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Thread: T3

  1. #1
    hcktm is offline New Member
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    Jan 2013


    I just ordered my liquid T3 30ml/200 how should I take this? Mix it?


    Dose size
    How should I dose up or down, or same dose daily

    I've been researching clen and t3 for weeks now to make sure they won't interact with my other medication and muscle disease so I'm ready, but finding dosage for liquid is hard in comparison to pills which are harder to find...

    Thanks for all your help everyone

    I'm 33 fee female 5'3 I want to be healthier weight I'm 160 lbs right now. I've lost thus far naturally 60 lbs but my disease makes to much workout painful

  2. #2
    ma_fighter's Avatar
    ma_fighter is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2012
    All you need to do is changes to your diet, and do whatever workout you CAN do.
    You can get shredded, with abs clearly showing without exercising at all, doing so just makes it easier, and makes for an overall healthier lifestyle.

    I'm not a fan of clen at all, the sides far outweigh the benefits IMO, and as far as T3 goes, why would you order it if you do not even know how to use it?

    The T3 you got contains 200mcg/ml as far as I can tell, that means that 0,1ml is 20mcg, you'll want an insulin syringe to measure your doses.
    I also think T3 should be both tapered and cycled, but I'm not going to get in to doses, as I'm not that knowledgeable in the subject.

    60lbs weightloss is superb though! Why not just adjust your diet a tiny bit, and keep going naturally? Then start playing around with Carb cycling or intermittent fasting (IF)
    IF worked wonders for me personally, went from 256lbs to 170lbs.

    I'm sure someone else will drop by and give you more feedback on the T3 etc though

    Good luck!


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