Hello everyone.I am new to this forum and AAS generally.I am going to start my first cycle soon so i'd like a bit of advise from anyone here who is more experienced than me.
My stats are : Age : 35, Weight : 170lbs ,Height : 5,7'' , BF : 17%.
My first cycle will look like this : weeks 1-4 Sustanon 250 (500mg split in 250's twice per week)
weeks 5-8 Test Prop (300mg split in 100's 3 times per week)
weeks 1-5 (Dianabol 25mg ED)
weeks 1-8 (Letrozole 2.5 mg EOD)
weeks 1-6 (HCG 750iu once per week)
PCT (3 days after last test prop shot) : Clomid for 3 weeks (100mg ED for 10 days then 50mg ED for 10 days)
So what you guys think?I have heard Letro is a strong AI and should be used no more than 0.25mg ED but my pills are very small and 2.5mg each.