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  1. #41
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shishir17
    I have disrespected no one. But u all r not providing the useful info to anyone. Tell me what info have u provided the OP with.
    Typical of a kid. No accountability, no responsibility. You can move forward or you can continue to sulk like a child. Your call chief.


  2. #42
    shishir17's Avatar
    shishir17 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dougiefresh7707 View Post
    K bro ill check it out maybe dbol worked for you keep up the good work how your completions go well but try to remember next time your words to others that where giving me advice aren't gunna come back to this thread if someone is talking shit I'm here for advice and maybe some help finding quality product near me not someone trying to make the most so just keep that in mind bro
    Seriously bro I don't wanna hurt ur feelings but this sport is actually dirty very dirty in regards to info no one is gonna tell u the truth. See I have seen it myself that's why m saying its not to hurt anyone but to tell the real thing no the lies. Just don't wreak ur self or ur money I have seen it and experienced it myself that's why m saying pls be carefully my post is not telling u to run dbol by any means it's all up to u do whatever u want to do and about me I hate people who give wrong info. That's it TC MAN and U might have heard Practice makes a man prefect. So u gotta do that if u wanna grow
    Last edited by shishir17; 03-28-2013 at 04:57 PM.

  3. #43
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Mickey, what have you done? Did you call this idiot an idiot and piss him off?????
    While i was gone, i said a prayer - i was hoping he'd run out of air. See, i told ya there's no god.

    Btw, thanks MI.

  4. #44
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox

    While i was gone, i said a prayer - i was hoping he'd run out of air. See, i told ya there's no god.

    Btw, thanks MI.
    No need to thank me brother.

    I thought Admin was god?!?!?


  5. #45
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    No need to thank me brother.

    I thought Admin was god?!?!?

    He is, isn't he?? Blasphemy! lol

  6. #46
    Kelectronic is offline New Member
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    My buddy did his first cycle with dbol and no test. Let's just say, he's fat as f*ck right now. Looks awful. He's strong as all hell, but just looks awful. Is it from the Dbol? Who can say... I just know I would never take Dbol without Test. In fact, I don't know if I would take any compound without stacking Test.

  7. #47
    Dougiefresh7707's Avatar
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    So thanks everyone or the advice after some of the forums and sites I've been reading on I found out my diet isn't perfect I am eating the right things for the most part but not in good order I guess does any one have a site that has a whole diet written out for each day that they think will help me also I'm kicking my training up to the max for 6 months and then starting my first cycle I'm stil unsure of what I wanna run al I know is test e and something but I any decide too much info to take in right now lol does anyone have full cycles written out to with pct and all?

  8. #48
    Back In Black's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shishir17

    Watch ur mouth Monitor whatever info I have provided is correct and no false info is given so if u want to comment then comment on my post not on me. And I thought monitors are wise and brainy but i guess ur just the same as him. :P GREAT is board is filled with stupid people. No doubt I heard that right.
    If you don't like the people or the advice GI and join a site that agrees with you that d'bol is the God of steroids . Good luck with that in your contest prep.

  9. #49
    hitokiri is offline New Member
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    I won't stack up Dbol and test e. you should taking winny and test e!! Run for 12weeks! And high protein diet! 6x day training

  10. #50
    Back In Black's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hitokiri
    I won't stack up Dbol and test e. you should taking winny and test e!! Run for 12weeks! And high protein diet! 6x day training
    First cycle = 1 compound!!!!!!!

    There is more to diet than high protein!!!!!!!

    You don't have to lift 6x per week for results!!!!


  11. #51
    The Titan99's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hitokiri View Post
    I won't stack up Dbol and test e. you should taking winny and test e!! Run for 12weeks! And high protein diet! 6x day training
    Is this the ridiculous statement thread? I couldn't even imagine hearing someone say this in person...

  12. #52
    Dougiefresh7707's Avatar
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    Yea winny drys out joins and can be hard on liver anyway not that anything really isnt but anavar sounded and still does sound like a good choice with test too but I'm still wrap my head around ai and pct this seems to be where the problems arise if ur inexperienced with pct last thing i want to experience is gyno from not running proper pct and the anavar my people have is through the roof also yea just protein is just the tip of the iceberg bro
    Last edited by Dougiefresh7707; 03-29-2013 at 07:30 AM.

  13. #53
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    What'd I miss?

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