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  1. #1
    jacked71 is offline New Member
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    I'm 19 Years Old with Gyno, Tell Me Why I Shouldn't Do A Cycle

    Srs, thread is srs
    I've been lifting since i was around 14, so thats 5 years of training.
    I've had gyno since puberty and surgery will cost thousands, i did a lot of research and thought i should give Epistane a try along with Clomid PCT
    I heard great things about both of these reducing gyno and I'm almost ripped to shreds for my age but the gyno is killing my confidence and physique
    I've also read that taking these compounds at a young age is a bad idea. Trust me if i didnt have gyno I wouldnt be considering it.
    Have you guys heard anything good about Epistane or Clomid/Nolva reduces gyno from puberty, because i really cant afford surgery
    I don't want to become infertile either so its really hard for me to even think about taking this stuff
    Do you think epistane will completely shut me down?

    12% bf
    Mild Gyno but it is noticeable in a t shirt and especially with my shirt off
    Bench: 240 (lacking)
    Deadlift: 495
    Squat: 375 (to parallel)

    Edit: Letrozole is not an option it seems very dangerous and would completely throw my estrogen out of wack

  2. #2
    redz's Avatar
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    Letro is probably the highest chance of helping with gyno though usually most of the gyno reversal methods are only effective when the gyno is newly developed not there for years. A cycle will make your gyno get much much worse so that would be one big reason amongst many not to cycle at your age.

  3. #3
    jacked71 is offline New Member
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    It can't make my gyno worse when I have clomid as a PCT and Epistane is a strong anti estrogen
    I'm more concerned if it will make any difference at all in reducing the gyno

  4. #4
    redz's Avatar
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    Clomid will do nothing for gyno. You are also very wrong about a cycle not making it worse you have no idea what you are talking about.

  5. #5
    redz's Avatar
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    Are you talking about taking epistane or doing a cycle?

  6. #6
    redz's Avatar
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    Some quick searching and I found many reports of gyno from epistane.

  7. #7
    jacked71 is offline New Member
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    Epistane as a cycle for 4 weeks then 4 weeks of clomid

  8. #8
    redz's Avatar
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    Clomid will do nothing for the estrogen rebound at the end of the cycle. Also there are countless reports of epistane causing gyno in users that previously did not have any gyno meaning if you already have it look out.

  9. #9
    jacked71 is offline New Member
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    I can't post links but i have a bunch of sources describing the compound and talking about how it reduced gyno
    Are there any other compounds like AAS or PHs that can actually reduce gyno

  10. #10
    redz's Avatar
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    Are there any other compounds like AAS or PHs that can actually reduce gyno
    Shutting down your natural test production cannot help reduce gyno. You are going about this all wrong. I searched on google and in a matter of seconds I found dozens of reports of that compound causing gyno.

  11. #11
    haterade's Avatar
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    Y come on here with a question and then get all argumentative when you aren't told what you want to hear.. My advise is take the advise given to you by people that have way more experience and knowledge than u..

  12. #12
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Youre 19 years old AND you have gyno?? And you really think your need some stranger to tell you that cycling is not as good idea? Are you joking bro??

    I think a little more reading and research would benefit you, particularly for someone your age. Your natural testosterone levels are sky high right now. I would concentrate on taking advantage of that as you can make tremendous gains in following few short years.

    It’s best to know the complications and associated health risks that could affect you should you decide to embark on this journey sooner than later. A few more years to allow your developing endocrine system to finish growing, and then perhaps look at using AAS.

    Its also important to understand what it is your putting into your body and the associated roles these compounds play, and the dreaded side effects that are bound to creep up on you - especially if you didn’t do your homework. Otherwise you could be setting yourself up for a host of unwanted side affects including premature closure of your growth plates, Erectile Dysfunction, Gynecomastia (b*tch t*ts), and more..

    The Young and Steroids

    Cycles Gone Wrong for the Young*#.UL2db2fX_fs

  13. #13
    jacked71 is offline New Member
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    Guys thanks for the advice but I'm simply looking for a cure to the gyno
    I simply can't stand having it anymore and i found epistane which is a designer steroid that is said to reduce gyno in men
    The last thing I want to do is have ED and things like that but I cant afford an 8000$ Surgery

  14. #14
    redz's Avatar
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    I can understand your frustration with it. I`m just not sure if taking things like letro would be worth the risk im no expert on this subject. Most cases around here are gyno that has appeared during a cycle or recently developed.

  15. #15
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    If the Gyno is fibrous, i don't think there is anything on the market that will eliminate it, other than surgery.

  16. #16
    fit2bOld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    If the Gyno is fibrous, i don't think there is anything on the market that will eliminate it, other than surgery.
    That surgery is about $5000 not $ 8K or you paid to much

  17. #17
    jacked71 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    If the Gyno is fibrous, i don't think there is anything on the market that will eliminate it, other than surgery.
    True but I heard it could reduce it a little and even a little will go along way for me

  18. #18
    jacked71 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fit2bOld View Post
    That surgery is about $5000 not $ 8K or you paid to much
    im in the u.s. and most of the experienced surgeons charge anywhere from 6-12k
    the only that charge less are usually inexperienced doctors that could botch my nipples
    but if you know a good gyno surgeon in the north east that would be great

  19. #19
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by jacked71 View Post
    True but I heard it could reduce it a little and even a little will go along way for me
    If you do reduce fibrous Gyno, let us know how you did it. It may help others in the same boat.

    Good luck.

  20. #20
    Ashop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jacked71 View Post
    Srs, thread is srs
    I've been lifting since i was around 14, so thats 5 years of training.
    I've had gyno since puberty and surgery will cost thousands, i did a lot of research and thought i should give Epistane a try along with Clomid PCT
    I heard great things about both of these reducing gyno and I'm almost ripped to shreds for my age but the gyno is killing my confidence and physique
    I've also read that taking these compounds at a young age is a bad idea. Trust me if i didnt have gyno I wouldnt be considering it.
    Have you guys heard anything good about Epistane or Clomid/Nolva reduces gyno from puberty, because i really cant afford surgery
    I don't want to become infertile either so its really hard for me to even think about taking this stuff
    Do you think epistane will completely shut me down?

    12% bf
    Mild Gyno but it is noticeable in a t shirt and especially with my shirt off
    Bench: 240 (lacking)
    Deadlift: 495
    Squat: 375 (to parallel)

    Edit: Letrozole is not an option it seems very dangerous and would completely throw my estrogen out of wack
    Have your natural hormone levels tested and that should tell you exactly why you shouldnt use then right now.
    You simple dont need them. At 19yrs old you own hormones are most likely raging high. Use them to your advantage now.

  21. #21
    jacked71 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ALIN View Post
    Have your natural hormone levels tested and that should tell you exactly why you shouldnt use then right now.
    You simple dont need them. At 19yrs old you own hormones are most likely raging high. Use them to your advantage now.
    I actually did get them tested 3 months ago
    Tell me if these are high

    Testosterone - 539ng/dL Normal Range: 250-1100
    Free test - 73.8 pg/mL Normal Range: 35.0-155.0
    Prolactin 5.4 ng/mL
    Estradiol 24pg/mL

  22. #22
    Drakeman is offline New Member
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    I would not recommend a cycle at your age. I did a cycle at the age of 19 and developed gyno and had no signs of gyno prior to the cycle. Additionally, I had the $4k surgery at the age if 20 and now at the age of 39 I am on HRT for life.

    Clearly, if I new then what I know now I never would have started the cycle. You have lost confidence with a little gyno, how do you think you will feel when you have little to no sex drive. Just a thought!

    Good luck

  23. #23
    BBJT200's Avatar
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    Half of the people who have responded to this thread completely ignored the OP's reason for using epistane. He's not looking to cycle to make gains. He's a little misguided in his attempt to reduce gyno, but he is not looking to make gains.

    Epistane is known to reduce estrogen to the point of joint pain. It is a designer steroid (prohormone) that has been around for a long time.
    Reducing estrogen levels at this point probably will not reduce your gyno.

    Letrozole is usually one of the best options for gyno---I would personally recommend using tamoxifen with it and for a while after discontinuing letrozole to prevent the gyno from coming back due to estrogen rebound.
    Letrozole is going to do a lot less harm to your body than a cycle of epistane. If you're worried about your estrogen levels being out of whack, you should have the same worry running epistane.

    A basic way of explaining how gyno treatment w\ letrozole works is: By starving the breast tissues of estrogen, they potentially will die/shrink.
    Reducing estrogen by taking epistane would do this on a smaller scale.

    Surgery is probably the only thing that will help you at this point, as the gyno has been with you for around five years now. I'd try letrozole but I wouldn't have high hopes. It's worth a shot.

    **please don't cycle at your age. It's not guaranteed, but it IS likely that you will have hormonal issues for the rest of your life if you cycle at a young age**

  24. #24
    Rwy's Avatar
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    isnt puberty gyno different then gyno developed from aas use

  25. #25
    BBJT200's Avatar
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    Both forms are developed from high estrogen levels.
    The difference is that puberty gyno develops when someone has a natural tendency to have more estrogen conversion and goes through puberty (nature's steroid cycle)

  26. #26
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BBJT200 View Post
    Both forms are developed from high estrogen levels.
    The difference is that puberty gyno develops when someone has a natural tendency to have more estrogen conversion and goes through puberty (nature's steroid cycle)
    True but I think you have a better chance of getting rid of puberty gyno than aas educed gyno. I have not read many sucess stories though from people trying to use compounds such as letro or most anything. What I have seen and personal experience is the less body fat the less gyno/fatty tissue you have.

    As a kid I always stored fat in the chest also. It was sort of nice in high school because it gave me a nice quick barrel chest look. I did work out a lot but it was a joke I always had more cleavage than most of my girlfriends. Luckily it was not the b*tch tit type, only extra size/fat and didn't/doesn't look bad unless my body fat is above 15%. Ive been down to 12% or a little under and the gyno is almost non existent. I believe if I got down to 10% or less it would be gone.

    OP on this list what would you say yours is closest to?
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	gyno.jpg 
Views:	41692 
Size:	66.2 KB 
ID:	134378

  27. #27
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Move to another country were gyno surgery is free or cheap.

    Its free in ireland and in australia were i got my gland removed it was about 6k but the government paid for it all bar 800$

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    Move to another country were gyno surgery is free or cheap.

    Its free in ireland and in australia were i got my gland removed it was about 6k but the government paid for it all bar 800$
    If getting down to 10% body fat doest work for me can I stay with you for a week or two? Can you hook me up with fake ID so they think I'm a citizen?

  29. #29
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    If getting down to 10% body fat doest work for me can I stay with you for a week or two? Can you hook me up with fake ID so they think I'm a citizen?

    Haha yea why not bra your a pimp with like half a dozen girlfriends so anything for you mate.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    Haha yea why not bra your a pimp with like half a dozen girlfriends so anything for you mate.
    LOL, yeah I have not had any Auzie girls yet. I'm sure there are some cute Asian Aus girls running around somewhere there. I just have a thing for them brown skinned devils.

  31. #31
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    I have read about epistane binding to the SHBG and thereby freeing previously bound estrogen and causing a temporary spike in free estrogens. So this could cause an gyno flare.

  32. #32
    jacked71 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    True but I think you have a better chance of getting rid of puberty gyno than aas educed gyno. I have not read many sucess stories though from people trying to use compounds such as letro or most anything. What I have seen and personal experience is the less body fat the less gyno/fatty tissue you have.

    As a kid I always stored fat in the chest also. It was sort of nice in high school because it gave me a nice quick barrel chest look. I did work out a lot but it was a joke I always had more cleavage than most of my girlfriends. Luckily it was not the b*tch tit type, only extra size/fat and didn't/doesn't look bad unless my body fat is above 15%. Ive been down to 12% or a little under and the gyno is almost non existent. I believe if I got down to 10% or less it would be gone.

    OP on this list what would you say yours is closest to?
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	gyno.jpg 
Views:	41692 
Size:	66.2 KB 
ID:	134378
    I think the fourth row and the third guy next to the guy with a tattoo
    But my nipples are bigger from it to, they only look normal when they are hard lol

  33. #33
    jacked71 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BBJT200 View Post
    Half of the people who have responded to this thread completely ignored the OP's reason for using epistane. He's not looking to cycle to make gains. He's a little misguided in his attempt to reduce gyno, but he is not looking to make gains.

    Epistane is known to reduce estrogen to the point of joint pain. It is a designer steroid (prohormone) that has been around for a long time.
    Reducing estrogen levels at this point probably will not reduce your gyno.

    Letrozole is usually one of the best options for gyno---I would personally recommend using tamoxifen with it and for a while after discontinuing letrozole to prevent the gyno from coming back due to estrogen rebound.
    Letrozole is going to do a lot less harm to your body than a cycle of epistane. If you're worried about your estrogen levels being out of whack, you should have the same worry running epistane.

    A basic way of explaining how gyno treatment w\ letrozole works is: By starving the breast tissues of estrogen, they potentially will die/shrink.
    Reducing estrogen by taking epistane would do this on a smaller scale.

    Surgery is probably the only thing that will help you at this point, as the gyno has been with you for around five years now. I'd try letrozole but I wouldn't have high hopes. It's worth a shot.

    **please don't cycle at your age. It's not guaranteed, but it IS likely that you will have hormonal issues for the rest of your life if you cycle at a young age**

    Thanks for the answer
    Are you suggesting I should take letrozole and nolvadex ?
    I wouldn't know how long to run them for getting rid of the gyno

  34. #34
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jacked71 View Post
    I think the fourth row and the third guy next to the guy with a tattoo
    But my nipples are bigger from it to, they only look normal when they are hard lol
    The 1st guy or in-between the tattoo guy and the last guy? #15? See to me that's mild gyno/fat and first thing I would do is try to get my body fat down to under 10% and see if it doesn't clear up naturally.

  35. #35
    jacked71 is offline New Member
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    Yeah that guy but a little bigger and bigger nipples
    My bf is already around 13% and my doctor confirmed it was a mild case of gyno
    But it still kills my confidence

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by jacked71 View Post
    Yeah that guy but a little bigger and bigger nipples
    My bf is already around 13% and my doctor confirmed it was a mild case of gyno
    But it still kills my confidence
    I hear you but I bet if you get it down to 10% it wont look like much of anything and your confidense will go up a lot. Either that of start savings up for the surgery.

  37. #37
    jacked71 is offline New Member
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    do you think letrozole is an option if low bf doesnt help?

  38. #38
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jacked71 View Post
    do you think letrozole is an option if low bf doesnt help?
    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    Letro is probably the highest chance of helping with gyno though usually most of the gyno reversal methods are only effective when the gyno is newly developed not there for years. A cycle will make your gyno get much much worse so that would be one big reason amongst many not to cycle at your age.
    This ^^^^

  39. #39
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    I figured the title of this thread should answer its own question...

  40. #40
    Drahcir_snave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jacked71
    Srs, thread is srs
    I've been lifting since i was around 14, so thats 5 years of training.
    I've had gyno since puberty and surgery will cost thousands, i did a lot of research and thought i should give Epistane a try along with Clomid PCT
    I heard great things about both of these reducing gyno and I'm almost ripped to shreds for my age but the gyno is killing my confidence and physique
    I've also read that taking these compounds at a young age is a bad idea. Trust me if i didnt have gyno I wouldnt be considering it.
    Have you guys heard anything good about Epistane or Clomid/Nolva reduces gyno from puberty, because i really cant afford surgery
    I don't want to become infertile either so its really hard for me to even think about taking this stuff
    Do you think epistane will completely shut me down?

    12% bf
    Mild Gyno but it is noticeable in a t shirt and especially with my shirt off
    Bench: 240 (lacking)
    Deadlift: 495
    Squat: 375 (to parallel)

    Edit: Letrozole is not an option it seems very dangerous and would completely throw my estrogen out of wack
    My cousin had gyno throughout his teen but when he went to coast guard basic training he looked a lot better and it wasn't noticeable but once he stopped training it was just as bad... He had the surgery in December and now he is healed and starting to build on his pecs slowly... To be honest surgery may be you best bet. Speak to a surgeon and start saving your money

    Age 25 height 6ft weight 203 bf 13% experience n00b

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