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Thread: Suggestions

  1. #1
    fallettapumps is offline New Member
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    I just wanted to get everyone's opinion on my progress. I've got a buddy that provided Sustanon 250 1 AMP vials. I was taking 2 vials on Tues & Thurs along with taking Liquidex that drys you & (estrogen B) on Mon, Wed, Friday for 2 months along with Fish Oil and Mega Man (sport) multi-vit. I did this twice (2 months on and 1 month off along with another 2 months on), gained awesome results - Although, I hate to say it, I didn't have the cash for my last post cycle. Yes, I experienced some side affects (e.g. no drive to work out) for about 2-3 months straight and it slowly came back. I'm now on Sustanton 350 1cc (Tues-Thurs) for 2 months. I'm working out around 4 days a week and eating light meals but more freq throughout the day to get my metabolism going.. Liq egg whites and banana in morning, before lunch I'll have large curd cottage cheese and some beef jerky, steak & eggs or chicken breast for lunch and dinner I usually just have a shake. I understand my food intake could be better and I screwed up not doing a post cyc. I'm here to get some other opinions on food intake along with any hurtful things that you might know not doing a post cyc last time. I noticed some people were posting blood work to better analyze there body. To be honest I don't have enough knowledge on how to read that stuff. I don't mind getting blood work if that helps this process

    I'm currently 5'10" - 180lbs

    My last progress photo is attached.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Suggestions-399512_10150630231499256_1312920619_n.jpg  
    Last edited by fallettapumps; 03-05-2013 at 11:21 AM.

  2. #2
    Soar's Avatar
    Soar is offline Productive Member
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    Welcome to the forum. By the sound of the last few cycles you should of came earlier lol. They sound like they're all over the map...sust is great but needs to be injected every other day for the full effect of all the esters. Also you were injecting 1000mg a week? That's over kill for sure. Most beginner cycles consist of 500mg/week.
    Last edited by Soar; 03-05-2013 at 11:26 AM.

  3. #3
    panntastic's Avatar
    panntastic is offline "cool as shit and knows his stuff"
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    Your abusing steroids and need to stop and let your body recover and get full blood work done. Blasting and cruising on sust @ 500mg for 8 weeks it just no good at all
    You need to get a good solid diet and training plan before you do anymore harm to your body.

    The fact you didn't have cash for pct shows you shouldn't be cycling as you didn't have everything to hand.
    Just my opinion

  4. #4
    panntastic's Avatar
    panntastic is offline "cool as shit and knows his stuff"
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    To be honest my brother looks better than you and he's never set foot in a gym
    You need to sort out a solid diet and training plan
    Build a solid base up first

  5. #5
    fallettapumps is offline New Member
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    I don't quite understand the terminology of blasting and cruising. I hope I didn't lose anyone I did have a post cyc the first 1 month off after doing my first 2 month cycle of sus. I took Clomid and inject a bit of hcg

  6. #6
    fallettapumps is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic View Post
    To be honest my brother looks better than you and he's never set foot in a gym
    You need to sort out a solid diet and training plan
    Build a solid base up first

    I'm not really looking for criticism on my body bud. I understand I don't look the greatest. Then again, I'm 5'10" (short) and had quite a bit of body fat before that picture. I'm just looking for suggestions on what I could do better. Thanks eveyone!

  7. #7
    panntastic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fallettapumps

    I don't quite understand the terminology of blasting and cruising. I hope I didn't lose anyone I did have a post cyc the first 1 month off after doing my first 2 month cycle of sus. I took Clomid and inject a bit of hcg
    Blasting and cruising is taking an amount of steroids for say 8 weeks the. Going off for a small amount of time not letting your body get back to normal then jumping straight back on.
    You need to let your body settle back to normal
    General rule of thumb is time on + pct = time off
    Read some of the stickies learn what to do and how to get the best out of steroids in the safest possible manner
    You don't want to put yourself on trt for the rest of your life do you?

  8. #8
    fallettapumps is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic View Post
    Blasting and cruising is taking an amount of steroids for say 8 weeks the. Going off for a small amount of time not letting your body get back to normal then jumping straight back on.
    You need to let your body settle back to normal
    General rule of thumb is time on + pct = time off
    Read some of the stickies learn what to do and how to get the best out of steroids in the safest possible manner
    You don't want to put yourself on trt for the rest of your life do you?

    I appreciate the information and I'll look into that.

  9. #9
    fallettapumps is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Soar View Post
    Welcome to the forum. By the sound of the last few cycles you should of came earlier lol. They sound like they're all over the map...sust is great but needs to be injected every other day for the full effect of all the esters. Also you were injecting 1000mg a week? That's over kill for sure. Most beginner cycles consist of 500mg/week.


    As mentioned before, 2months on doing sus250 twice a week then 1 month off using clomid + hcg . That was my beginning stage for the 5 months period. My buddy said it was time to step up a bit to the 350 twice a week 700mg. Is that okay? He mentioned only time you do 1000mg minimum was if your own HG
    Last edited by fallettapumps; 03-05-2013 at 11:47 AM.

  10. #10
    Soar's Avatar
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    Ah ok sorry read that wrong then. Generally for pct you ultimately want your body to recover the best you can. Normally you take the cycle time + pct time and that equals your time off. Best way to tell is to get some blood work drawn and see if you are in the normal range once again. There's guys on here that can help more with the bloods once you have them.

  11. #11
    fit2bOld's Avatar
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    I suggest you stop using steroids and get a real nutrition plan and workout regimen that works. Not to criticize but with what you said you have taken drug wise you should be in much better shape.
    So what is missing?
    Diet first off a shake is not a meal and I ate more than that in my 2 morning meals
    Workout..... Only you know what your really doing in the gym.
    There is a lot to learn here that will get you where you want to be but not the path your currently on.

  12. #12
    fallettapumps is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fit2bOld View Post
    I suggest you stop using steroids and get a real nutrition plan and workout regimen that works. Not to criticize but with what you said you have taken drug wise you should be in much better shape.
    So what is missing?
    Diet first off a shake is not a meal and I ate more than that in my 2 morning meals
    Workout..... Only you know what your really doing in the gym.
    There is a lot to learn here that will get you where you want to be but not the path your currently on.

    I appreciate the advice bud. I def should eat more, which is understandable. I think a problem was when I missed the post cyc. I had no drive for 2-3 months and I wasn't hitting gym as much, I then got back into bad eating habits. I'm back in my normal routine and hoping to see better results.

  13. #13
    panntastic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fallettapumps


    I appreciate the advice bud. I def should eat more, which is understandable. I think a problem was when I missed the post cyc. I had no drive for 2-3 months and I wasn't hitting gym as much, I then got back into bad eating habits. I'm back in my normal routine and hoping to see better results.
    You should go get your estrogen levels checked buddy

  14. #14
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    Do some research, but just so you know in the future if you post pics, expect criticism on your body, be it constructive or otherwise.

  15. #15
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    ^^^^^^agreed, you really need to to start divng into the stickies and read up on cycles, pct, and diet. You will get way better results this way and be able to ask more specific questions. Good luck!

  16. #16
    fallettapumps is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sixfootseven View Post
    Do some research, but just so you know in the future if you post pics, expect criticism on your body, be it constructive or otherwise.

    I understand what your trying to state here. At the time, by his statement, it seemed that he assumed I was always somewhat fit and that I should of been massive after two cycles. I wasn't going for an Arnold look, but more of a clean cut with decent muscle size. I didn't really need to hear about his brother not stepping into a gym and looking better than my results picture. If you throw into consideration that I had a massive beer belly, I think I did pretty well for 4 month progress. Me being a entry level member and him some what of a senior, I was looking for some guidance rather than kicking my face to the ground. All and all I do appreciate everyone's opinions so far.

  17. #17
    panntastic's Avatar
    panntastic is offline "cool as shit and knows his stuff"
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    You are saying you started these botched cycles with a massive beer belly?
    Did you use any ai whilst using?
    The fact you used steroids to loose weight shows an immaturity and a complete lack of respect for your own body and well being.
    I'm not trying to be an ass but we deal with new members here on a daily basis under the notion steroids are a magic pill and help loose fat.
    This couldn't be further from the truth.
    Cycling with such a high body fat % will increase the risks of side effects dramatically.
    You've not mentioned any of the following:
    Blood work
    Cholesterol Control
    Blood pressure control

    And just "shot some hcg "

    Please don't cycle any more until you have completely read up o what you are doing, what a proper cycle is, how its constructed (duration, injection frequency)
    Lost some weight an got bf% to a decent level
    Got on a decent diet and built a good natural frame

  18. #18
    fallettapumps is offline New Member
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    Now were getting somewhere, I did start a month routine of cardio and low weight lifting, while obtaining a consistant diet before using. I also did state I was on an AI in my first post "Liquidex" - description is shown below. No, I wasn't on cholesterol/blood pressure control. I'll look into that though. I started back about a week ago, will stopping now cause any issues?

    Anastrozole / Arimidex / Liquidex (Dex) is an aromatase inhibitor (AI).

  19. #19
    Provita's Avatar
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    Stop now, get blood work done, read up every day, and then read everything again. The knowledgable members will help you to get your blood work in order. Whilst you do that, get your diet on track, get your training right to achieve your goals, do blood work again. Once you have done all that and your foundation is good and blood work stable, then post your desired cycle and stats and then the guys will fine tune it for you.

    Don't mess up your health by just putting chemicals in your body... The members on the forum are not against AAS, they all just say, when you do it, do it right.

  20. #20
    panntastic's Avatar
    panntastic is offline "cool as shit and knows his stuff"
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    My bad must not of caught the ai part my apologies
    If you stop now you should be fine after 1-2 shots
    I would still advise getting bloods done though see if natural test is restored within acceptable levels
    A month of cardio and weights just isn't going to cut it especially as your ligaments and tendons will not be able to cope with the extra stresses caused by the new found strength.
    In all honesty with a healthier lifestyle your goals are more than achievable without any anabolic steroids .
    Go to the nutrition forum and post your daily diet up and let them help you out
    You will thank them for it trust me

  21. #21
    Provita's Avatar
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    The title is suggestions, and that is what I just gave you!

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