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  1. #1
    paddy155's Avatar
    paddy155 is offline Member
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    A little input for future cycle.

    Hi guy's. I am thinking of running a cycle in the near future. I am though unsure of what to run. Which ever, I want some quality muscle. Don't want to be bloated and full of water.

    A little info. I have been training on and off for the last 5 years. The last 2 have been consistent. I did get to the point last year where the diatician at my local gym asked if I thought about competing. He thought I was natural but is wasn't. Anyway,I opened up to him told him what I was doing. Basically I can't compete natty for 10 years so was a little down about this. Could compete still but would need to stand on stage with other competitors who are on and I dont want to run anything that heavy. So my cycle stopped and I decided that I wanted to get into as good condition as someone who would compete and just see what it was like to have my bodyfat that low. Followed a baseline diet and currently around 8% bodyfat. My aim was 5% just to see how I looked but I dont like being as light. I like being heavier. So my aim is to bulk of again. I am happy as I gave it a bash and stuck to my diet with ease.

    I have tried many different compounds and doses. probably highest would be tren e at 600mg and test at 400mg for a 15 wk cycle. My last cycle I ran did get me into good condition. It was a short ester (***rip) blend along with winny. The blend was made up of tren a,masteron and test prop and I ran that at 1ml EOD along with 80mg winny (oral) ED for eight weeks.

    So,as I am at my lightest just now and following a baseline diet I'm wondering what compounds will work best. Slow ester for bulking and adding some quality muscle or short ester like tren a/prop/winny and add a little size but really cut up.

    Need some input.

    31 years old
    8% bodyfat
    6ft 4ins

    This was around 6 months ago before I started baseline diet.

  2. #2
    Provita's Avatar
    Provita is offline Associate Member
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    South Africa
    Imo, run what worked the best for you. Everybody reacts different to every substance. If a short ester with winny got you the results, run it. If not, run the long ester with what ever gave you the results you now desire.

    Just don't forget AI, HCG and proper PCT.

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