Hey guys! Fairly new to the world of anabolics. About 2 yrs ago I was overweight weighing 245 with 34% fat content, considering im only 5'9" 33 yrs of age and decided enough was enough. Cleaned up my diet did plenty of cardio and some weight training. Dropped down to 205 with 12 percent body fat! These two buddies of mine assumed I was on something but I was clean. Well they eventually got a hold of winny and test ethante 300 and in a few months looked twice as good as I did. I finally convinced them to let me in there serect. Assuming I wanted to shred down some more so bought ethante 300 as well only taking .5 ml twice a week and win 2 Ml a week! Well the opposite happened. I've bulked up larger then I've ever been. After 2 cycles I'm sitting at 260 lbs w/ roughly 18 to 22# body fat. I have trouble finding buttom shirts! Everywhere I go I get comments about being a big guy. These were not my intentions. I'd really like to come down to 205 or 215 solid! Any advice!