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  1. #1
    hamrick2073 is offline New Member
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    Second Cycle Question, Can I run EQ and Tren at the same time


    I have one successful cycle, it was a 12 week Test E / Deca Cycle, week #7 I was not seeing the results I wanted so I dropped the Deca and switched to Tren Ace and seen some very good results. Ok, here is my question on my second cycle I am wanting to do a 16 Week Test E / EQ cycle and hit it with some Tren at the end (last 6-8 weeks). Can I still take the Eq, or do I need to drop it. I prefer I think to run EQ the entire time and add the Tren into my cycle.

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    List your stats. Always drop the EQ, that's rule #1.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  3. #3
    Tron3219's Avatar
    Tron3219 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by hamrick2073

    I have one successful cycle, it was a 12 week Test E / Deca Cycle, week #7 I was not seeing the results I wanted so I dropped the Deca and switched to Tren Ace and seen some very good results. Ok, here is my question on my second cycle I am wanting to do a 16 Week Test E / EQ cycle and hit it with some Tren at the end (last 6-8 weeks). Can I still take the Eq, or do I need to drop it. I prefer I think to run EQ the entire time and add the Tren into my cycle.
    What results were u wanting that u had to add tren in?

    -Chomp Chomp Chomp-Clink Clink Clink-

  4. #4
    hamrick2073 is offline New Member
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    I am 5'9" 160lbs and my age is 32. When I started my first cycle I was wanting to put on some size and lean up at the same time. I started the Test E / Deca but I dont think my diet was what it should have been probably 2000-2500 calories per day. My fisrt goal was to finish getting rid of my fat, so 7 weeks into the cycle I switched to Tren A because I read that it used the food that you take in and used it more efficiantly. My strength went up and so did my size. Again I am just wanting to know about running EQ/Tren together. I am wanting to know if they use the same reseptors ( or however this stuff works ) or If I will be wasting my $ or harming my health by using the two together.

  5. #5
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You shouldn't be running tren and to be really honest with you aren't going to see results you want because you don't eat correctly to support any new tissue so your going to lose all gains after the cycle ends. You need to learn how to eat correctly first and you also need to stop running before you are walking with regards to steroids . Yes that's the hard truth of the matter and when you realise this and change your eating habits you will start achieving your goals but until then steroids are not for you but the nutrition section would be more valuable for you

  6. #6
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Marcus hit the nail on the head bro.You are to light for your size.Which tells me you have no base.Diet is key in bodybuilding aas is only a tool.A tool that is worthless if you dont eat right.And read the stickys there is a ton of info there.

  7. #7
    hamrick2073 is offline New Member
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  8. #8
    ChiveOn's Avatar
    ChiveOn is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    List your stats. Always drop the EQ, that's rule #1.
    Exactly! EQ is generally regarded as a waste of oil and money. Especially if you're running Tren don't bother with something so trivial

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