I'm 31, 5'9" 190lbs and around 8-9% bf. This is my third cycle and my ultimate goal is to finish at around 185-190 at 6-7% bf. I've been on Tren E and Sust for the past 10 weeks. I'm done with Tren and I still want to do another 4 weeks of Sust (total of 14 weeks), after my 14 weeks on Test I want to do another 5 weeks of just Masteron and Test Prop for leaning down. My question for you guys is, do you see any problem with this cycle and how much Prop/Masteron shoud I take EOD for my last 5 weeks? I'm also considering throwing in Clen a week before I finish on Masteron/Prop. Would you guys also recommend that I take HCG after my 14 weeks of Sust?