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  1. #1
    Polska's Avatar
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    Thumbs up The results of my first QUAD shoot

    Well I just did my first quad shot after shooting myself in the glutes countless times before... I finally bit the bullet and did it. It's sooo much easier than a glute shot, shit! Thank's Terinox for the pm's.

    I thinned out the sust under some hot water and I shot on the upper outside part of the quad, at a 45 degree angle with a 23g 1 inch pin. I hit a nerve when I stuck the pin in all the way. It wasn't painful, just a sensation to let me know I was in bad territory. I was pushing the needle in slow so I just retracted a little bit and injected slowly.

    So should I keep shooting where I did or go lower? I think I'll do quad shots from now on.

    PS - My GLUTE is sore as HELL from Saturday's injection. I am injecting sus by itself EOD right now. should I expect my quad to be this sore? I hope not, bc it feels like I got charlie horsed right in the ass right now. No way did my deca cycle hurt this much last year.
    Last edited by Polska; 05-12-2003 at 05:52 PM.

  2. #2
    Sicilian30's Avatar
    Sicilian30 is offline Respected Member
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    Okay bro you have several questions in this thread I will try to answer most as I am reading.
    First off, sustanon is painful as hell in the quad. Expect to be sore. It can and will get better the more you inject it, but still may make you somewhat sore each time. My advice is to try a glute inject with sustanon or mix it with something else like EQ or deca .
    Okay second question about the thigh inject. I personally would not do a 45 degree angle. I try to go in as straight as possible. I was told by a nurse that going in at an angle can some times cause more soreness than needed. Also harder to keep the pin straight when pushing down on the pludger. Try to go into the muscle as straight as possible with the pin.
    Okay, next question should you shoot lower or higher. IMO I would try to shoot in the area which contains the most muscle mass on your thigh. Usually for most mid outer thigh.
    Third, i don't think you hit a nerve, if you hit a nerve, you will know it, your leg will jump and it will most likely hurt somewhat. What you probally felt was the needle going into the muscle and the muscle spasming kicking the needle out, either that or you hit some scar tissue. You still could've possibly hit a nerve if you were pushing the pin in very slowly as you describedj.
    Thigh injects I used to love until I realize that there are alot of nerves in my thighs, and I hit a few on occassions.
    Once you start sticking yourself more and more you will realize where your nerves and problems are injecting. Otherwise keep sticking....
    If you need some advice on thigh injects, I will be glad to share, my do's and dont's from what I have found in my own personal experience.

  3. #3
    Polska's Avatar
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    Thanks Sicilian.... I'll try hitting it straighter next time 'round. My quad is already pretty sore and I shot just half an hour ago. I am dreading waking up tomorrow

  4. #4
    FCECC2 is offline Anabolic Member
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    i go more higher cause there is more stress in the muscle near the knee so if you got a sore spot it would handicaped you more than upper hits

    BTW its just my point of view

  5. #5
    Polska's Avatar
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    Good point,
    I just took a walk right now and i feel it when i walk around and sit down.
    Kinda concerned that I feel it this soon after the injection, but oh well. Glute shots I usually don't feel at all.

  6. #6
    RON's Avatar
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    I always try to go mostly higher to middle (where the most meat is). However I try to spear it out a little due to scar tissue. Plus Like Sicilian said I go in at 90 degrees. I've never taken a 45 degree shot.

  7. #7
    BIGBOI's Avatar
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    I've found that, the slower I push the needle in, the better it is, and the less I feel anything. Also, if I hit a nerve, I will no it beofre I really hit it hard. So when I do hit a nerve It hurts alot less than usual.

  8. #8
    billr is offline Junior Member
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    you thigh is a lot more sensitive than your delts or glutes. if you hit a nerve you will def know it. Also shoot where you have the most meat PERIOD.,unless you have a lot of scare tissue

  9. #9
    xxxl83 is offline Productive Member
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  10. #10
    WS6_KID's Avatar
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    I find that over time injections get less painful, like after my first quad shot it hurt for days but now It's only a slight pain the day after...hardly noticable. I'm a pussy though, I ALWAYS ice the spot i'm about to shoot with an ice pack before I poke.....I'm such a panzy. I also always run my gear (after I load it into the syringe) under some hot water for a few minutes right before I shoot it. Pain is very little and I personally feel it helps me alot.....but like I said i'm a wuss

  11. #11
    BigGreen's Avatar
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    Originally posted by WS6_KID
    I ALWAYS ice the spot i'm about to shoot with an ice pack before I poke.....I'm such a panzy.
    I've been adhering to the very same practice, and with what appear to be similar results to yours (pain for days afterward at first...generally starting to diminish in intensity). Still, I'm always in the meaty part and always straight in. I think i'll always ice though

  12. #12
    ibiza69's Avatar
    ibiza69 is offline Senior Member
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    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Better to shoot high (upper thigh) or low (near the knee) for quad shots?-thigh4.jpg  

  13. #13
    Mr.gH's Avatar
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    Personally thigh is favorite inject spot. After my delts kept giving me trouble ( i have fuckin cyst on one) ive switched to doing both low and high quad shots, and i hit glutes in between. So far its worked out great for me, but then again my quads are by far my most developed muscles, so perhaps that plays a role. Good luck.

  14. #14
    GETTINBIGGER is offline Junior Member
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    I read a post earlier in my cycle that said this. Stand up and let your arms hang to you sides. Where the end of your thumb hits your thigh is a perfect spot to inject. Tey it and you will see. I then go up and down a small bit from that spot to limit the scar tissue.

  15. #15
    dmerk is offline New Member
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    I have used glutes for years with so.. so.. pain. I tried quads a number of years ago and practically couldn't walk for days. Maybe I did somethig wrong? Not sure. All I know is that I have stayed with glutes ever since. After reading some of these posts, maybe I'll give give quads a try again.

  16. #16
    Polska's Avatar
    Polska is offline Anabolic Member
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    Well, my quad is still pretty friggin sore after Monday's shot... although it seems to be subsiding. It all boils down to convenience... I love the simplicity and comfort of quad shots. The disadvantage is definately the extra pain (at least with sust) but it's a fair trade-off. I'll definately keep hitting my quads but I'll rotate along with my glutes to give myself a break once in awhile and avoid excess scar tissue.

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