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Thread: pancreatitis

  1. #1
    tbone22222 is offline New Member
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    I just got back from the doc because I had a pain in my left side. The blood tests came back saying I have pancreatitis and am now fasting for four days to see if my levels will come down and I get an ultrasound to find any other problems. Anyone else had this issue with their health? I attribute the pancreatitis to the gear I have cycled in the last couple of years. If I get through this I don't think I will take gear again as this is very serious. Anyone reading this should consider this risk as I had never heard of steroids causing this condition.

  2. #2
    stpete is offline Banned
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    The #1 cause of pancreatitis is alcohol abuse. The pain is either upper stomach in the front, or in chronic pancreatitis the pain is in abdominal area towards the back. And the pain from both will hospitalize anyone and they would keep you for several days while drawing blood every 4 hours while you are hooked up to heart monitor.

    I know all about it. I also informed them of my AAS usage and they (the docs and nurses) didn't care one bit about the use. It's an alcohol related issue. Period.

  3. #3
    THE HOGG is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    The #1 cause of pancreatitis is alcohol abuse. The pain is either upper stomach in the front, or in chronic pancreatitis the pain is in abdominal area towards the back. And the pain from both will hospitalize anyone and they would keep you for several days while drawing blood every 4 hours while you are hooked up to heart monitor.

    I know all about it. I also informed them of my AAS usage and they (the docs and nurses) didn't care one bit about the use. It's an alcohol related issue. Period.
    This was my experience exactly. 7 days in hospital. NO food OR water for 5 of them... Worst pain of my life! Doc said "keep drinking and you will be back, quit and you will be good".

  4. #4
    GhostOfRome is offline Junior Member
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    I had severe pancreatitis was hospitalized for 3 weeks. Nearly died, part of the reason I came on Test so I could help burn fat and metabolize fat better. Seriously. I had low normal test and I attributed that to some of the issues. I had triglyceride levels in the thousands. under 150 is normal. You can get it from number 1 alcohol. number 2 high triglycerides. Well guess what? Mine was from both. Guess what else, while being on test, my triglycerides have fallen to the ground. 98 last time I had bloodwork done. I haven't had 98 triglyceride levels in the last what 6 years? I don't see the gear being the issue. I studied this pretty hard, its how you eat and how you drink.

  5. #5
    tbone22222 is offline New Member
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    If you think steroids do not cause pancreatitis you are in denial. I do not drink a drop and eat a clean diet. google pancreatitis and steroids. Look up the acronym GET SMASHED.

  6. #6
    swm1972 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    New user with two horror story posts. Can't begin to understand why anyone would question this story or the OP's motives.

    /end sarcasm

  7. #7
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbone22222 View Post
    If you think steroids do not cause pancreatitis you are in denial. I do not drink a drop and eat a clean diet. google pancreatitis and steroids. Look up the acronym GET SMASHED.
    You are the one in denial. If you had pancreatitis, you would be in the hospital. End of story. A simple Google search will tell you the same. But i don't have to that cause i lived thru 3 of them. One, i was in a damn coma for 22 days. And the #'s are out of this world to back up my story. Did they tell you your lypase and liver, and pancreatic enzyme levels? If so, what were they?

    It's from alcohol abuse, plain and simple! In less than 3% of pancreatitis patients does the condition come from any other source! I've had 6 different doctors tell me the same thing from Ohio to Florida! And you have to sign off to go AMA cause they will typically keep the acute ones for at least 5 days and all you get for those days are ice chips. And some docs won't even give that to you.

    Don't even try to tell me i'm in denial buddy. I'm an alcoholic and anyone here that knows me knows i am and i've lived what you speak of. Besides that, when i was in a coma, my wife made it her JOB to know everything there is know about the shit. Asking Doctors eveything she could think of. Even bringing her laptop to the hospital to do research while i was out cold. Check this out and feel free to look further if you like. Just scroll down a bit and you'll see the most common cause....

  8. #8
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    The most pervasive theme on this board is EDUCATION. The majority of knowledgable and responsible steroid users here emphasize education before use so each individual understands the risks and rewards to steroid use . Unfortunately most come here with the mind set that steroids won't hurt you and will change a person from geek to god in a few cycles.

    Steroids are like any drug - they carry inherent risks and the longer the use or abuse, the greater the risks. Hormones such as testosterone , estrogen, LH, FSH, GnRH, cortisol, etc. influence and regulate so many aspects of physiological function including sleep, mood/emotion, energy levels, memory, reproduction, appetite, digestion, immunity, and more. Taking any substance(s) that effect(s) your natural hormones will of course impact these functions as well. Users need to understand, appreciate, and respect these risks so safe and effective steroid use is achievable.

    WRT to pancreatitis, acute or chronic diagnoses are generally a result of lifestyle conditions (drug or alcohol abuse). While I have yet to see conclusive evidence that steroids "cause" pancreatitis, anabolic abuse could result in multi-organ dysfunction. Pancreatitis and hepatitis in an anabolic user often result from hypercalcemia and a general hypertensive crisis.

    These types of organ failure however are far more common with oral steroids , many of which induce secondary intra-hepatic cholestasis, acute tubular necrosis of the kidneys, and pancreatitis. The same conditions are typically not reported with injectable anabolic compounds.
    Last edited by MuscleInk; 03-08-2013 at 07:19 PM.

  9. #9
    tbone22222 is offline New Member
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    I don't know why you are flaming so bad STPETE. I am not in the hospital because my blood levels are only twice as high as normal and the doctor thinks if I fast for three or four days they may come down and I am going into the hospital for an ultrasound soon when I can get in. I know alcohol is the main cause of pancreatitis , but it also is the most common form of abused. I do not doubt your bout of pancreatitis has been brought on by alcohol. Steroids are in fact a .... and alcohol and certain .... can cause pancreatitis, including steroids, despite what your doctors have said. I was just sharing my thoughts because I do not drink(ever), do not smoke, eat a clean diet, and train hard. Like MuscleINK says, steroids have an inherent risk and I was just sharing one of the sides that has affected me. When you say it is from alcohol abuse ,"period", makes you sound ignorant as there are many other reasons for pancreatitus and for the fact I do not ever drink.

  10. #10
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Ok, let us know how that goes.

    Good luck.

  11. #11
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    The most common cause is excessive drinking but oral anabolics create a cascade of problems which can indirectly lead to pancreatitis (and other problems as I indicated). It's uncommon, but not impossible if oral compounds are abused (not saying that's what happened here, just making a point).

  12. #12
    tbone22222 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    The most common cause is excessive drinking but oral anabolics create a cascade of problems which can indirectly lead to pancreatitis (and other problems as I indicated). It's uncommon, but not impossible if oral compounds are abused (not saying that's what happened here, just making a point).
    I have not taken oral steroids as they are harder on your system. From what I have read , pancreatitis is rarely attributed to steroids but it is not impossible. However small the risk it is still there. I will let you guys know how things go. I will try to get numbers on my levels but it is hard to get lab info from any doctors. I may get my nurse wife to "acquire" them for my own info and i will share if I can. I do not want to say to anyone not to cycle I just wanted to share one more of the side effects possible.

  13. #13
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Doctors tell you where your levels are. You don't even have to ask. They tell you their findings via blood work so you are fully aware. They tell you everything, whether it be the morphine or dilautid for the pain, or the potassium as well.

    I had a "picc line" in my right arm w/3 different iv's attached to it. They told my wife of the meds that were going in me and how much of each one because of xxx and xxxx and i was maxed out on 2 different sedatives, which of course, the Docs and nurses informed her of those as well.

    My last bout, no one was there as i was out of state. The Doctors were very forthwith telling me their findings via the blood work. Actually, it was my nurses that told me. And legally, they have to disclose your medical records to you.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbone22222

    I have not taken oral steroids as they are harder on your system. From what I have read , pancreatitis is rarely attributed to steroids but it is not impossible. However small the risk it is still there. I will let you guys know how things go. I will try to get numbers on my levels but it is hard to get lab info from any doctors. I may get my nurse wife to "acquire" them for my own info and i will share if I can. I do not want to say to anyone not to cycle I just wanted to share one more of the side effects possible.
    Yes, risks are ever present. Unfortunately, 1000 guys could cycle and never have any issues and then someone such as yourself has a health problem that may be related. These things are hard to predict.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete
    Doctors tell you where your levels are. You don't even have to ask. They tell you their findings via blood work so you are fully aware. They tell you everything, whether it be the morphine or dilautid for the pain, or the potassium as well.

    I had a "picc line" in my right arm w/3 different iv's attached to it. They told my wife of the meds that were going in me and how much of each one because of xxx and xxxx and i was maxed out on 2 different sedatives, which of course, the Docs and nurses informed her of those as well.

    My last bout, no one was there as i was out of state. The Doctors were very forthwith telling me their findings via the blood work. Actually, it was my nurses that told me. And legally, they have to disclose your medical records to you.
    Glad you're still with us Pete!!!!

  16. #16
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    It is true that alcohol is a common cause of pancreatitis but a gallbladder stone in the common bile duct is a common cause of pancreatitis as well. Frequently AST will be elevated with alcohol use and ALT can be normal, alkaline phosphatase will be elevated with an obstructive stone. If your amylase and lipase are through the roof and alk phos is normal alocholic etiology is likely.
    An obstructing stone is removed via EGD (tube down throat and intubation of the common bile duct and papillotomy of the ampulla of vater if needed.
    And god forbid you get chronic pancreatitis which is a real bitch, irrespective of the cause.

  17. #17
    stpete is offline Banned
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    ^^^^^ That is correct as well.

    Thanks, MI!!!

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete
    ^^^^^ That is correct as well.

    Thanks, MI!!!
    Interesting a call today from a buddy. Long time anabolic user. Admitted today for pancreatitis. I'm trying to get a copy of his lab work to take a look at calcium, albumin an other factors. He's been off cycle for a while and just restarted a test-E and var cycle.

  19. #19
    stpete is offline Banned
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    As mentioned by Peer, right above ^^^^ this post, his amylase and lipase results will tell the story. Not that calcium and albumin wouldn't, but i know that the the former is what they go on. Mine was thru the roof! I think it was my amylase that was over 1500. It dropped to around 700 when they let me go home. I think. It could be the other way around. Could have been lipase. If my wife was here i could tell you for sure. But she's not.

    Anyway, i know that my doc looked at me right before he released me(and i had to piss into a jar to insure that i wasn't holding water due to the catheter) and told me next time i see him i will be insulin dependent or worse. And he was going to take his 9 iron and beat me upside the head. Come to find out once i got home, Chris(my doc) actually beat on my chest while i was in a coma to get my attention. And according to my wife, i came to just for a minute when he beat on me. Then as soon as he stopped, i was out again. Funny how things work sometimes.

  20. #20
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    13,447 they cleared him for acute pancreatitis but couldn't pin point the problem. Morphine provided for pain. CT negative. I've asked my buddy to sign a release for his labs and dx so I can review it. Lots of other possibilities here and I'm not so sure the ER staff did a proper assessment. Sounds like the CT was clear, pain managed, patient stable, discharge. Typical hallway medicine!!!!

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete
    As mentioned by Peer, right above ^^^^ this post, his amylase and lipase results will tell the story. Not that calcium and albumin wouldn't, but i know that the the former is what they go on. Mine was thru the roof! I think it was my amylase that was over 1500. It dropped to around 700 when they let me go home. I think. It could be the other way around. Could have been lipase. If my wife was here i could tell you for sure. But she's not.

    Anyway, i know that my doc looked at me right before he released me(and i had to piss into a jar to insure that i wasn't holding water due to the catheter) and told me next time i see him i will be insulin dependent or worse. And he was going to take his 9 iron and beat me upside the head. Come to find out once i got home, Chris(my doc) actually beat on my chest while i was in a coma to get my attention. And according to my wife, i came to just for a minute when he beat on me. Then as soon as he stopped, i was out again. Funny how things work sometimes.
    That sounds like hell and back Pete!!!

  22. #22
    stpete is offline Banned
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    OK, good to hear he's ok and going home. I'm sure he's dehydrated and needs days to rest and refill his system. I think that lemon water w/just a touch of sugar does me just fine. Morphine is good but the weaker of the two so that's good along w/the CT. Thank goodness he gets to go home and sleep in his own bed tonight. I know he won't forget it.
    Wish him all the best. And need to find out what's up.

    And yeah, my Doc(chris) doesn't play around. I call him Doogie cause he kinda looks like doogie houser. And no, i don't say it behind his back. I tell it to his face as well and he just laughs at me. But he's a mean little dude. And i love him for it. He saved my life my pouring all those drugs in me and having confidence that i could handle them. I owe him.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Yes, risks are ever present. Unfortunately, 1000 guys could cycle and never have any issues and then someone such as yourself has a health problem that may be related. These things are hard to predict.
    Key word, MAY be related. Some people just like to jump to conclusions and blame the first thing they think of. I have been on TRT for over 5 years and done a few cycles. I have had several problems along the way all unrelated to AAS.

    I also recently went in and had an ultrasound done of the liver, kidneys, pancreas and spleen due to high liver enzyme. I could have easily blamed aas since I had just started a cycle but I dont jump to conclusions. Ultra sound test came back completely normal on everything. I did another liver enzyme test 2 weeks later and my levels were well below normal. The one thing I changed was I stopped my new cholesterol medication that one of the possible side effects is higher liver enzyme levels. Go figure...

    More times than not most all RX medications seem to come with a negative side effect. Seems to be a viscous loop.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete
    OK, good to hear he's ok and going home. I'm sure he's dehydrated and needs days to rest and refill his system. I think that lemon water w/just a touch of sugar does me just fine. Morphine is good but the weaker of the two so that's good along w/the CT. Thank goodness he gets to go home and sleep in his own bed tonight. I know he won't forget it.
    Wish him all the best. And need to find out what's up.

    And yeah, my Doc(chris) doesn't play around. I call him Doogie cause he kinda looks like doogie houser. And no, i don't say it behind his back. I tell it to his face as well and he just laughs at me. But he's a mean little dude. And i love him for it. He saved my life my pouring all those drugs in me and having confidence that i could handle them. I owe him.
    Yes, he admitted to one day of drinking nothing but coffee and Monsters. I'm gonna put my foot up his ass when I see him. He knows better.

    Hopefully we'll pin point the problem.

    Thanks Pete!

  25. #25
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Good lord. I'd say that would contribute as well. Tell him next time it will feel like someone is stabbing him w/ a knife and just turning it. and if he doesn't choke on his vomit or blood he's lucky. Cause i did. They had to come get me out of the damn restroom. Then when he thinks it's all over, his body is still rejecting and he will still try to vomit but nothing is coming out. Then comes the stars and light headedness. Then you're fvcked. All you can do is ask for a nurse and hope they hear you. Not a nice place to be in. And besides, the nurse has to get permission from the doc to give the extra meds, which in most cases, the docs say no. They go on this time thing....You're on a 4 hour loop Mr. Stpete. Well, i fvcking hurting. Only once has a doc allowed double shot. And that was my doc. And what's even more fvcked up, the ER Doc's won't do anything if your doc isn't around and you're admitted patient. They say, "different area and the ER'S won't agree." WTF?

    Anyway, i'm glad your friend is doing better. Tell him not to mess around w/this as it's life threatening. Can't live without your pancreas. Plain and simple.

    I'll help as best i can Buddy.

    Let him know how lucky he is. It's nothing to play with.

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