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  1. #1
    AlphaA02 is offline New Member
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    winstrol only cycle

    I'm wondering the effectiveness of this for 100 days as a first time steroids use. 50mg orals. 166 lbs, 144 lean mass, cutting fat but gaining muscle. Getting cut for a cruise. Any thoughts?

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Your knees would probably buckle and end up in a hospital. I'd go back to the drawing board What are the rest of your stats anyway?

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  3. #3
    ChiveOn's Avatar
    ChiveOn is offline Senior Member
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    That's too long to run an oral... And you shouldn't run an oral without a test base anyway.

  4. #4
    AlphaA02 is offline New Member
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    Maybe I'm saying the wrong dose? Idk I'm just going off what my guys at the gym say, who are decades experienced with it. And I'm too new too this game to know what stats are stats...

  5. #5
    auswest is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaA02
    Maybe I'm saying the wrong dose? Idk I'm just going off what my guys at the gym say, who are decades experienced with it. And I'm too new too this game to know what stats are stats...
    Age, weight, bf, training experience, cycle experience, goals ect

    The so called experienced guys at you gym have laid out a awful cycle for you.

  6. #6
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaA02 View Post
    Maybe I'm saying the wrong dose? Idk I'm just going off what my guys at the gym say, who are decades experienced with it. And I'm too new too this game to know what stats are stats...
    this scares me so much... please go read the profile on Winstrol and make your own decision on whether what these guys propose is a good idea or not.

    Please do not follow through with this, your joints, tendons and liver will thank you for it.

  7. #7
    AlphaA02 is offline New Member
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    22, 5'11'' 166 11%bf, been lifting for almost 5 years. Focus is purely for looks, not function. Wanting the six pack by June, then have plans to do dbol or deca after my June cruise.

  8. #8
    AlphaA02 is offline New Member
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    And I can stop whenever, I was told it'd prolly be ok to just take them up until the cruise (65 days)

  9. #9
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaA02 View Post
    22, 5'11'' 166 11%bf, been lifting for almost 5 years. Focus is purely for looks, not function. Wanting the six pack by June, then have plans to do dbol or deca after my June cruise.
    are you not listening? you have no base to work with. If you want a six pack, all you need is diet. That next cycle is even less intelligent than the first

  10. #10
    AlphaA02 is offline New Member
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    Your not speaking my language. No base?

  11. #11
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaA02 View Post
    Your not speaking my language. No base?
    your weight @ 5'11 shows that you have built no muscle base to successfully and safely use anabolics...

    but this isnt important cause you are in the search for abs, gear is not needed, only diet.

  12. #12
    AlphaA02 is offline New Member
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    I'm in the search for abs while gaining strength in the arms and back which has went exceedingly well in the last 90 days. 40 lbs increase on lats, 20 on biceps, and 25 on triceps and delts 15. Think those are good increases for a low cal diet and no gear. Went from 190 to 166 and only gained muscle and lean mass. don't think these gym rats would take such an interest if I had no base as you call it

  13. #13
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaA02 View Post
    I'm in the search for abs while gaining strength in the arms and back which has went exceedingly well in the last 90 days. 40 lbs increase on lats, 20 on biceps, and 25 on triceps and delts 15. Think those are good increases for a low cal diet and no gear. Went from 190 to 166 and only gained muscle and lean mass. don't think these gym rats would take such an interest if I had no base as you call it
    did you start training 90 days ago?

  14. #14
    AlphaA02 is offline New Member
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    Yes, but I'm on day 2 of winnie

  15. #15
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    40 lbs increase on lats, 20 on biceps, and 25 on triceps and delts 15. Think those are good increases for a low cal diet and no gear. Went from 190 to 166 and only gained muscle and lean mass
    let me get this straight, you were bragging about strength gains made during the first 90 days of lifting weights? Thank you for proving my "no base" statement was correct. I was wondering why no one else was responding to this thread lately... they realised you have no clue what you are doing....

    I would love to just advise you to just go ahead with your awesome planned winny cycle, but even though you clearly deserve the negative outcome from it, I still think its dumb and hope you dont hurt yourself too much.

    Dont worry, I wont respond anymore, you clearly have things under control

  16. #16
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    let me get this straight, you were bragging about strength gains made during the first 90 days of lifting weights? Thank you for proving my "no base" statement was correct. I was wondering why no one else was responding to this thread lately... they realised you have no clue what you are doing....

    I would love to just advise you to just go ahead with your awesome planned winny cycle, but even though you clearly deserve the negative outcome from it, I still think its dumb and hope you dont hurt yourself too much.

    Dont worry, I wont respond anymore, you clearly have things under control
    KP, there is no way this is for real. No way!

  17. #17
    ChiveOn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaA02 View Post
    22, 5'11'' 166 11%bf, been lifting for almost 5 years. Focus is purely for looks, not function. Wanting the six pack by June, then have plans to do dbol or deca after my June cruise.
    If you're truly at 11% your 6pk is already halfway there...

  18. #18
    ChiveOn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaA02 View Post
    22, 5'11'' 166 11%bf, been lifting for almost 5 years. Focus is purely for looks, not function. Wanting the six pack by June, then have plans to do dbol or deca after my June cruise.
    If you're truly at 11% your 6pk is already halfway there...

  19. #19
    AlphaA02 is offline New Member
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    Half way. But I'm feeling like a a complete idiot in here cuz I don't understand some of the slang and or acronyms. So I'm done. Om happy with where I've been headed since 18 and especially in the last 90 days, but just wanted some advise that was vlear, not so critical, as to my first use. But ill let my locals take care of me cuz best way or not they know the stuff and will help. Thanks anyway guys

  20. #20
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    You habe to understand how dangerous what you are doing is. Stanzolol is one of the most hepatoxic compounds in existance and 6 weeks is max IMO. I use 4. 100 days is suicide for nothing. Abs are made in the kitchen, not from a steroid . This is what young guys or newbs fail to understand. Abs are already there, you just have to drop the fat which only come from a calorie deficit. Winstrol does not burn fat, at all. I use it alot, but it is for added stregnth and hardening. But it is worthless is your BF is even slighly high(over 10 or 12%). If you run it for 100 days, I can almost assure you that you will end up with jaundice and in the hospital. The liver is resiliant, but if it is abused long term, it dont heal and permanent damage can and will occur. Your diet is the only thing that I can see that you need to do. If you opt for a half a**ed cyce with no test, it is your body, and you only got one in this life. It is your decision, I just wish that you would educate yourself on the subject without blindly doing it due to self esteem issues. Good luck and I sincerely hope you reconsider this mess.

  21. #21
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    Lol. Good luck with that. Hopefully your sources for gear aren't your sources of advice. Not like they would tell you something inaccurate or unsafe just to get you to spend money and cycle.
    We may be critical but it's because we're UNBIASED. You or anyone else, you're going to get the advice of experts with years o experience cycling both safely and not. To learn from others' mistakes.
    *sigh* I'm sure you know best though. When your cycle goes wrong please return and tell us about it so we can add it to the thread of stupid people that don't listen

    Btw. Winstrol WILL shut down your natural test production. So if you're not using test as a base... You're asking for trouble

  22. #22
    Dukkit's Avatar
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    Let him run the winny.

    No point on trying to give honest, sound, smart advice to some moron who asks for our help but then wont accept it.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    Let him run the winny.

    No point on trying to give honest, sound, smart advice to some moron who asks for our help but then wont accept it.
    Agreed. I'm curious though....Can he drink winny???? LOL

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by slfmade View Post
    Agreed. I'm curious though....Can he drink winny???? LOL
    It's the same exact compound whether its liquid or tab. So you can inject or drink it

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChiveOn View Post
    It's the same exact compound whether its liquid or tab. So you can inject or drink it
    LOL - You haven't been around long enough to realize that was a joke. Back in the day we had a series of daily threads by newbie's wanting to know if they can drink winny? I was making a reference to that. But thanks for playin....

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by slfmade View Post
    LOL - You haven't been around long enough to realize that was a joke. Back in the day we had a series of daily threads by newbie's wanting to know if they can drink winny? I was making a reference to that. But thanks for playin....
    Haha very well then I didn't even see the post count or I woulda been able to tell it was purely sarcastic.

    Do I win a prize for playing?

  27. #27
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    Yep....I have it waiting for you with Sholva, but you have to tell him these exact words while on your knees. I demand to have it now...Give it to me....give me what's coming to me!

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by slfmade View Post
    Yep....I have it waiting for you with Sholva, but you have to tell him these exact words while on your knees. I demand to have it now...Give it to me....give me what's coming to me!
    I think I have your mother that same prize last week!

  29. #29
    slfmade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChiveOn View Post
    I think I have your mother that same prize last week!
    Was wondering why she kept laughing and telling me not to run sust cause she had seen first hand what happens with shrinkage. I had to explain that sometimes it was just genetics and not the sust.

  30. #30
    ChiveOn's Avatar
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    Hahaha. Well played

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