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Thread: no bloat..

  1. #1
    getfit28's Avatar
    getfit28 is offline Member
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    no bloat..

    Has anyone stacked these;
    Test cyp, mast, deca or test cyp, deca var??? I don't want face to bloat.. yes, I run my cycles with aromasin and hcg .... I'm trying go decide which will best fit with no bloat.. I will cut salt and eat clean...

  2. #2
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    It really comes down to diet. Are you trying to cut? or bulk?

  3. #3
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    I agree with the above.

  4. #4
    panntastic's Avatar
    panntastic is offline "cool as shit and knows his stuff"
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    Quote Originally Posted by getfit28
    Has anyone stacked these;
    Test cyp, mast, deca or test cyp, deca var??? I don't want face to bloat.. yes, I run my cycles with aromasin and hcg.... I'm trying go decide which will best fit with no bloat.. I will cut salt and eat clean...
    Fed up of this same old bro science BS
    Bloat does not come from deca or any other steroid
    It is down to poor estrogen management or high intake of sodium in ones diet leading to water retention
    Correct diet and estrogen control will stop any bloat

  5. #5
    Sociabear is offline Junior Member
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    Paamtastic is spot on.

  6. #6
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Proud Bostonian

  7. #7
    getfit28's Avatar
    getfit28 is offline Member
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    I can see what Pantastic is saying. To be honest I've been throwing my $ away like crazy. I've ran many cycles in the past but never had my diet right therefore, I'd bloat all the time with estrogen gyn issues where I had to do the C bino protocol..
    In my last cycle for the last 4 weeks that is when I learned how to diet and boy did it make a huge difference in my body.... My face did not look so bloat abs came out like never before I was amazed how diet can make a big difference.. With this being said I just can't wait till I jump on my next cycle with the correct diet..
    I don't want to loose my abs and this is why I was asking if stacking deca , var and test ok..... I know Var is more like a cutting cycle but I know a couple of dudes at my gym that run this all the time..... In case your wondering I took the easy way out I had to pay someone to teach me...... Right now I'm eating 6 meals a day 70 carbs and 40 protein per meal and I pretty much eat the same damn thing every day..... but this

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