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    Dougiefresh7707's Avatar
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    Need some advice

    Hey guys whats up I'm looking to start my first cycle and I think I'm going wit test e and dbol injection I need some tips or what cycle I should do and diet to go along with it I'm 5 10 190 pounds lemme know please

  2. #2
    The Titan99's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dougiefresh7707 View Post
    Hey guys whats up I'm looking to start my first cycle and I think I'm going wit test e and dbol injection I need some tips or what cycle I should do and diet to go along with it I'm 5 10 190 pounds lemme know please
    You need a training schedule and some PCT set up with that too, or do you have that handled?

  3. #3
    bigZthedestroyer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dougiefresh7707
    Hey guys whats up I'm looking to start my first cycle and I think I'm going wit test e and dbol injection I need some tips or what cycle I should do and diet to go along with it I'm 5 10 190 pounds lemme know please
    Hey man I would drop the dbol for your first cycle. Test e will give you great gains given your diet is n check. You should have the diet down before starting. That's where your gains come from. How old are you? How long have you been training? Have you put in the time to learn how to use an AI or run a proper PCT? HGH?

  4. #4
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Bro before you do anything read the stickys.And wat are your stats?

  5. #5
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog
    Bro before you do anything read the stickys.And wat are your stats?
    ^^^Agree with Songdog. If you don't know how you should be eating, your are a ways off from gear.


  6. #6
    Dougiefresh7707's Avatar
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    My diet is pretty good intake on protein is about 220 gs a day calories are about 3500 to 4 I'm idk if I should eat more wen I start my cycle and I use my fit an app for my workouts but its my first time attempting I was thinking of just starting with anavar but that's why I'm here for some advise so if you got some lemme know please

  7. #7
    Dougiefresh7707's Avatar
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    I am not familiar with pct really and this is y anavar sounded good because I heard it wasn't needed but if anyone has a good cycle including pct it would be appreciated I've been training for a year but work out for years now

  8. #8
    Getbig06's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dougiefresh7707 View Post
    I am not familiar with pct really and this is y anavar sounded good because I heard it wasn't needed but if anyone has a good cycle including pct it would be appreciated I've been training for a year but work out for years now
    Bro, anything u take will require a pct, including anavar .

  9. #9
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    shishir17's Avatar
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    How much are u planning to take per week???

    Test and Dbol cycle is good u will make u gains but bloaty gains means you will store a lot of water.

    Well if u want to go slow and steady go for a oral dbol only cycle just to see how your reacts to steroids .

    This is my personal opinion.

    Tamoxifen can do a good job in killing estrogen but I recommend provirion over it as like 25 to 50 mg a week can do a good job in keeping estrogen in control.

  11. #11
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shishir17 View Post
    How much are u planning to take per week???

    Test and Dbol cycle is good u will make u gains but bloaty gains means you will store a lot of water.

    Well if u want to go slow and steady go for a oral dbol only cycle just to see how your reacts to steroids .

    This is my personal opinion.

    Tamoxifen can do a good job in killing estrogen but I recommend provirion over it as like 25 to 50 mg a week can do a good job in keeping estrogen in control.

    Dbol only cycle huh??????

  12. #12
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by shishir17 View Post
    How much are u planning to take per week???

    Test and Dbol cycle is good u will make u gains but bloaty gains means you will store a lot of water.

    Well if u want to go slow and steady go for a oral dbol only cycle just to see how your reacts to steroids .

    This is my personal opinion.

    Tamoxifen can do a good job in killing estrogen but I recommend provirion over it as like 25 to 50 mg a week can do a good job in keeping estrogen in control.
    Someone please muzzle this idiot.

    Look at his post history. He has to be a TROLL. No one is this f'ing stupid. (referring to all posts)

  13. #13
    Dougiefresh7707's Avatar
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    That's another problem idk how much to take I get different answers from everyone and especially the guy I'm gunna get it from cuz he wants to make his money he's saying a hight dose which I know isn't right for my first cycle also idk if I'm at my max gains naturally so I want to take it easy at first and I need to see if I should change my diet but from what I've been reading its actually almost perfect for my wants thanks for the info mikeyknox good shit helpful bro

  14. #14
    Dougiefresh7707's Avatar
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    I've heard a lot of cycles but never of a dbol only bro lol

  15. #15
    Dougiefresh7707's Avatar
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    Maybe you where thinking of test only haha

  16. #16
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dougiefresh7707 View Post
    That's another problem idk how much to take I get different answers from everyone and especially the guy I'm gunna get it from cuz he wants to make his money he's saying a hight dose which I know isn't right for my first cycle also idk if I'm at my max gains naturally so I want to take it easy at first and I need to see if I should change my diet but from what I've been reading its actually almost perfect for my wants thanks for the info mikeyknox good shit helpful bro
    You have a lot of reading to do bro. But take your time and try not to absorb it all in one day. It will take you at least 40hours of reading before you even begin to understand the complications of AAS.

    This site is chalked full of everything you want to know about AAS. But you have to do the reading so that you absorb the information. That’s the only way you'll educate yourself properly. Someone simply telling you what to take is irresponsible, at best. Nobody knows you like you know yourself. Make a sensible decision, be mature, and read until your eyes bleed. Only then will you have a fundamental idea of what you should begin with. And make sure your BF is down to around 15%. This is crucial so that the risk of unwanted side effects are reduced to a minimum. Some of the side effects can be downright nasty and play havoc on your relationship.

    Don't mess around with AAS unless you really have a grasp on what you're doing, and the associated health risks - or it will come back and bite you in the ass.

    Check out this thread on guys who thought they knew what they were doing. Pretty scary stuff. (i realize most of them are younger than you but it can happen to anyone!)

    Cycles Gone Wrong for the Young*#.UL2db2fX_fs

  17. #17
    shishir17's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dougiefresh7707 View Post
    Maybe you where thinking of test only haha
    Let me tell u quick before i get banned this MickeyKnox is nothing but a fool he doesn't even look like a bodybuilder or a experienced guy

    The board should throw this fool out

    Why would u run a tricky test cycle with side that can shut u down in the start when u have no previous history with cycles.

    Dbol in the second hand is a oral compound and light on the body unless u r on a super heavy dose that causes problem for u.

    What would u run a heavy cycle with sides Or a light cycle with unseen or less sides to see how fair against the drug.

    Rest is up to u.

  18. #18
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    I only hope you dont hurt anyone here with your reckless advice. In the meantime, get a grip.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    I only hope you dont hurt anyone here with your reckless advice. In the meantime, get a grip.
    I hope that people with brains will truly understand what m trying to say.. So relax and learn u don't look a bright guy but sure look like an arrogant one .

  20. #20
    Tron3219's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shishir17

    Let me tell u quick before i get banned this MickeyKnox is nothing but a fool he doesn't even look like a bodybuilder or a experienced guy

    The board should throw this fool out

    Why would u run a tricky test cycle with side that can shut u down in the start when u have no previous history with cycles.

    Dbol in the second hand is a oral compound and light on the body unless u r on a super heavy dose that causes problem for u.

    What would u run a heavy cycle with sides Or a light cycle with unseen or less sides to see how fair against the drug.

    Rest is up to u.
    Don't listen to this dude. Dbol will shut u down too, and the side effects suck far worse then a low dose test cycle. Plus u won't keep but MAYBE 10% of ur gains if ur lucky.


  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    I only hope you dont hurt anyone here with your reckless advice. In the meantime, get a grip.
    Oh yeah one more thing read my reply to this post!#.UVSHRxdJPnh

  22. #22
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Im outta here, Mr Dbol Only Cycle..

  23. #23
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    Yea bro don't worry I have done enough research to know he doesn't know we'd he's saying that's for the advice tho guys ill read up on it some more and just keep up what I'm doing for now any more advice from anyone would be cool too ill take what I need and Wien out the bs trust

  24. #24
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dougiefresh7707 View Post
    Yea bro don't worry I have done enough research to know he doesn't know we'd he's saying that's for the advice tho guys ill read up on it some more and just keep up what I'm doing for now any more advice from anyone would be cool too ill take what I need and Wien out the bs trust
    Good man Dougie. Be smart bro. Educate before you medicate.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dougiefresh7707 View Post
    Yea bro don't worry I have done enough research to know he doesn't know we'd he's saying that's for the advice tho guys ill read up on it some more and just keep up what I'm doing for now any more advice from anyone would be cool too ill take what I need and Wien out the bs trust
    again ur making mistake

    And m not knowing anything well I know a lot more then the people over here do :P well all I can say is stay safe man don't wrack urself.

  26. #26
    Dougiefresh7707's Avatar
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    Bro I've been around the gym and gear for a little while never did a cycle but I've never heard of a dbol only cycle especially first time cycle so thanks for the opinion but no thanks ill do my own research for now and still from my research already after your post dbol only cycle for first cycle is not a good cycle so maybe read up some more and I hope ur not using gear if that's the advice you give a newbie you can hurt people bro so don't post if ur unsure of what ur saying that's my advice

  27. #27
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dougiefresh7707 View Post
    Bro I've been around the gym and gear for a little while never did a cycle but I've never heard of a dbol only cycle especially first time cycle so thanks for the opinion but no thanks ill do my own research for now and still from my research already after your post dbol only cycle for first cycle is not a good cycle so maybe read up some more and I hope ur not using gear if that's the advice you give a newbie you can hurt people bro so don't post if ur unsure of what ur saying that's my advice
    Here is the truth of a Dbol only cycle dangerous? NO! Will it shut you down? That is dose dependent. Will you be able to sustain gains from Dbol? Barely! It's not that a dbol only cycle is a's simply a waste. You have to have test in order to take advantage of the tissue growth that is assiste by Dbol.

    I am not sure where you get your info from Shishir...but it isn't great info to pass along

  28. #28
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    I'm not saying its dangerous but giving advice on gear when u don't know what ur talking about is was what I was saying to him what's ur view on anavar tho ?

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dougiefresh7707 View Post
    I'm not saying its dangerous but giving advice on gear when u don't know what ur talking about is was what I was saying to him what's ur view on anavar tho ?
    I wasnt refering to you...I was making a point to Shishir. Lot's do a var only cycle but I feel the same way as i do about Dbol only...should always include test. test is the base that supports the muscle growth.

  30. #30
    Dougiefresh7707's Avatar
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    Yea I know bro thanks I was thinking test e and anavar but my guys is a rip off do u use gear?

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dougiefresh7707 View Post
    I'm not saying its dangerous but giving advice on gear when u don't know what ur talking about is was what I was saying to him what's ur view on anavar tho ?
    Okay let me get this straight I have been competing for over 3 years now

    I have been on gear 1 year on and off & 2 years now straight I have done a lot more cycle then u would have ever thought. I know a lot more then u know about bodybuilding My friend, and by only doing research u can only do research u can never practice that and M 100% sure u r one of those guys who just run around asking here n there and do nothing. DON'T MIND me saying that its the truth.

    Over here I have seen nobody brilliant enough to guide u right. M when m doing something right for u (that I often don't do for anyone, but today I just felt like helping some people but nobody wants to listen) and most of the people here are complain like they are Gods in this field they know everything my ass STUPID PEOPLE !!!! specially this MickeyKnox guy with no skill.

    And tell me by ur research why test should always be the base m asking Mr Lunk1 and u Dougiefresh7707 why do u consider Test so much over any other compound.

    The reason I use test is to keep my Libo functionality in order to make a balance in my body. But apart from that its just waste too much test to much water and estro sides( bad for body) what will u say on that is it not true. M saying this as a competing athlete and this is my experience I have been working out from last 8 years now 5 years of natural and 3 years on gear Ask any competing athlete who really knows the secret they all will say this. There are far more better thing then Test for building quality muscle not fat bob balloon.

    Dbol is the best drug ever made for human being and most effective in putting muscle mass and too fast this is my experience and its 100% true. True u can never keep high gains of it after the discontinuation (but no competing athlete comes off and m one of those and don't bitch about that pls, everything in body is in checked and perfect including my balls and my dick) that was about me now on to the point. Yes for any newbee skinny guy or a person who wants to gain weight and muscle mass (not quality muscle) its the best drug ever its like in and out of the system with no left over ever as being an oral ur liver does all the job of breaking so the strain is on it so the best thing is, just to keep all the liver protection stuff with u and ur good to go.

    Rest do ur whatever research u want m out now.

    Don't try to judge me ever and throw this guy MickeyKnox out of the board he's dangerous for the people.
    Last edited by shishir17; 03-28-2013 at 04:05 PM.

  32. #32
    Back In Black's Avatar
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    Mickey, what have you done? Did you call this idiot an idiot and piss him off?????

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Mickey, what have you done? Did you call this idiot an idiot and piss him off?????
    Watch ur mouth Monitor whatever info I have provided is correct and no false info is given so if u want to comment then comment on my post not on me. And I thought monitors are wise and brainy but i guess ur just the same as him. :P GREAT is board is filled with stupid people. No doubt I heard that right.

  34. #34
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    Where was ur competition Ethiopia lol and I'm not a skinny guy for your info 5,10 195 isn't exactly skinny neither am I the guy who just stops by to waste my time writing to dumb ducks like your self I didn't say u don't workout or use gear but I know a lot of people and have done actuall research and never heard of a straight dbol cycle and when I have it is not the way to go I'm not here to waste my time and money I want to gain and keep my mass bro so I'm done here too or at least with you so go dbol it up bro thanks for your advice

  35. #35
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shishir17

    I hope that people with brains will truly understand what m trying to say.. So relax and learn u don't look a bright guy but sure look like an arrogant one .
    You're a 21 year old child who barely ever contributes and you think you actually have something to offer? If you actually had a clue about this stuff (and its evident that being clueless is all you have to offer) then you would know better than to recommend the crap you just offered.

    Mickey has more respect and admiration from knowledgable members on this forum than you could ever hope to have. You're condescending, disrespectful and instead of engaging in an intellectual discussion of safe anabolic use supported by experience and empirical evidence, you choose to outright attack a reputable member.

    If you want to hurt yourself with your ignorance, go right ahead, but please refrain from disseminating information that is not in the OP's interests of health and well being.

    If you disagree with recommendations, you may certainly offer a counter proposal, but if you cannot extend courtesy and respect to other members then leave and go be a disruption in another forum.

    Last edited by MuscleInk; 03-28-2013 at 04:29 PM.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dougiefresh7707 View Post
    Where was ur competition Ethiopia lol and I'm not a skinny guy for your info 5,10 195 isn't exactly skinny neither am I the guy who just stops by to waste my time writing to dumb ducks like your self I didn't say u don't workout or use gear but I know a lot of people and have done actuall research and never heard of a straight dbol cycle and when I have it is not the way to go I'm not here to waste my time and money I want to gain and keep my mass bro so I'm done here too or at least with you so go dbol it up bro thanks for your advice

    Go read William Llewellyn Anabolic the new edition one rather then wasting ur time here and I am not guiding u to take DBOL okay. Read it carefully what I written any person new to steroid should always try a light oral cycle first and then jump for the heavy one. Touch water first and then try to dip ur hand in it.

    And this m competing for Mr India for first time, before that I have competed in Mr Punjab, Mr Chandigarh.

    Well I will not upload my pic for now but soon for sure.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    You're a 21 year old child who barely ever contributes and you think you actually have something to offer? If you actually had a clue about this stuff (and its evident that being clueless is all you have to offer) then you would know better than to recommend the crap you just offered.

    Mickey has more respect and admiration from knowledgable members on this forum than you could ever hope to have. You're condescending, disrespectful and instead of engaging in an intellectual discussion of safe anabolic use supported by experience and empirical evidence, you choose to outright attack a reputable member.

    If you want to hurt yourself with your ignorance, go right ahead, but please refrain from disseminating information that is not in the OP's interests of health and well being.

    If you disagree with recommendations, you may certainly offer a counter proposal, but if you cannot extend courtesy and respect to other members then leave and go be a disruption in another forum.

    Dude M a 24 year old guy my age displayed on this board is just not changing ???

  38. #38
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    I have disrespected no one. But u all r not providing the useful info to anyone. Tell me what info have u provided the OP with.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by shishir17

    Dude M a 24 year old guy my age displayed on this board is just not changing ???
    Age aside, please extend appropriate courtesies. If you have as much knowledge and experience as you claim, provide input to assist new members. Others may disagree with your opinion but if you are confident in your prescribed cycle, back it up with appropriate reasons. New members come here for advice and support and many are extremely naive with AASs and could certainly do harm to themselves. We as a community have a common directive to promote education of safe handling of anabolic compounds.

    Denigrating a thread with insults reflects badly on this forum and isn't helpful and doing so with reputable members won't win you any support.


  40. #40
    Dougiefresh7707's Avatar
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    K bro ill check it out maybe dbol worked for you keep up the good work how your completions go well but try to remember next time your words to others that where giving me advice aren't gunna come back to this thread if someone is talking shit I'm here for advice and maybe some help finding quality product near me not someone trying to make the most so just keep that in mind bro

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