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  1. #1
    Big Chief 12th is offline New Member
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    Aug 2012

    PLEASE take a quick peek. I ****ed up.

    Hi people, sorry to bother you. I'm sure you get tired of answering questions for the beginners but i dont know who else to talk to. I posted yesterday but didnt get all the answers i was looking for. I just finished a 16 week cycle of sustanon250. I had been told by a few people that hcg was part of your pct..... so i havnt taken it yet. I was stupid for listening to them. So anyway, im here now. I dont want to lose all my gains, so my question is should i run 1 more month of test prop and start taking hcg now? or is it to late and just follow up with clomid and nolva and consider this a learning experience? I dont want to encounter a hormonal crash, i was trying to do this right. So .. i did 16 weeks of sustanon with a kickstart of dianabol at the beginning. I was taking 250ml e3d for the first 12 weeks and then bumped it up to 375 e3d for the remainder. I was taking arimidex 0.5ml eod and sometimes ed if there was soreness. I feel amazing! People say i look great, I got super strong and leaned out. I cant wait to get on again. I was hoping to do that mid to end July, but realize now that may not be possible if i need 1 more month of test...obviously. Oh yeah and i took my last pin six days ago. Some stats: Im 39. 6'2". Ive been training for years on and off. bf is about 12-15%. I eat healthy. I should eat more but its tuff. If you have a moment please give me your best advice, I truly appreciate it. And a note to those who answered yesterday, thank you, but at the end of it all i just wasnt very clear with where to go.

  2. #2
    Big Chief 12th is offline New Member
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    Aug 2012
    Also i weigh 225lbs.

  3. #3
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    You could still use HCG but it's not the end all if you don't. Wait your 2 weeks then use your Nolva/Clomid PCT protocol.

    There are benifits to using HCG indeed but there are still those who do not believe it's neccessary.

  4. #4
    Big Chief 12th is offline New Member
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    Thanks for replying Lunk1. So is it worth running it or not? Will it speed things up? When should i start if the answer is yes.? Also for how long should i use it? And you think doing another month of test prop is a bad idea? While also doing the hcg at the same time. (A friend of mine told me it might be a good idea to reduce my losses. But i know where that got me in the past.)

  5. #5
    Big Chief 12th is offline New Member
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    Anyone with advice please feel free.

  6. #6
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
    Knockout_Power is offline "Even sexier than Siggy"
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    Do not add another month on there... you will risk making your recovery even harder to accomplish. Your best bet at this point is run a slightly more aggressive PCT and then a week after that get some bloodwork done to see where your levels are

  7. #7
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Big Chief, what did you decide bro? Throw us a bone..

  8. #8
    Big Chief 12th is offline New Member
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    I decided to just go through pct. I'm taking nolvadex and have some clomid on order. I really want to get back on for July 1. I know that's not following the time on =time off protocol, but I think I will be ok. I had blood work done the day after my last pin, and my doctor says everything looks great. His only advice was that I don't need to do steroids . Lol

  9. #9
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Chief 12th View Post
    I decided to just go through pct. I'm taking nolvadex and have some clomid on order. I really want to get back on for July 1. I know that's not following the time on =time off protocol, but I think I will be ok. I had blood work done the day after my last pin, and my doctor says everything looks great. His only advice was that I don't need to do steroids. Lol
    get BW done before starting again. Make sure everything is back to normal

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