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    TheS1tch is offline Associate Member
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    How Much Gains Should I Expect to Hold On To?

    Hey guys,

    So I'm 26/6'2/153 lbs/10%, and right now I look like some skinny kid basically if I do a test only cycle for a month, and then follow with PCT how much gains should I expect to hold on to permanently?

    Will I end up with athletic body type? (I understand it's not reasonable to expect to turn into hulk, but at least sorta look like I'm all ripped up)

  2. #2
    krugerr's Avatar
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    A month... Depending upon which ester length you're using, you might not even notice a single change. Where did you get the idea for this?


    Plus, you clearly aren't eating or training enough to bother using AAS. At ~140lbs lean, you have a LONG way to go before we would suggest any Steriods .

  3. #3
    kjsurfer26's Avatar
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    I use to be the exact as u 155lbs 6'2" and I took beastdrol for 6 weeks starting at 4 pills a day and ending my 6th week taking 8 pills a day with a high protein carb and calorie diet... I gained 30 lbs in that time and have stayed about the same... If u can find it buy beastdrol u will need 3 bottles best thing I have ever done... My profile pic is the progress that I gained during that time.... Good luck

  4. #4
    diabolicsoul is offline Associate Member
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    Have you ever picked up a weight before? or know anything about proper diet?

  5. #5
    Soar's Avatar
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    Not to flame but you should check out the nutrition board and talk to some of the guys in there. You would greatly benefit from a diet change before thinking of steroids . Best of luck!

  6. #6
    krugerr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kjsurfer26
    I use to be the exact as u 155lbs 6'2" and I took beastdrol for 6 weeks starting at 4 pills a day and ending my 6th week taking 8 pills a day with a high protein carb and calorie diet... I gained 30 lbs in that time and have stayed about the same... If u can find it buy beastdrol u will need 3 bottles best thing I have ever done... My profile pic is the progress that I gained during that time.... Good luck
    Beastdrol, aka, Superdrol? Isn't that a PH? If not, oral only cycles are not recommended typically. 30lbs in 6 weeks, what this shows is that you were way off your genetic potential before hand, and probably weren't eating right either.

  7. #7
    kjsurfer26's Avatar
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    And don't listen to alot of people about how u r not eating enough if u only weigh that much... I was deployed for 6 months in Qatar free food... So I doubled my intake for every meal 5 meals a day getting over 6k calories a day and about 300 grams of protein a day as well and never gained a single pound.... My metabolism is just extremely fast... They just do not understand that part... But u have to make sure u get 4/5 servings of veggies a day and ur greens as well... Take multi vitamins... The only way u will get the gains is if u change ur more fast food liquor or soda just cu it out of ur diet completely.... I'm 7 months into my training and tried to eat a McDonald's burger the other day just as a treat it made me sick and threw up... When that happens u knw ur diet is spot on

  8. #8
    krugerr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kjsurfer26
    So I doubled my intake for every meal 5 meals a day getting over 6k calories a day and about 300 grams of protein a day as well and never gained a single pound.... My metabolism is just extremely fast... They just do not understand that part...
    Bullsh!t. At 155lbs, if you eat 6kcalories a day, then you will gain weight. Fact. Unless you are doing some insane cardio to burn that shit off.

  9. #9
    kjsurfer26's Avatar
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    It's called genetics my friend... My metabolism is very fast graduated hs at 6'2" weighing 127lbs.. I worked at McDonald's ate many double qtr pounders a day and Big Macs still never gained weight...everyone is different us skinny people need that extra boost

  10. #10
    Soar's Avatar
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    Kj you have no place giving advice on a cycle or diet. Look at your other thread your cycle is all over the board, you lack the knowledge to help someone. Do yourself a favor and help yourself first.

  11. #11
    Soar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheS1tch View Post
    Hey guys,

    So I'm 26/6'2/153 lbs/10%, and right now I look like some skinny kid basically if I do a test only cycle for a month, and then follow with PCT how much gains should I expect to hold on to permanently?

    Will I end up with athletic body type? (I understand it's not reasonable to expect to turn into hulk, but at least sorta look like I'm all ripped up)
    The best thing you can do for yourself at the moment is look at the nutrition section. Ramming compounds into your body isn't a magic trick, your body needs proper nutrients and training to achieve the goals you want.

    Can also check out the beginner cycle thread to get an idea of a proper cycle, AI, HCG and pct. you'll need to learn and understand all of the above to succeed in using any AAS.

  12. #12
    brazilian86's Avatar
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    True, this KJguy knows nothing! Joke to be onboard giving advice!

    If you wanna go ahead with testosterone only cycle, go to the nutrition forum and do a research on a good diet and do a 500mg a week for 10 weeks. Plus have some arimidex on hand cause you will get bloated with water. In my opinion a cycle is not the option right now, you are tall and skinny, get some food bro.
    Best of luck

  13. #13
    Papa-pwn is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post
    Beastdrol, aka, Superdrol? Isn't that a PH? If not, oral only cycles are not recommended typically. 30lbs in 6 weeks, what this shows is that you were way off your genetic potential before hand, and probably weren't eating right either.
    Superdrol is very much a steroid and can be ran alone very successfully.

  14. #14
    Fllifter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Papa-pwn

    Superdrol is very much a steroid and can be ran alone very successfully.
    And very hard on the liver.

  15. #15
    ma_fighter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kjsurfer26 View Post
    So I doubled my intake for every meal 5 meals a day getting over 6k calories a day and about 300 grams of protein a day as well and never gained a single pound.... My metabolism is just extremely fast... They just do not understand that part...
    Youre so full of it, let me ask you this: What does your body DO with the energy it gets from the food it metabolizes? Turns it into... steam? Light? oh, oh, I know! Purple unicorns!

    Either your body us unable to absorb nutrients for whatever reason, or you are working reeeeally hard so you use up all that extra energy, you have a very high bodytemp, or you're a liar. Simple as that.

    Also, please enlighten us as to why you will be unable to process "bad" food, such as a burger, when your diet is spot on?

    To the OP
    You will gain next to nothing from a cycle like that, and you will keep none of it.
    The key is FOOD, how, what and when you eat.

    You need to be eating clean, good foods, a lot of calories, and should be stuffing your face all the friggin time. Eat every other hour, during the time you're awake. That is 8 times per day, every day. This approach has worked for Ectos before.
    You should also be hitting the weights hard and heavy. 45min ish, very intense workouts. And keep proper form when you lift.

  16. #16
    ma_fighter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Papa-pwn View Post
    Superdrol is very much a steroid and can be ran alone very successfully.
    As can any oral steroid , but that doesent mean that you SHOULD run em that way.
    Liver toxicity being one reason, shutdown without any kind of test in your body is another

  17. #17
    tbjake34's Avatar
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    U would hold on to a lot of ur gains since ur skinny right now but u won't gain anything on ur cycle cuz u don't kno how to eat. So once u learn that u must eat to grow u can run a cycle but it will take time to adjust to eating enough to grow. The training can be learned quickly but learning to eat every 2-3 hrs will take time. Good luck

  18. #18
    >Acute<'s Avatar
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    If you can't gain weight and don't have control over your body composition, chances are you gonna lose all your gains post cycle.

    If you're a beginner, it's relatively easy to make good gains naturally during the first few years of lifting. So no, you won't magically turn into an athlete by injecting test for a month or more. If you wanna look like an athlete, you have to train and eat like an athlete.

  19. #19
    diabolicsoul is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kjsurfer26 View Post
    And don't listen to alot of people about how u r not eating enough if u only weigh that much... I was deployed for 6 months in Qatar free food... So I doubled my intake for every meal 5 meals a day getting over 6k calories a day and about 300 grams of protein a day as well and never gained a single pound.... My metabolism is just extremely fast... They just do not understand that part... But u have to make sure u get 4/5 servings of veggies a day and ur greens as well... Take multi vitamins... The only way u will get the gains is if u change ur more fast food liquor or soda just cu it out of ur diet completely.... I'm 7 months into my training and tried to eat a McDonald's burger the other day just as a treat it made me sick and threw up... When that happens u knw ur diet is spot on
    lol, don't listen to this.

  20. #20
    Sisonpyh is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kjsurfer26 View Post
    And don't listen to alot of people about how u r not eating enough if u only weigh that much... I was deployed for 6 months in Qatar free food... So I doubled my intake for every meal 5 meals a day getting over 6k calories a day and about 300 grams of protein a day as well and never gained a single pound.... My metabolism is just extremely fast... They just do not understand that part... But u have to make sure u get 4/5 servings of veggies a day and ur greens as well... Take multi vitamins... The only way u will get the gains is if u change ur more fast food liquor or soda just cu it out of ur diet completely.... I'm 7 months into my training and tried to eat a McDonald's burger the other day just as a treat it made me sick and threw up... When that happens u knw ur diet is spot on
    So you eat over 6k worth of food at 155 and don't gain any weight, but yet when you gain 30 pounds you magically happen to hold onto all of it with no change in diet?

    OP- listen to the people here, you need to eat more. You will lose EVERYTHING if you dont know how to eat. Its the easiest part of training but the most overlooked. You could work out everyday intense for months on end but with NO food to back it up you arent going to be getting much out of it.

  21. #21
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kjsurfer26 View Post
    I'm 7 months into my training and tried to eat a McDonald's burger the other day just as a treat it made me sick and threw up... When that happens u knw ur diet is spot on
    youve got to be kidding me man! LMAO.. puking from macdonalds means u have a good diet!! LOLOL... thats some funny broscience if i ever saw it.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    youve got to be kidding me man! LMAO.. puking from macdonalds means u have a good diet!! LOLOL... thats some funny broscience if i ever saw it.
    I agree it has nothing to do with the diet being spot on because mine is not even close; but I hardly ever eat fast foods especially McDonalds and if I do eat a burger after not having one for a few months I am in the bathroom in less than 1hr taking a power dump. It cleans me right out. TMI but true.

  23. #23
    TheS1tch is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by diabolicsoul View Post
    Have you ever picked up a weight before? or know anything about proper diet?
    Yeah obviosly I worked out but its useless unless I pop some test. That beastdrol sounds great but everyone keep on saying oral AAS are detrimental for your liver, so Ill just stick to test, or should I also supplement with oral pills as well?

    I was planning to use 2800cal diet consuming 175g prot/91fats/319carbs daily do you think it will work?

  24. #24
    Granovich's Avatar
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    dude did you say 153 lbs ?

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheS1tch View Post
    Yeah obviosly I worked out but its useless unless I pop some test. That beastdrol sounds great but everyone keep on saying oral AAS are detrimental for your liver, so Ill just stick to test, or should I also supplement with oral pills as well?

    I was planning to use 2800cal diet consuming 175g prot/91fats/319carbs daily do you think it will work?
    Im on about 4000kcal, doing a test E 500mg/week! - 320g protein, 100g fat, 400ish g of carbs per day!! depending on your weight u will most likely need to increase!...alot if you bulking!!

  26. #26
    Granovich's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fllifter View Post
    And very hard on the liver.
    and fvcks you up
    i did PH at 22 and couldnt recover, even after extensive HCG , PCT routine i got better but never the same!!!
    PH's sux

  27. #27
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    I was a way skinny kid and way skinny all the way into my teens.

    I gained 40 pounds naturally before I cycled. It took me about 3-4 years to gain that much < A while, I know.

    You can juice, learn a proper cycle first. But, it needs to be done all together, nutrition, juice and lifting routine. Or you will lose everything you gain, if you gain anything at all.

    Juice is just not that magical. It will fvck you up before it just swells you up on its own.

  28. #28
    ma_fighter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheS1tch View Post
    Yeah obviosly I worked out but its useless unless I pop some test.That is just utter bullsh1t, learn how to eat properly first. That beastdrol sounds great but everyone keep on saying oral AAS are detrimental for your liver, so Ill just stick to test, or should I also supplement with oral pills as well?Oral AAS are bad for your liver, stay away from them. In fact, you should stay away from test as well, till you manage to get your diet in check.

    I was planning to use 2800cal diet consuming 175g prot/91fats/319carbs daily do you think it will work? Thats a P/C/F split of 25/47/29, you'd idealy want to aim for something like 40/40/20, or even 50/40/20, so you are way off.

    "I was planning to use"..... So, let me ask you this, what does your diet look like NOW, if you think the proposed one would be an improvement?
    Seriously, you need to learn how to EAT first, and when you do you will start to grow.

  29. #29
    diabolicsoul is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheS1tch View Post
    Yeah obviosly I worked out but its useless unless I pop some test. That beastdrol sounds great but everyone keep on saying oral AAS are detrimental for your liver, so Ill just stick to test, or should I also supplement with oral pills as well?

    I was planning to use 2800cal diet consuming 175g prot/91fats/319carbs daily do you think it will work?
    How long have you been working out? And how much calories do you get in a typical day?

    You are not gaining weight because your diet is shit. That's it. Adding AAS is not going to do anything, because you can't even break 160 pounds naturally, how the hell do you think you're going to keep your gains?

    Use your 2800 cal diet right now, naturally, and if you're not gaining weight after `1-2 weeks add another 300 calories, and if your still not gaining weight, add another 200-300 calories, etc.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by kjsurfer26 View Post
    I use to be the exact as u 155lbs 6'2" and I took beastdrol for 6 weeks starting at 4 pills a day and ending my 6th week taking 8 pills a day with a high protein carb and calorie diet... I gained 30 lbs in that time and have stayed about the same... If u can find it buy beastdrol u will need 3 bottles best thing I have ever done... My profile pic is the progress that I gained during that time.... Good luck
    terrible advice right here, superdrol is so hepatoxic

  31. #31
    allskill87 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr

    Bullsh!t. At 155lbs, if you eat 6kcalories a day, then you will gain weight. Fact. Unless you are doing some insane cardio to burn that shit off.
    I agree with this! 6k is crazy to say you didn't gain anything, I'm a ectomorph. Graduated boot camp at 138, and I've never even came close to 6k a day n I'm 220 now

  32. #32
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    And don't listen to alot of people about how u r not eating enough if u only weigh that much... I was deployed for 6 months in Qatar free food... So I doubled my intake for every meal 5 meals a day getting over 6k calories a day and about 300 grams of protein a day as well and never gained a single pound.... My metabolism is just extremely fast... They just do not understand that part... But u have to make sure u get 4/5 servings of veggies a day and ur greens as well... Take multi vitamins... The only way u will get the gains is if u change ur more fast food liquor or soda just cu it out of ur diet completely.... I'm 7 months into my training and tried to eat a McDonald's burger the other day just as a treat it made me sick and threw up... When that happens u knw ur diet is spot on
    I know this has been said already but to the OP please disregard all advice from this guy he knows nothing and will only lead you astray. There are members on here who have learned to diet and train and put on large mass naturally. Steroids are not magic.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by kjsurfer26 View Post
    And don't listen to alot of people about how u r not eating enough if u only weigh that much... I was deployed for 6 months in Qatar free food... So I doubled my intake for every meal 5 meals a day getting over 6k calories a day and about 300 grams of protein a day as well and never gained a single pound.... My metabolism is just extremely fast... They just do not understand that part... But u have to make sure u get 4/5 servings of veggies a day and ur greens as well... Take multi vitamins... The only way u will get the gains is if u change ur more fast food liquor or soda just cu it out of ur diet completely.... I'm 7 months into my training and tried to eat a McDonald's burger the other day just as a treat it made me sick and threw up... When that happens u knw ur diet is spot on
    ^^ This is the biggest wad of BS I've ever read on this site. If you ate 6k calories and didn't gain, you either have no intestines or you got a tapeworm problem. OP don't listen to a single work this troll says.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheS1tch View Post
    Hey guys,

    So I'm 26/6'2/153 lbs/10%, and right now I look like some skinny kid basically if I do a test only cycle for a month, and then follow with PCT how much gains should I expect to hold on to permanently?

    Will I end up with athletic body type? (I understand it's not reasonable to expect to turn into hulk, but at least sorta look like I'm all ripped up)
    In all honesty, you're 6'2 and 153lbs. You aren't even close to your natural limits. I was in your position once and believe me, steroids wont fix it. Any gains you might make (which will be minimal since you don't know how to eat) will be lost immediately after your cycle since you don't know how to eat (and most likely train). At your size and weight, if you increased your diet to 3500 calories per day, you will gain quickly and that's without any steroids.

    If you train for 2 years from now and diet all naturally, then you'll be ready for steroids.

    I suggest you read the threads on this site and look for advice on diet and training from the vets here.

  34. #34
    marcus300's Avatar
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    You wont hold on to any gains because your diet is in serious trouble, you need to sort your diet out and learn how to eat to grow for the next 6 months and put on aa lot of natural weight first before any steroids . Tust me build the foundation and learn how to eat and train correctly because its obvious you dont know how to do both,

    best of luck

  35. #35
    Turkish Juicer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheS1tch View Post
    Yeah obviosly I worked out but its useless unless I pop some test.
    Dear fool,

    You seem to not have a single clue about the concept of muscle hypertrophy, hence how nutrition plays a very crucial role in that process.

    My girlfriend builds muscles naturally, by consuming twice the calories my mother does, all she really does is dedicated lifting and spot-on nutrition.

    Considering that she doesn't have testicles to produce the total amount of testosterone that your body does, now can you please explain me why you seem so convinced about being a natural and lifting is utterly useless for building muscle?
    Last edited by Turkish Juicer; 02-22-2013 at 03:59 AM.

  36. #36
    S123 is offline New Member
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    How long have you been training?
    What does your daily diet consist of?
    Are you making gains at the moment without AAS? if not i would hit up the nutrition section.
    If you haven't been training for long i would hold off on AAS.
    Also its impossible to say what you might keep because we don't know what your taking and we cant just guesstimate to make you feel better. But even if we did know we couldn't tell you how many lbs of muscle you would keep.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheS1tch View Post
    Hey guys,

    So I'm 26/6'2/153 lbs/10%, and right now I look like some skinny kid basically if I do a test only cycle for a month, and then follow with PCT how much gains should I expect to hold on to permanently?

    Will I end up with athletic body type? (I understand it's not reasonable to expect to turn into hulk, but at least sorta look like I'm all ripped up)
    You obviously need to look at how to properly diet. You probably don't workout much either. If you get these things dialed in you will gain strength and weight pretty damn fast. Look in the nutrition section for bulking diet.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by kjsurfer26 View Post
    And don't listen to alot of people about how u r not eating enough if u only weigh that much... I was deployed for 6 months in Qatar free food... So I doubled my intake for every meal 5 meals a day getting over 6k calories a day and about 300 grams of protein a day as well and never gained a single pound.... My metabolism is just extremely fast... They just do not understand that part... But u have to make sure u get 4/5 servings of veggies a day and ur greens as well... Take multi vitamins... The only way u will get the gains is if u change ur more fast food liquor or soda just cu it out of ur diet completely.... I'm 7 months into my training and tried to eat a McDonald's burger the other day just as a treat it made me sick and threw up... When that happens u knw ur diet is spot on
    Exaggerate much

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Papa-pwn View Post
    Superdrol is very much a steroid and can be ran alone very successfully.
    Lol please tell me you didn't do this? if so good luck having any children after. You would have shutdown your HTPA with no exogenous test source. You took a very very stupid risk doing this

    EDIT: sorry for the triple posts, but I couldn't resist responding to the two tools advocating superdrol alone.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by kjsurfer26 View Post
    And don't listen to alot of people about how u r not eating enough if u only weigh that much... I was deployed for 6 months in Qatar free food... So I doubled my intake for every meal 5 meals a day getting over 6k calories a day and about 300 grams of protein a day as well and never gained a single pound.... My metabolism is just extremely fast... They just do not understand that part... But u have to make sure u get 4/5 servings of veggies a day and ur greens as well... Take multi vitamins... The only way u will get the gains is if u change ur more fast food liquor or soda just cu it out of ur diet completely.... I'm 7 months into my training and tried to eat a McDonald's burger the other day just as a treat it made me sick and threw up... When that happens u knw ur diet is spot on
    I'm gonna say you either were not eating 6k/day or you didn't know what your calorie expenditure was per day bc if you are eating a surplus and lifting you will gain weight. I don't like the fact you are recommending a newbie to use a very harsh oral designer steroid w huge side effects. The fact that you even used it shows you didn't do proper research and the fact you gained that much weight means you had plenty of potential to gain weight w better training and diet w out using aas.

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