I havent been like this since I was a teen, and I am serious. I always envied the guys who talked about how high the drive was for them, but now with the low test, higher deca, I cant even explain it. My wife is definitely getting her cardio in.

  4. #4
    Jonnyg419's Avatar
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    Haha I hear you man, I have to admit that I was a little worried when getting ready to use Deca , I had heard horror storeis about how even with the use of ancillaries people had lost allability to take care of buisness, Total BS if done right..IMO

  5. #5
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    It's still not total BS even if done right. Some times it does not show up until after PCT. Deca can be very suppressive and make it hard to get things working again. Not saying it will happen but it does to some. As time goes on people are learning how to avoid it more and more so just pay attention to what is going on and make sure you have everything needed on hand just in case.

  6. #6
    Jonnyg419's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    It's still not total BS even if done right. Some times it does not show up until after PCT. Deca can be very suppressive and make it hard to get things working again. Not saying it will happen but it does to some. As time goes on people are learning how to avoid it more and more so just pay attention to what is going on and make sure you have everything needed on hand just in case.
    Yeah that is what I am still afraid of, I am gonna use HCG right up unil a couple days befor my PCT begins, then I'm gonna do Nolva 40/40/40/20 and clomid 50/50/50/50, i have more than enough serm's incase I feel i need a fifth week of PCT, the week after i finished PCT for a Test only cycle I was completely flacid whic was kind of scary.

  7. #7
    swm1972 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I think post cycle would be your biggest concern. Not on cycle. I can't comment on this because I always just role into HRT and never have issues. But I can say I run <200mg/week with as much as a gram of deca and have zero libido issues. But again I am artificially keeping my test levels in normal range.

  8. #8
    Jonnyg419's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by swm1972 View Post
    I think post cycle would be your biggest concern. Not on cycle. I can't comment on this because I always just role into HRT and never have issues. But I can say I run <200mg/week with as much as a gram of deca and have zero libido issues. But again I am artificially keeping my test levels in normal range.
    That would be sweet, I'm already a diabetic, so I have to supp with insulin shots 5-6 times a day anyways, so a once a week sust shot woud be a piece a cake, not that I am srsly considering going on hrt at 27 years old, just saying it would be nice......well maybe if really get to a point here I could go pro, but doubtful

  9. #9
    cro's Avatar
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    had a friend ran deca with test and problems showed up after pct .couldnt get a full erection,still has probs 18months later.6364879]It's still not total BS even if done right. Some times it does not show up until after PCT. Deca can be very suppressive and make it hard to get things working again. Not saying it will happen but it does to some. As time goes on people are learning how to avoid it more and more so just pay attention to what is going on and make sure you have everything needed on hand just in case.[/QUOTE]

  10. #10
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    TRT would not be nice at 27. I went on at 29. Its not nice.

  11. #11
    swm1972 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by warmouth
    TRT would not be nice at 27. I went on at 29. Its not nice.
    34 here. And I agree. It's nothing to strive for. But I don't have regrets either.

  12. #12
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by swm1972 View Post
    34 here. And I agree. It's nothing to strive for. But I don't have regrets either.
    You are right. I just hate to hear people say stuff like "that would be nice" or "I'd love to take testosterone for the rest of my life, that would be awesome". They just dont understand that eventually, it'll get old. We do it for survival and overall health. They have it in mind that they are just legally cycling for the rest of thier lives, not understanding that its not about that. And my Low T was caused from hypertension! Can you believe that crap? I didnt even get it from AAS use. lol. How cool is that......not.

  13. #13
    swm1972 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by warmouth

    You are right. I just hate to hear people say stuff like "that would be nice" or "I'd love to take testosterone for the rest of my life, that would be awesome". They just dont understand that eventually, it'll get old. We do it for survival and overall health. They have it in mind that they are just legally cycling for the rest of thier lives, not understanding that its not about that. And my Low T was caused from hypertension! Can you believe that crap? I didnt even get it from AAS use. lol. How cool is that......not.
    Mine was caused by a medical issue too. Never touched gear before that. I hated needles.

  14. #14
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    Dude, I am a type 1 diabetic, I take 5 shots of insulin a day to stay alive, it is something that I accept and it doesn't bother me at all, I wasn't saying that intend to put myself on HRT, but coming from my perspective, having to take 1 exta shot a week to have higher then normal test levels (because HRT is a larger dose than the body naturally produces) does not really seem all that scary to me, just sayin. I am sorry that you got stuck on that, it does suck to know you have something lingering over you for life.

  15. #15
    swm1972 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonnyg419
    Dude, I am a type 1 diabetic, I take 5 shots of insulin a day to stay alive, it is something that I accept and it doesn't bother me at all, I wasn't saying that intend to put myself on HRT, but coming from my perspective, having to take 1 exta shot a week to have higher then normal test levels (because HRT is a larger dose than the body naturally produces) does not really seem all that scary to me, just sayin. I am sorry that you got stuck on that, it does suck to know you have something lingering over you for life.
    HRT isn't a larger dose then the body naturally produces. Ideally you should be within normal range which is the range the body does naturally produce. If you test high an ethical doctor will lower your dose.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by swm1972 View Post
    HRT isn't a larger dose then the body naturally produces. Ideally you should be within normal range which is the range the body does naturally produce. If you test high an ethical doctor will lower your dose.
    OOh, It's just that I am always hearing about guys using 250mg a week of test on hrt and so forth.

  17. #17
    swm1972 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonnyg419

    OOh, It's just that I am always hearing about guys using 250mg a week of test on hrt and so forth.
    I get 200mg/week and it puts me in the low 1000's with a normal range of 350-1250. Am I higher then I'd be naturally at 40? Probably. But I'm in normal range for a human being. Medically ethical and completely legal. He will keep me at these levels as long as my prostrate doesn't give me any back talk.

  18. #18
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    I wouldn't be surprised if your increased libido wasn't caused by your use of Cabergoline.

    It's a very powerful dopamine agonist and well known for increasing libido.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by warmouth;6371***
    You are right. I just hate to hear people say stuff like "that would be nice" or "I'd love to take testosterone for the rest of my life, that would be awesome". They just dont understand that eventually, it'll get old. We do it for survival and overall health. They have it in mind that they are just legally cycling for the rest of thier lives, not understanding that its not about that. And my Low T was caused from hypertension! Can you believe that crap? I didnt even get it from AAS use. lol. How cool is that......not.
    Try getting from a pit tumor at the base of your brain. Even more fun....

  20. #20
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post

    Try getting from a pit tumor at the base of your brain. Even more fun....
    Eeesh! I remember you sharing that awhile back. Not good at all. I need to hit you up at some point about my doses of pregnenolone and dhea if its not too much trouble.

  21. #21
    MR10X is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by cro View Post
    had a friend ran deca with test and problems showed up after pct .couldnt get a full erection,still has probs 18months later.6364879]It's still not total BS even if done right. Some times it does not show up until after PCT. Deca can be very suppressive and make it hard to get things working again. Not saying it will happen but it does to some. As time goes on people are learning how to avoid it more and more so just pay attention to what is going on and make sure you have everything needed on hand just in case.


    The first study evaluated nandrolone and testosterone levels after a SINGLE 100mg IM injection. Testosterone levels fell to ZIP and stayed reduced for as long as 30 days! This study also compared the gonadotrophic effects of nandrolone administration to supplemental Testosterone enanthate .
    Note the remarkable recovery difference between the two groups.
    One only needs a little imagination to extrapolate these effects with "cycled Nandrolone use".

    The second study eliminates the need for imaginative minds since it evaluated those patients whom were followed after "their nandrolone use" was verifibly discontinued. Note the marked LH suppression which occurs at urinary levels above 2ng/l (Which was the quantitative benchmark used in the earlier study I posted in this thread). Again in some patients LH secretion was reduced for as LONG AS ONE YEAR.

    The "potency" of nandrolone end products I mentioned is is an androgenic /anabolic comparisons. I have the abstract yet will post the entire study to circumvent confusion once retrieved from the university library. (It's somewhat dated, 1960-1970 article, and is not available via Medline through my institution)

    For these reasons Nanadrolne is a very poor first cycle choice for "noob's", IMO

  22. #22
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    I wouldn't be surprised if your increased libido wasn't caused by your use of Cabergoline.

    It's a very powerful dopamine agonist and well known for increasing libido.
    So is your avatar GD....

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