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  1. #1
    Dan55 is offline New Member
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    My first time experiene. Struggling with everyday life post cycle.


    I just wanted to share my experience with my first cycle of test C 750 EW. I am rather large(105 kilos) thats what i got reccomended and so I did.

    Keep in mind i was struggling with deppresion BEFORE i cycled.

    Cycle was all good, gained 10 kilos and huge amounts of strenght.
    PCT i lost 3 kilos total during PCT and i got extreme acne. EXTREME.

    My acne got so bad i would cover did not look at myself in the mirror.
    At first it was ''only'' extreme so I did still do my workout.

    1 month after PCT it went from extreme to i dont know the word.
    You could NOT see my skin. My whole face was all cystic acne, whiteheads, huge bumps and redness.

    So I stopped going out. I could not even go to the derma becouse no way I would show anyone my face. I could not even look at myself.
    Along with that my workouts stopped.

    It went on this like 3 months.
    I lost all muscle gains. I gained fat and my acne never improved once.

    My deppresion went from bad to extreme. It got so extreme i lost all life motivation. I lost the ability to taste food in the end.
    I stopped eating. Becouse when your severly deppresed and you cant even taste what food tastes like you just wont bother eating.
    I was seriosly struggling with my mental health. I wanted to swallow my whole box of clen everyday and just get it over with.

    4th month.
    My acne is still as bad.
    My deppresion is still severe.
    My doctors got worried becouse i never showed up to therapy sessions anymore. I just vanished.
    So my doctor actually came HOME to me and i explained my situation through the speaker thingie i have on my door.
    I refused to let him see my face. Becouse its so DISGUSTING i want to puke when I look at it. You can google EXTREME acne and the pictures on google does not even begin to explain my situation. You CANNOT see my skin.

    I have been prescribed accutane and it sais I have to get bloodtest once a month I got prescribed all the medication before i even did a blood test nor showed my condition.
    My doctor's a ''friend'' and he prescribes almost whatever i ask for.

    I know I am going to be scarred for life becouse of this acne.
    Its not nice knowing your face is never gone look ok again, arms, shoulders, back, FOREARMS. My acne goes all the way down to my wrist.

    So here I am.
    I guess my case is rather rare. But thats what happends to me and i will be scarred for life.

  2. #2
    panntastic's Avatar
    panntastic is offline "cool as shit and knows his stuff"
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    Shame sorry to hear that bro
    I had cystic acne I know its not nice and hurts to move etc.
    Did you do any research into steroids before being recommended by somebody else what to take?

  3. #3
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    Sorry to hear that mate.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    In the pub
    That sounds like a nigtmare man

  5. #5
    Antonious's Avatar
    Antonious is offline Associate Member
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    Wonder why would that happen
    Sorry to hear that

  6. #6
    gearbox's Avatar
    gearbox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You should be on accutane. I would of started a long time ago!
    Not sure being emotionally unstable you would even think to mess with your hormones

  7. #7
    Dan55 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic View Post
    Shame sorry to hear that bro
    I had cystic acne I know its not nice and hurts to move etc.
    Did you do any research into steroids before being recommended by somebody else what to take?
    Yes I did a whole lot of research.
    I had no worries really.
    My deppresion is something thats i have learned to live with. I have had it for about 10 years and its something i will probably have untill the day I die. So far all sort of medication, therapy and other treatments have not been doing it 1% better.

    I never struggled with acne before. I had maybe 1 pimple on my face from time to time but just the usual when i was a teenager.

    And working out has been what's keeping me going and it makes me work for a goal in life.

    However i think its the extreme acne thats making my deppresion worse. For sure it is.
    I mean i am itching in pain becouse it itches so badly. Let alone how it looks..
    Its just a very sad situation to be in

  8. #8
    BR0DIE is offline Associate Member
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    Just keep going with the accutane for a few months, maybe visit some different dermatologists to see what they think. It's not permanent bro it'll go away.

  9. #9
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    This doesnt sound good and i'm sorry to hear this, get the right treatment and stay well clear of aas in the future. I;m sure things will get better over time.

  10. #10
    panntastic's Avatar
    panntastic is offline "cool as shit and knows his stuff"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan55

    Yes I did a whole lot of research.
    I had no worries really.
    My deppresion is something thats i have learned to live with. I have had it for about 10 years and its something i will probably have untill the day I die. So far all sort of medication, therapy and other treatments have not been doing it 1% better.

    I never struggled with acne before. I had maybe 1 pimple on my face from time to time but just the usual when i was a teenager.

    And working out has been what's keeping me going and it makes me work for a goal in life.

    However i think its the extreme acne thats making my deppresion worse. For sure it is.
    I mean i am itching in pain becouse it itches so badly. Let alone how it looks..
    Its just a very sad situation to be in
    I made up my own wash using 5% salicilyic acid (can be purchased on eBay) and a good ph balanced wash.
    If you are in the USA there was a thread on here not that long ago about people using a dish detergent on severe acne and it dried them right out.
    Other than that I used sun beds to help and even went as far as having my back tattooed and they never came back.
    I have since used steroids and no cystic acne.
    I can't explain why I got it in the first place either
    I use ugl gear and it hurt a lot and I got cystic acne on back chest and stomach
    I now brew my own and have 1 maybe 2 spots a week on cycle.

    I hope everything works out for you though especially with your depression
    I'm glad the gym is something that helps you cope
    Just stick at it

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