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  1. #1
    Time1 is offline Banned
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    Mar 2013

    Contemplating new lean mass cycle.

    Hey guys, new here. What are your thoughts on this. stats are

    30yr old
    14-15 bodyfat

    training 5 or so years.
    come close to competing once. Train 4-5x a week

    run multiple compounds before, even blasted and cruised. Currently just cruising on test e 250mg a week.

    Heavist i have gotten to is 100-102kg at maybe 18 percent bodyfat. Now as i said sitting at 89kg. Have taken time off diet due to some family issues, Dunno if i really feel like eating at a cal defict anymore. Feel like im now starting to lose a bit of muscle i put on, on my last bulk. So still contemplating a lean bulk or continue dieting down. Need to bring some things up. This would be a lean bulk, put a lot of fat on my last bulk. Eating 4200cals a day. My maintenance is roughly 2500-2600. So will be eating around that. maybe more to. As Gbrice has said wer dont require a lot to grow. Want a few more inches on arms and need to bring legs up etc. AS i said feeling like ive lost a bit of muscle. Anyways my proposed plan was

    DECA 600mg Pinned M-T
    Test e. either 500mg or 600mg depending on if i get 300mg a ml or 250mg a ml pinned same as deca M-T
    Thinking dbol , 40mg week 1-4 Although i have 2 bottles of NPP at home so should i just frontload those?

    liquidex from a-rr at 0.25mg eod. Works good for me

    HCG at 250x2 a week.

    will run the test e 2 weeks longer than the deca to let the deca clear out. No forms of deca dick.

    never needed to use caber or anything. No signs of pro sides. Although do have prami on hand.

  2. #2
    ChiveOn's Avatar
    ChiveOn is offline Senior Member
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    Simply supplementing with B6 and vitamin E will help with prolactin anyway. You shouldn't really need the prami

  3. #3
    Time1 is offline Banned
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    yup, take vit e and vit D aswell. And i do aml of vit b every week. But run out atm. altho blood tests confirmed i dont need it anyway lol. ONly thing i do need is vit D

  4. #4
    Time1 is offline Banned
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    Wont be starting this straigh away tho. Getting FULL blood work done when i can. Getting the list in KELS thread done. Plus need to buy everything.

  5. #5
    Time1 is offline Banned
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  6. #6
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I def wouldn't frontload the npp, dbol would be fine.

  7. #7
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    If youre considering a lean mass cycle, we all know diet is key.

    BUT, why not take every advantage possible and run Tren /Prop/Mast(with low BF) rather than aromatizing compounds like your proposed cycle?

    Just a thought..

  8. #8
    Time1 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    If youre considering a lean mass cycle, we all know diet is key.

    BUT, why not take every advantage possible and run Tren /Prop/Mast(with low BF) rather than aromatizing compounds like your proposed cycle?

    Just a thought..

    Could run tren. But i do prefer running tren when leaning down as i find it helps a lot. And deca for lean bulking. Just a thought. yEP i know diet is key but i do like taking certain compounds. PLus running highish dosages of these things can be expensive. Take prop for eg. 100mg a ml. Tren a 100mg a ml. Mast 100mg a ml

    Test e. 300mg a ml. Deca 200mg a ml. PLus my source only charges a little bit more for them to. So i get better bang for buck anyway. Also when i decide to lean down. sick of a cal defict now, Im going to use DNP , Tren e and test e most likely with mast or primobolan .

  9. #9
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Time1 View Post
    Could run tren . But i do prefer running tren when leaning down as i find it helps a lot. And deca for lean bulking. Just a thought. yEP i know diet is key but i do like taking certain compounds. PLus running highish dosages of these things can be expensive. Take prop for eg. 100mg a ml. Tren a 100mg a ml. Mast 100mg a ml

    Test e. 300mg a ml. Deca 200mg a ml. PLus my source only charges a little bit more for them to. So i get better bang for buck anyway. Also when i decide to lean down. sick of a cal defict now, Im going to use DNP, Tren e and test e most likely with mast or primobolan.
    Roger that bro!

  10. #10
    Time1 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    Roger that bro!
    Cheers mate! Thanks for the help to appreciate that. But i need to get full bloodwork done, have had some recently and everythings fine. cortisol,liver,tsh, etc But going to get other stuff done to. Not feeling 100% Sometimes fatigued so yeh. need to see whats going on!

    Also i know deca is fkin notorious for the big moon face lol, anyway to stop that. When i was 102kg i had double chins lol was ****in horrendous, now i have a nice lean face.

  11. #11
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Time1 View Post
    Cheers mate! Thanks for the help to appreciate that. But i need to get full bloodwork done, have had some recently and everythings fine. cortisol,liver,tsh, etc But going to get other stuff done to. Not feeling 100% Sometimes fatigued so yeh. need to see whats going on!

    Also i know deca is fkin notorious for the big moon face lol, anyway to stop that. When i was 102kg i had double chins lol was ****in horrendous, now i have a nice lean face.
    Make sure your AI in dosed properly, and cut sodium as much as possible. Drink LOTS of water.

  12. #12
    Time1 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    Make sure your AI in dosed properly, and cut sodium as much as possible. Drink LOTS of water.

    cheers mate! So anything else to add. or im good to go? wILL post diet up when ive figured everything out. Not starting this cycle just yet. Not until bloodworks done. Feel fatigued for some reason. IDK why.

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