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  1. #1
    brazuka's Avatar
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    Question PCT: Nolvadex+Clomid Too Harsh?

    Hi guys lets say I were to run my first cycle of test E at 500mg/ml weekly split in half into two shots for 12 weeks, AI of choice would be arimidex every 3.5 days or as needed. 2 Weeks after my last injection I would start my PCT. I asked my source about what he thought about clomid+nolvadex for PCT, and he said personally for him it was way too much and recommended me to just take nolvadex. Can anybody shed some light on this for me thanks!

  2. #2
    brazuka's Avatar
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    I forgot to mention the dose for the arimidex I would be taking it at .5mg

  3. #3
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is online now AR-Hall of Famer
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    Bro at 20 you shouldnt be cycling yet. Are you aware of the possible long term effects of cycling at your age?

  4. #4
    pressure's Avatar
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    As all medicine has side effects clomid and nolva has some too.
    Both of them can give nausea and cause vomiting.

    Some of the most common side effects are besides those is following:
    Clomid can blur your vision, give headache, trouble sleeping and dizzines.
    Nolvadex can give clot, water retention, hot flushes.

    Clomid can also cause clot, but is rarely compared to nolvadex.
    Besides, nolvadex inhibits cognitive function and can cause cancer.

    I'd prefer clomid even if it requires higher dosages and only inhibits estrogen receptors.
    Last edited by pressure; 03-30-2013 at 04:13 PM. Reason: Missed som words

  5. #5
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pressure View Post
    As all medicine has side effects clomid and nolva has some too.
    Both of them can give nausea and cause vomiting.

    Some of the most common side effects are besides those is following:
    Clomid can blur your vision, give headache, trouble sleeping and dizzines.
    Nolvadex can give clot, water retention, hot flushes.

    Clomid can also cause clot, but is rarely compared to nolvadex.
    Besides, nolvadex inhibits cognitive function and can cause cancer.

    I'd prefer clomid even if it requires higher dosages and only inhibits estrogen receptors.
    And how much experience do you have using clomid and nolvadex?

  6. #6
    pressure's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    And how much experience do you have using clomid and nolvadex?
    I have no experience.

  7. #7
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Any user can look up the sides of any compound and read those. Most of the people on this board are looking for real life experiences

  8. #8
    cj111's Avatar
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    This is none of my business, but I read a lot of posts to try and get the best info possible from people here with experience..
    I have no experience.
    Why are you commenting on things you've never used?

  9. #9
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by pressure View Post
    I have no experience.
    Knock it off!

    You've already been warned about giving advice on subjects you have ZERO experience on. You have NO AAS experience whatsoever! None! So please, for the last time, shut the fvck up about things you have no experience with!

  10. #10
    brazuka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    Bro at 20 you shouldnt be cycling yet. Are you aware of the possible long term effects of cycling at your age?
    Hi there jim thanks for your concern. If this makes any difference I would like to bring up part of the reason behind venturing into the world of aas. Growing up I was always a late bloomer and came from a family where at the time we weren't the most fortunate people financially-wise. By the time I was age 16 my mothers growing concern as to why I am not developing like all of the other kids grew stronger, and she finally took me to the hospital to see what was up. At the age 16 I had the bone age of a 13 year old and was way under developed. I took injections from my doctor once a month for 6 months, to this day I do not know exactly what injected but I would like to find out in the near future. After these injections I ended up growing from 4'11 to 5'6 in a matter of 12 months and by the time I was 18 I was standing at 5'10. I do not know what is wrong with my body but here is the issue I have had all my life-

    From the age of 16 up until recently I have always felt like I was always tired, low energy, very very skinny and having a poor frame-that of a 16 year old (I am now 20 years old). From ages 18-20 it seems as if depression kicked in, especially at 19-20 I had some crazy thoughts not really suicide but felt like flying away to another state and never letting anybody know where I went and just was not happy overall and honestly I've come so close before to just dropping everything but miraculously something always came up like my boss calling me asking if I was going into work that day because it was so busy,when I never get called... Anyways I've gone off track besides this, what I wanted to say was I have had problems in the being able to get it up department all my life from age 16 up until recently. I have had different times a girl completely naked rubbing herself on me bare and I could not get it up.

    From age 18-19 I went to an endo and got my test levels checked. The first test came in at 327 and supposedly I was 'normal' and I knew I wasnt. So I went in again and the second time around 292, and once again the third test came in at 272. After the third time I got a letter from the nurse in my mail stating I may have to get back on the shots I was taking when I was younger. Well my doctor set me up an appointment where I laid my head in this big machine and he checked if I had pituitary tumors or something like that in my brain and luckily it came back negative. He then asked me to get my levels checked again and this time it came back at 457... which is in the normal range he told me but I still wasn't feeling normal!! Depression was off the charts and crazy thoughts... Well before we could progress I ended up moving to another state so I lost my health insurance and said you know what **** this. Did my research and ventured into the world of AAS. Ever since starting my first cycle (I am halfway through) I have had random boners pop up multiple times throughout the day. This has NEVER happened to me before, I would be lucky to get a boner once a day before and it was a super weak one at that.

    Anyways sorry for the long story but-I am blessed to have found a job that will give me health insurance in this new state that I moved into. I have already started my cycle and am halfway through it, so after I finish my PCT and give it some time (I don't know how long I have to wait after PCT to go to a doctors office to get my levels checked without any red flags of aas use), I will continue to go see an endocrinologist and hopefully find out what the deal is... by the way I have not had a feeling of depression ever since I started my cycle. Sometimes I get a little sad over random shit like we all do but I never dwell on it and start thinking crazy shit and feel unmotivated to do anything in life anymore. I feel well at this moment I really do... Even though starting at age 20 was not the smartest thing to do and may not be justified by my long story as to why I decided to venture into it - I could not take it anymore being 20 years old and never having morning wood ever in my life, maybe pop wood once a day if I was lucky, and erections were always super weak and missed chances with multiple women because I couldn't get it up, and just feeling like shit like I want to run away and depressed all the time and shit.

    Yes I absolutely knew the risks before starting as I did my research... but you know what dude if I have some serious problems in the next 20 years or my time ends early in this world because of aas at least during the times I was ON I felt like I was NORMAL and GOOD and like I was ALIVE... not just being a person rotting away not doing anything... this is how I have felt before I started my cycle. Of course I will take all precautions and try to protect myself as much as possible from long term effects, but just wanted to let you know that yes I am aware and my reasoning for starting early. Thanks for taking the time to read this if you had the chance.
    Last edited by brazuka; 03-30-2013 at 04:49 PM.

  11. #11
    songdog's Avatar
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    Yes you can do just the one.But each compound does different things that help you get going again.But like stated it isnt a wise choice for you to be cycling at your age.

  12. #12
    auswest is offline Banned
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    My most successful pct to date has been clomid 100/100/50/50 nolva 40/20/20/20/20/20

  13. #13
    cj111's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear about your story. Hopefully you can get everything under control. Once you come off this cycle, chances are you will just be back to square one again. So you should really get checked out a few months after PCT and hopefully you can find some answers you are looking for..
    I feel for ya, I couldn't imagine living the late teens of my life not being able to have erections, best of luck!!

  14. #14
    brazuka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    Yes you can do just the one.But each compound does different things that help you get going again.But like stated it isnt a wise choice for you to be cycling at your age.
    Thanks for the reply, I would like to recover as fast and safely as possible so I am contemplating which type of PCT I should go with. My source told me when he used pct with nolva and clomid together he had like heart murmurs where his heart would skip a beat or something like that, sounds crazy so I am concerned about using both of them together.
    Quote Originally Posted by auswest View Post
    My most successful pct to date has been clomid 100/100/50/50 nolva 40/20/20/20/20/20
    Yeah I was thinking something like clomid 200/100/50/50 and nolva 40/20/20/20 if I do decide to take both for my pct. Reason being for clomid at 200 for the first week to try and 'kickstart' my recovery/hpta if that makes any sense.

  15. #15
    brazuka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cj111 View Post
    Sorry to hear about your story. Hopefully you can get everything under control. Once you come off this cycle, chances are you will just be back to square one again. So you should really get checked out a few months after PCT and hopefully you can find some answers you are looking for..
    I feel for ya, I couldn't imagine living the late teens of my life not being able to have erections, best of luck!!
    Thanks bro appreciate it. Yeah I am afraid of what is to come when I come off and the weeks following after PCT, but I am blessed to have health insurance again so before I even contemplate a second cycle in the future, I will check up with the endo and see if we can find out what has been going on. Just to let everybody know I didn't post up the background info looking for pity btw... just wanted to let you know my reason for starting early as I have done my research and know I really shouldn't start until I'm at least 23+...

  16. #16
    >Good Luck<'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brazuka
    Thanks for the reply, I would like to recover as fast and safely as possible so I am contemplating which type of PCT I should go with. My source told me when he used pct with nolva and clomid together he had like heart murmurs where his heart would skip a beat or something like that, sounds crazy so I am concerned about using both of them together.

    Yeah I was thinking something like clomid 200/100/50/50 and nolva 40/20/20/20 if I do decide to take both for my pct. Reason being for clomid at 200 for the first week to try and 'kickstart' my recovery/hpta if that makes any sense.
    Don't go 200 mg clomid go 100mg max.

    Don't forget to run Hcg , as this sounds like you missed out on it. If so, Hcg blast before pct would be wise IMO. Anyone agree or disagree? (despite age, he's already on the cycle- hope we can guide him to completion)

  17. #17
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    ^^ Agreed.

    Anything over 100mg blurs my vision. No thanks.

  18. #18
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    I hope you get this sorted out. You should be running hcg during the cycle at 250 iu 2 x EW with an AI Adex or aromasin . Pct nolvadex 40/40/20/20 Clomid 100/50/50/50

  19. #19
    brazuka's Avatar
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    Thanks everybody, as suggested I will be running my PCT Nolva 40/40/20/20 Clomid 100/50/50/50. I may possibly be able to get my hands on some HCG and although I didn't run it throughout my cycle, blasting it before PCT sounds like a good idea to get my recovery to kick in faster. If I can manage to get some how many IU's should be taken, dosage schedule and other info please?

  20. #20
    Drops is offline Junior Member
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    In my country Clomid is mostly considered "oldschool" and is hard to get, most people here do a HCG blast and Nolvadex PCT

  21. #21
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    Hey man, I know you don't want to hear it but the best possible advice for you would be to wait until your body is completely developed before using aas. By that time you could be an expert in both nutrition and training and take full advantage of your cycle (and keep more gains) while lowering your chances of permanent damage. I was a late bloomer as well so I know what it's like to be smaller than everyone and get picked on/taken advantage of and have close to zero self confidence amongst your peers.

    Don't rush into this, it takes some serious thinking about.
    Last edited by sixfootseven; 04-02-2013 at 01:52 AM.

  22. #22
    Illiterate86 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by auswest View Post
    My most successful pct to date has been clomid 100/100/50/50 nolva 40/20/20/20/20/20
    Did you do this as an ED or EOD?

  23. #23
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Illiterate86 View Post
    Did you do this as an ED or EOD?
    PCT SERM's are administered every day.

    SERM, AI Definition

  24. #24
    Illiterate86 is offline New Member
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    Thank you for the quick response, Im new to this. I want to do my research before asking for any help.

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