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  1. #1
    tigerspawn's Avatar
    tigerspawn is offline Senior Member
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    Need help new to AAS

    I have been training for 8 yrs. I have never used any gear or HGH. I have currently hit a plateau and no matter what I do can’t get past it. In the past when I hit a plateau I was always able to overcome it. Any suggestions on what a AAS noob should take. I have to admit AAS make me nervous. That’s why Im here I want to learn as much as possible. I want to do this as safe as possible so I don’t mess myself up.

    Everyone on this site states that test should be used for first dose. I told that to my friends that train and they laughed. My friends that compete some in body building and some in powerlifting say that test wont be enough. They stated that your advice is for noobie lifters. Sometimes some of things they tell me to do for training makes absolutely no sense. Thats why I have my guard up when they give me advice on AAS. So far everything that I have read on this site makes a HELL of alot of sense. Please help me.
    Age 30
    13% BF

  2. #2
    Provita's Avatar
    Provita is offline Associate Member
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    I'm glad you want to educate yourself first. That shows some maturity from your part.

    Here is is good place to start. Read this link, and the stickies on the Anobolic Q&A forum ( the threads on top of the page, with Important written before it)

    Most common beginner cycles.

    When you have read throug that info, and please read all the links at the and aswell, post a suggested cycle and questions, and we'll assist you on that.

  3. #3
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Woah! Nice stats brother!!

    What your friends are saying is something we refer to as "Bro Science". Simple nonsense.

    You have a great base, obviously you train well and know how to eat. Look up beginner cycles, run your first test cycle properly and then go to your friends and show them what you're made of

    Best of luck man.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  4. #4
    ppwc1985's Avatar
    ppwc1985 is offline Productive Member
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    Wow your huge already. Farm boys, lol good luck and keep up the good work.

  5. #5
    Antonious's Avatar
    Antonious is offline Associate Member
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    People come to AAS after reaching genetic potential (at least that's how it's meant to be) meaning they're not noob lifters. If you never ran test it'll help you big time.

  6. #6
    tigerspawn's Avatar
    tigerspawn is offline Senior Member
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    Thanks for the information and I will read those threads. Austinite I have already tried to educate them when it comes to AAS and HGH. The stuff they recommend to young lifters is BS. They always tell me, “read all you want. Books can’t make up for experience.” I grew up in farm community and I have heard that philosophy all my life and 90% of the time their way was better. Then I came on this site and everyone’s so knowledgeable and experienced and what they say agrees with what I have read. I have presented information that is reinforced by this site to my friends and they still shake their heads at me.

    They are my friends. They have been doing this for year. They compete and win. However, I don’t think they know what the hell they are talking about. Example: Guy that competed in shows for years and actually has pro card. He sells gear at multiple gyms in my area. He was telling groups of young guys, under 21, that only way to get big is to use. They of course look at him like he is a GOD and that his word is the 10 commandments. I told the kids that you can get big without AAS. I said it takes lots of hard work and dedication. I gave them some examples of natural pros. Then he told another noob, that is 22 has only been working out for 7 months and never used AAS, that he needed to get on Tren and Sustanon . He told the kid for Tren one week you will inject 75mgs 3 times and the next week 75mgs 4 times and so on and so on until you have completed the cycle. He recommended 500 mg of Sustanon per week. I told the noob that if he wanted to use AAS to come on this site and post his questions here. I confronted my buddy about all the people he was giving BS AAS advice to and told him how I felt. He ran off list of Pros that started young and have had great success. He belittled me because he has been training for so much longer than me and “knows his s**t” I wouldn’t let it go, I don’t want his advice leading to people getting f***ed up. He told me to mind my own FN business.

  7. #7
    Quester's Avatar
    Quester is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    When someone stands up for what's right or for what they believe, people notice. I went into an Indian restaurant for the first time and I was wearing a sickle/hammer (USSR-Commi) punk shirt. The people that own the place were Sikh. The waiter told me they would serve me but said it would be appreciated that I not wear the shirt into their restaurant again. I ordered the food to go. I make it a point to eat there because I respect their values and the way they stood up for them. It also helped that they weren't dicks about it.
    Good on you, Brother!

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