Hello all long story short, have been running 500mg Test E a week for 5 months straight. All is well, blood tests are great. Have enjoyed my time on. I had low Test to begin with before cycle and now I am in a good place and used the test as I wanted to help me recomp my body. My question is pretty basic and simple. I want to come off here in about 2 months. My goal is to hopefully get my natural levels back and just stay off for good. So far I naturally lost 85 lbs and then within the 5 months on recomped and got down to 14.5% bf i'm very happy with all of this. I have realistic goals and I used the Test to be healthier. It has helped me achieve this. Now what I need from you guys is, what or how or who can I go see to be open and honest about this and try to get some serious help so I can try to see if my test will go back to normal above 300s. If under 300s theres no reason to not be on. I'll end up being on in 10 years anyways. However if I can somehow get them back to around 400 (better than what I had before) then well thats AWESOME! Anyone got any ways to do this? Any helpful advice. I tried my one doctor, he was no help. I tried the VA, he couldn't do anything for me. Referred me to a guy who wanted me to pay cash up front who spoke very very broken spanglish. SO...yep, im from ohio btw if that matters. I just want to be normal is all. Thanks again for your help!