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  1. #1
    Joescrobro is offline New Member
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    Looking for advice on a cutting cycle

    First off I just wanna say I'm brand new here and this is my first post so i appreciate everyones feedback in advance.

    I'm 27 years old, 5'11", 203lbs, 10% body fat. Very lean, very vascular, looking to compete in mens physique in the next couple months. Currently I'm finishing up a test tenth/tren enth "bulking" cycle. Test was 750 mgs/week, tren 500 mgs/week. Now I'm transitioning into a cutting phase.

    On hand I have 200iu somatropin gh (just started at 4iu/day), t3 liquid, test enth 250mg, eq, winny suspension 100mg, and 10,000iu hcg which I intend to jump on right away. Can anyone give their thoughts on what I currently have. Maybe suggestions as to the best way to take it. Should I add anything or swap out anything?

    The plan is 4iu gh ed, 3 drops t3 ed, 1cc winny eod, test enth 500mg/week... not too sure how to incorporate the eq or hcg. Any advice is greatly appreciated!

  2. #2
    ChiveOn's Avatar
    ChiveOn is offline Senior Member
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    The winny suspension would only be 2 injections/ drinks worth. Usually 50mg EoD or ED is used. Unless you're meaning that you have it doses at 100mg. And you have plenty of it, can't tell
    As far as Gh 4iu is a standard dose to start with. But most people run it for way longer than 50 days. I seem to recall it being 3-6 months. Years at a time if possible.
    The HCG is usually used startin at the second week with a longer ester. Doses at 250iu 2x / week

  3. #3
    ChiveOn's Avatar
    ChiveOn is offline Senior Member
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    Not sure what 3 drops of t3 is? But usually 50-100mcg/ day is good to go

    Also standard protocol for EQ is to inject the entire supply into the garbage on day one lol

  4. #4
    Joescrobro is offline New Member
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    tried to reply but it said i used a spam word?? this is very confusing

  5. #5
    Joescrobro is offline New Member
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    what should i replace eq with

  6. #6
    Joescrobro is offline New Member
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    i will be running gh much longer than 50 days. winny is 100 mg/ml, 10cc but more is on the way

  7. #7
    ChiveOn's Avatar
    ChiveOn is offline Senior Member
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    For cutting cycles mast, var, and tren are very popular. However, there's no need to throw so many things into one cycle. If you're going with the test and winny for sure that should do you very well at such a low bf%. Especially with GH. That has great fat burning qualities along with lean gains.
    I personally would leave it as is without the EQ
    If you really wanted to replace it with something tren is king. But I'm not sure what your experience with all of these compounds are. Not too smart to run many new things together. Others will chime in with their advice

    Also are you running an AI? And what does your pct look like?

  8. #8
    Joescrobro is offline New Member
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    I read the thread on AI and still couldn't understand it so I'm not wasting any more time on that. PCT im relying on the hcg to kickstart my bodys natural test production. Can't really get my hands on nolva/clomid so yea hcg is all I've got.

    Based on your advice i will leave out the eq. I've been on tren for longer than 8 weeks at this point so i was looking to switch it up. I've used mast in the past but never var. I hear its amazing but I'll look into it. Thank you again ChiveOn

  9. #9
    BBJT200's Avatar
    BBJT200 is offline Senior Member
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    Pick something highly androgenic for a cut cycle.
    Tren , or mast are winners in my book.

  10. #10
    ChiveOn's Avatar
    ChiveOn is offline Senior Member
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    Look at the site sponsor AR-R for nolva and clomid. They sell both. You should never ever cycle without them. Not should you cycle without an AI to prohibit possible estrogen related sides.
    I am confused now... You've been on cycle, haven't done a pct, and are looking at a new cycle?

  11. #11
    Joescrobro is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BBJT200 View Post
    Pick something highly androgenic for a cut cycle.
    Tren, or mast are winners in my book.
    Thanks for your input!

  12. #12
    Joescrobro is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChiveOn View Post
    Look at the site sponsor AR-R for nolva and clomid. They sell both. You should never ever cycle without them. Not should you cycle without an AI to prohibit possible estrogen related sides.
    I am confused now... You've been on cycle, haven't done a pct, and are looking at a new cycle?
    yea call it dumb or whatever but i'm just gonna keep it going. I haven't finished my current cycle yet, literally another 4-5 days worth left and already picked up the necessities for the cut cycle. I'm roughly 12 weeks out from a show and can't come off now. its possible I'm relying on the hcg too much as my savior.

  13. #13
    ChiveOn's Avatar
    ChiveOn is offline Senior Member
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    That's really not a smart idea... To run for so long without coming off. You NEED to run the HCG t 500iu a week from now on. And have a HEAVY pct ready to go as soon as ou come off. Because you're shutting down your natural test so hard for so long... Without an AI too? You're pretty much praying for TRT in the future. I would never suggest doing what you're doing to anyone...

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