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  1. #1
    sho-gun is offline New Member
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    first cycle on sustanon ever

    Hey everyone im here to gain more info and chat with fellow users.
    I just started my first cycle ever yesterday night.

    im 6'2 190lbs at 12% body fat.
    im taking sustanon 250 two times a week. at 250 shots.

    just wondering what kind of results people are getting. like I said I did my first shot last night.

    ps im guessing im not the only one that gets the feeling that someone punched you in the leg the day after taking the shot....

    anyways I look forward to chatting it up.

  2. #2
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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  3. #3
    shogun1234's Avatar
    shogun1234 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox
    Sorry I'm 26 years old

  4. #4
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    I didn't see a question in there so ill just you have an AI and SERM's lined up? hCG ? Recovery plan?

    How about your diet? Have you seen the Nutritional Forum?

  5. #5
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Everyone is differnt bro its all in your diet and training and rest.Good luck!

  6. #6
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    Cn you give me your tree
    And your macro break down.
    I ask because at 6-2 @ 190 lbs your diet is not going to support any growth.

  7. #7
    shogun1234's Avatar
    shogun1234 is offline New Member
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    I have no PCT lined up at this point but will soon. Would love some input on that. And I will get back to you on my macros tonight as they are not steady. I'm guessing I should be in the lower 200lbs range as my starting point. But I'm working on it. I will get a complete macro brake down tonight.

  8. #8
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
    Knockout_Power is offline "Even sexier than Siggy"
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    Best to figure out what your current caloric requirments are to maintain current weight and then add enough to fuel a body that weighs 20# more.

    If you are not eating, you will not grow or keep gains once your cycle is done

  9. #9
    shogun1234's Avatar
    shogun1234 is offline New Member
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    Could not agree more. Will do.

  10. #10
    shogun1234's Avatar
    shogun1234 is offline New Member
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    Also what do you guy suggest I take for PTC? Anything easily available?

  11. #11
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by shogun1234 View Post
    Also what do you guy suggest I take for PTC? Anything easily available?
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  12. #12
    Big Chief 12th is offline New Member
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    Hey man, I just finished a 16 wk of sustanon250. I also took dianabol for about a month. Holy crap dianabol is awesome. I had muscle pump something fierce!! Anyway, I started at 220 lbs. I'm also 6'2. I went up to 230 lbs and then after the dianabol I came back down. Now I'm about 225, but I leaned out a lot. I also put about an inch onto my arms. I messed up on my cycle tho and now I'm a bit worried. That was my first ever cycle , and my advice to you would be this... Make sure you have an ai on hand. Make sure you start taking your hcg while on cycle. Plus have all your pct ready and on hand. The guys on here are awesome at helping you out if you have any questions. I can't wait to do my next cycle. I will probably do the same thing again only be more educated when the time comes. My last pin was a week ago so I'm just getting ready for pct. also, I could have trained harder and ate better. It took awhile to kick in, almost 2 months it seemed, so that's why I went 16 weeks. I didn't want to come off. I bumped up my doses to 375 ml e3d for last month. Holy crap I'm strong.!!!

  13. #13
    shogun1234's Avatar
    shogun1234 is offline New Member
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    Great info guys thanks so much!

  14. #14
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sho-gun View Post
    Hey everyone im here to gain more info and chat with fellow users.
    I just started my first cycle ever yesterday night.

    im 6'2 190lbs at 12% body fat.
    im taking sustanon 250 two times a week. at 250 shots.

    just wondering what kind of results people are getting. like I said I did my first shot last night.

    ps im guessing im not the only one that gets the feeling that someone punched you in the leg the day after taking the shot....

    anyways I look forward to chatting it up.
    It depends on how your eating and training. Ive used it quite effectively for both mass and cutting phases.

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