hey guys. im new here and looking to get some of you guys thoughts on the cycel im going to be running soon. some stats are im 21 5' 8" currently 178lbs ( previously 190 before i cut for a show) my diet is very well disciplined. I have ran several pro hormone cycles in the past and have done a lot of research with this cycle.

im looking at running my first cycle but wants some others thoughts. this is what i am running.

600mg Test-e
400mg tren
400mg EQ

all shot twice a week.

how do you guys thinks this looks?
Also i have heard that your tren should be higher then your test if you want the gains that tren has to offer. but in this case i have been told by friends who has ran tren and eq and test previously that you add your mg of tren and eq is this true?

thanks a lot guys.